Biblical Flat Enclosed Earth and Firmament

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patrick jane

Guess Sherman could tell us how high them naval planes was flyin'.


Well-known member
Actually, Sherman never said she saw the curvature, I asked straight up, so yeah I trust here testimony. She replied with a fairly long post about flying too many times, she never said YES. Nobody has ever seem the curvature from any mountain. Wick is lying or he was hallucinating. Ask him if he was serious about "seeing" the curvature. It seems we can't trust some of our very own members daqq. :idunno: :) :e4e: Maybe @ Sherman said so today because she saw the fake pictures from @Derf ?

Ouch, lying or hallucinating? Maybe he was just kidding because of the smiley? :idunno:

patrick jane

Ouch, lying or hallucinating? Maybe he was just kidding because of the smiley? :idunno:
Yeah, that to. That was my first impression. I've seen his posts before. Ouch, my --- And if you thought he might be kidding, why did you mention his "testimony" - just being a little deceptive yourself? :idunno:


Well-known member
Yeah, that to. That was my first impression. I've seen his posts before. Ouch, my --- And if you thought he might be kidding, why did you mention his "testimony" - just being a little deceptive yourself? :idunno:

I do not know if he was kidding or not, but I did not initially think he was kidding, and that is why I asked if he might happen to have some pics from that experience, (he did post a "sticking out tongue" smiley but that does not necessarily mean he was kidding about the statement which he made). My response to you was more along the lines of perhaps it would be better to give someone the benefit of the doubt before accusing them of either lying or hallucinating. And now, moreover, because I tried to say that as politely as I knew how to do: you accuse me also of being deceptive too? I was not being deceptive in any way: neither was I trying, neither a little nor a lot.


Well-known member
As for myself I am coming to the conclusion that this whole debate is just about no better than right and left politics and in just about the same way only leads to anger and division.

patrick jane

I do not know if he was kidding or not, but I did not initially think he was kidding, and that is why I asked if he might happen to have some pics from that experience, (he did post a "sticking out tongue" smiley but that does not necessarily mean he was kidding about the statement which he made). My response to you was more along the lines of perhaps it would be better to give someone the benefit of the doubt before accusing them of either lying or hallucinating. And now, moreover, because I tried to say that as politely as I knew how to do: you accuse me also of being deceptive too? I was not being deceptive in any way: neither was I trying, neither a little nor a lot.

patrick jane

So you think I am "natcherly" deceptive and do not realize it?
And all of that because I asked a few questions?
Am I forcing things for us being in an enclosed flat earth and firmament with the earth at the center of God's greatest creation and the sun moving around the earth with Psalm 19, Job 26 and other scriptures?


Well-known member
Yeah, that to. That was my first impression. I've seen his posts before. Ouch, my --- And if you thought he might be kidding, why did you mention his "testimony" - just being a little deceptive yourself? :idunno:

I did not just mention "his testimony", but both his and Sherman's, because that is what it is. This is not the same as debating someones opinion about a scripture interpretation. It is always a bad idea to try to refute someones personal testimony from their own life experience because the only way you can do so if you were not there is by way of attacking the person, better known as character assassination, which is pretty much what you and 1Mind1Spirit have done.

Well, I just meant from his own experience because he said he was there, (at Mt Hermon). Kind of like Sherman has personal experience in Naval aircraft and thus, to me, such testimony from those whom we are somewhat familiar with, from right here in this forum, holds more weight with me because of the simple fact that we are dealing with online image files which anyone can doctor. Sherman says she has seen the curvature of the earth while flying Naval aircraft; Wick Stick says he has seen the curvature of the earth from Mt Hermon: those things seem more credible to me so I just thought an image file from the top of Mt Hermon would be cool. But then again, maybe not, because WS might open himself up to being accused of doctoring his own picture or not being smart enough to realize it was the camera lens, lol. :idunno: :)

This is personal testimony, Patrick, not scripture interpretation:

Yep! And I could see this curvature the many times I flew in Naval aircraft! That is why I am not a believer in flat earth models.

@Derf, The curvature is more apparent when you are in the plane and it is moving than in a still picture. You are seeing land features pop up over the horizon. You are moving over a massive ball. The landscape curves away from you at high altitude.

This also, (in bold red), is personal testimony, Patrick, not scripture interpretation:

Sides just means extremities. For Isaiah, what is in view is probably Mt. Hermon, which lies at the northern extremity of Israel.

I've been to the top of Mt. Hermon in a humvee. You can see all the way to Damascus to the northeast, and most of Lebanon to the northwest, all the way to the Mediterranean. Oh, and you can see the curvature of the earth, too. :p

Just because he posted a smiley sticking his tongue out does not mean he was kidding about the statements he made. I took it more like as if to say, "I have my own evidence from personal experience, :p"... So I suppose if and when WS comes back he can fill us all in about whether his statement is true, or whether he was just kidding, but it does not sound made up to me.


Literal lunatic
BRRRR.... Me an Deb done turned the thermostat down to 72.

I like it at 76 at least.

Even in the summer time.

Caint seem to afford 76 right now.

Shore wish I had a make shift sun floatin' around in here.
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