Being politically correct harms Transgenders?


New member
Anyhow, the entire transgender things and same sex marriage is bound to backfire at some point. The left has pushed too hard and their only reward was an iffy decision by a split supreme court that could reverse itself at any time.

At some point the majority is going to realize that the only way to settle these long standing issues is through a constitutional amendment and not the courts.... all they need to do is keep pushing to the point where it reaches the point of absurdity and the back lash will start and the people will push for an amendment to stop it.


like marbles on glass
Anyhow, the entire transgender things and same sex marriage is bound to backfire at some point. The left has pushed too hard and their only reward was an iffy decision by a split supreme court that could reverse itself at any time.

What it comes down to is people in this country wanting the equality that is their right as citizens.

I was watching a documentary last night and a woman being interviewed (back in the 70s, I think) was complaining that homosexuals might "get rights" and begin teaching in the schools. That kind of bigotry isn't Constitutional.

At some point the majority is going to realize that the only way to settle these long standing issues is through a constitutional amendment and not the courts.... all they need to do is keep pushing to the point where it reaches the point of absurdity and the back lash will start and the people will push for an amendment to stop it.

Actually, I think you're being overly optimistic. There will not be a backlash to stop it. I don't think you'll find a majority to agree with you.


New member
What it comes down to is people in this country wanting the equality that is their right as citizens.

I was watching a documentary last night and a woman being interviewed (back in the 70s, I think) was complaining that homosexuals might "get rights" and begin teaching in the schools. That kind of bigotry isn't Constitutional.

Actually, I think you're being overly optimistic. There will not be a backlash to stop it. I don't think you'll find a majority to agree with you.

All there needs to be is a majority of the states, not a majority of the people and you seem to be discounting the power of the southern states.\

I also do not see this an equal rights issue... is see it as a fabricated issue. The constitution is very clear about what it is supposed to do and what it is restrained from doing. I believe the supreme court overstepped its boundaries when it dictated a new right that did not exist constitutionally. States regulate marriage and should have been left to regulate it.

And if you think that backlashes do not happen... I have two words for you.. Nixon and now Trump. You seem to have forgotten history.


like marbles on glass
All there needs to be is a majority of the states, not a majority of the people and you seem to be discounting the power of the southern states.\

I also do not see this an equal rights issue... is see it as a fabricated issue. The constitution is very clear about what it is supposed to do and what it is restrained from doing. I believe the supreme court overstepped its boundaries when it dictated a new right that did not exist constitutionally. States regulate marriage and should have been left to regulate it.

I see it as an equal rights issue.

I'll come back to this later, I have to go now. Might even be worth a separate thread.


The Supreme Court is getting into this new fashion of 'reinterpreting' the Constitution, which like the Catholic Church, can pretty much make daisies out of wooden spoons.

With the Constitution, liberals like to call one thing 'elastic and open', and other things 'incontrovertible'- whatever their bias is; a complete jump off from any solidarity of law.
It's happened right under everyone's noses, and it's time to acknowledge it.


New member
I see it as an equal rights issue.

I'll come back to this later, I have to go now. Might even be worth a separate thread.

The constitution only mandates equal protection under the government... our rights are enumerated in the constitution and marriage is not a right... just like abortion is not an enumerated right... never has been. Marriage is an invented regulatory mechanism.

If we want to make up new rights, we need to amend the Constitution.


Well-known member
Men with razor stubble and lipstick dressed like a woman is about as disgusting as it comes

That is transvestites, not transgender! :smile:
There is a transvestite living not far away
..... His life partner is a butch lady who dresses like a male. Each of us is unique, I reckon.
I don't know a Christian who keeps to OT laws, so I chuckle when they do a soap box over some particular pet-hate. :smile:


Well-known member
I see it as an equal rights issue.

I'll come back to this later, I have to go now. Might even be worth a separate thread.

Dead right.
Back in 2010 our Equality Act was brought into force, making it an offence to discriminate against race, disability, Creed, religion, colour, nationality, age, sex, marital status, sexuality, et al...... This was essentially the legal bulldozer that has bust down so many dreadful ignorant bigoted dinosaur prejudices.

But States are coming round to the common sense of love and understanding between a wider variety of cultures and people.
It is just a matter of time.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Verbally? Yes.

I'm "verbally forcing" people. :chuckle:

Physically? You would if you could.
I think you've successfully confused yourself.

I would if I could what?

You accuse me of "forcing my religion" when I say "It's not OK to be gay," how does that turn into me "physically forcing someone if I could"?

I told you you're a fruit loop.

Neither is repeating your rhetorical question.

You're conceding then? :chuckle:

This really bothers you, doesn't it?
What really bothers me?

I wouldn't think my opinion about your brand of Christianity and theocratic savagery would matter all that much to you.
There is only one brand of Christianity. That you think there are more shows that you do not understand it.

And why are you even talking religion. All I said was: "It's not OK to be gay."


Well-known member
I wasn't interested in your degrees other than whether they were in psychology.

It's simply this: you can't speak as an expert if you aren't an expert. You can point to experts (as you did) and then you can offer opinion and discussion (as you did). In turn, I can do the same. I told you that: we all have opinions or we wouldn't be posting here, so that's not the point I'm trying to make.You have a habit of positioning yourself as an authority in just about anything because you have a degree in something. Perhaps you could consider your motivation for doing that sometime. Just a thought.
My first degree is Bible. Does even a degree make an expert? No. You can ask the fellas in the science section whether I present myself as an authority ( :nono: ). So, what I am an authority on, I'll likely give from my area of expertise as it were. A psych degree is but a few classes away if I so chose. Then, in that field, there is the medical classes for the psychiatry degree and between psychologists and psychiatrists is the ability to prescribe. For your and my purpose, I'm well read for this thread. Not good enough? Then our conversation is over. You surely are lording it over me here and it was evident. Okay then, we are done. You win. This will be my last post.

And as I've said, your source has a bias, when "as far as you could see," he didn't. But he's definitely coming to the table with a bias, driven by orthodox religious belief and conservative cultural values, and he makes sweeping judgments through those lenses. He's educated, yes. He's likely quite brilliant. (I noted he was partly responsible for the MMSE, so that was kind of cool). That doesn't make him correct in everything he says. I wonder if you'd admit to that much.
Though I brought this up in politics, I am convinced that only a biblical reality is true.

It depends on the peripheral. For the record, you first mentioned gay parents and children in post #28. I don't mind going into sidebars, but I do discriminate as to when and why I do.
Yes, but you and others lambasted Stripe here for saying the same thing. My example was about untested pop-psychology, media-driven drone sentimentality, and the peer-pressure politically correct fairly mindless mentality. Why? Because this is what the doctor himself called out as being wrong. He called it a Transgender Meme. He'd likely call all other pop psychology a meme of one sort or another a meme as well. Because I'm 'unqualified' for discussion, I'll simply bow out and let psychology degrees finish this thread at this point.

Again, that's convenient. Life is messy. The people you so blithely dismiss with the word "whim" and therapists with "indulge" and "pop psychology" have to deal with messy all the time. You don't have to get your hands dirty, but while you're standing clear (above) it all, maybe try not to be so condescending while you're at it.
Anna, there is a chip on your shoulder and a desire to put me in my proverbial place. I'll simply leave this thread now and let the "big boys" own it.


Well-known member
There is only one brand of Christianity. That you think there are more shows that you do not understand it.

And why are you even talking religion. All I said was: "It's not OK to be gay."

You just do not understand how many different Creeds, Churches and Denominations there are out there in the World. You should look into them all.

And it is Not OK to make neg comments about other folks' sexualities. That is the tip of the bigot-iceberg showing itself, one of the reaspns for those suicides, Imo.