Ask an Aussie

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
I thought I'd start a lighthearted thread about my amazing country, Australia.

Do you have a question you've always wanted an answer to about Australia? Here's your chance.....


Memento Mori

New member
Do toilets flush backwards?

Did a dingo eat your baby?

Is one of your major political figures really a Young Earth Creationist?

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Whereabouts does the digeridoo originate from?

Ah..great question :)

The digeridoo is an Aboriginal music instrument. It's considered very sacred to their beliefs and ONLY men are allowed to play it.

The Aboriginal people believe in what they call The Dream Time, very connected to the Earth, the animals etc.

The tree is considered a spiritual symbol for the link between physical and spirit. The digeridoo is always made from the dead branch of a tree, thus being a physical tool to connect with spirit.

The digeridoo is used for celebrations as well as sacred ceremonies. The rhythm of the digeridoo, when played correctly, is quite hypnotic and resonates a deep vibration that can be felt through your whole body...simply amazing.

To play the digeridoo, the men must breathe out continuously, while inhaling at the same time...a technique that takes a long time to master.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Do toilets flush backwards?

I guess they do.

Did a dingo eat your baby?

Yes, actually. It was found that a dingo did infact kill Azaria Chamberlain. Her death certificate has recently been amended to show as such.

Is one of your major political figures really a Young Earth Creationist?

Not sure about that one...but our Prime Minister is an Athiest and our Opposition Leader is a Christian.


Neat thread. I have only met a hand full of Aussies in person. They all seemed both fun and high spirited yet relaxed at the same time. They were all men. Do you notice a difference in attitude between your fellow Aussies and people from the US and other countries?

The Berean

Well-known member
1) Do you drink Foster's beer?

2) If I traveled to Australia how likely would it be that I would meet a "Donk"? :banana:

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Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Thank you.

:p AB.

Also, excellent!

hmm... What else do I not know about Australia?

Do you have an invasive species of frog or something like that?

Yeah, the Cane Toad. They live mostly in the top end of Australia...Queensland etc. They were intorduced to Australia in 1935 to control the bugs in Sugar Cane crops...but now, they are considered a pest.

Is there really a town of just men?

LOL...not sure about that, either.

Does Australia have a bad relationship with New Zealand?

Nah...New Zealand is considered our sister country....just a whole lot of paying each other's cultural and considered funny.

I actually think, way back when Australia was just being settled, New Zealand was actually considered a part of Australia....

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Neat thread. I have only met a hand full of Aussies in person. They all seemed both fun and high spirited yet relaxed at the same time. They were all men. Do you notice a difference in attitude between your fellow Aussies and people from the US and other countries?

Yeah...Aussies are more inclined to joke about stuff and not take things too seriously.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Ah..great question :)

The digeridoo is an Aboriginal music instrument. It's considered very sacred to their beliefs and ONLY men are allowed to play it.

The Aboriginal people believe in what they call The Dream Time, very connected to the Earth, the animals etc.

The tree is considered a spiritual symbol for the link between physical and spirit. The digeridoo is always made from the dead branch of a tree, thus being a physical tool to connect with spirit.

The digeridoo is used for celebrations as well as sacred ceremonies. The rhythm of the digeridoo, when played correctly, is quite hypnotic and resonates a deep vibration that can be felt through your whole body...simply amazing.

To play the digeridoo, the men must breathe out continuously, while inhaling at the same time...a technique that takes a long time to master.

Thanking you....:thumb:

It's a great instrument indeed, a brilliantly resonant sound.
