Are black on white attacks justified?

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New member
Really? :) Okay, that was worth the wait.

Well, crikey. As you wish.

Where to start?

The title, I guess.

Town Quixote's

You've called it Town Quixote's. Quixote! Come On! As in, The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha?

In what sense is the ego massage that is that thread related to that classic text?

Part One (the farce)? Eyebrow Raised.
Part Two (the philosophical inspection of deceptive behaviour)? Eyebrows both launch into orbit.

Lofty, Idealised, and Impractical. Well, I guess.

This is a thread within which you go over your own 'highlights' (as chosen by you (who else could?)), utterly bereft of any context aside from the specific post you're attempting to step on, through, and over in your bid to grasp at accolade. To which you then add yet another layer of your usual quips.

That's it. It's not a look at what's happening in the round. It's not a trend analysis. It's just you, pointing at you, stepping on them. Beaming.

I mean, well done, I suppose. Never mind that it reads like an unenthusiastic teacher, halfway down a bottle of gin, just laying in to any sentence he sees fit because, well, the mark he intended to make on the world didn't even amount to a dent, and now he's fat, fifty, and the very definition of the phrase 'washed up'. Come to think of it, I really hope you're not a teacher.

It just is what it is. It's there. People can read it. You are literally saying, repeatedly, 'Look what I did'. Most people would look at the tools available on a webite like this and think that should anyone want to see their posts, they could do so within a few clicks. And they would be correct.

But you, well, you're special, aren't you? That post you made there, the one where you sliced up a paragraph and inserted a non sequitur, well that wasn't just funny or clever. It wasn't just noteworthy. It was thread worthy. And not just any thread. Your thread. Where people come to read what you write.


Nope. No ego here. Move along, people, you're just doing a public service.

Then, you get all upset and feign innocence when someone points out that what you're doing is a little off the mark. Well, since we're apparently butchering the cannon, methinks he doth protest too much.

On the upside, you sort of did prompt me to look at the little icons, and hey, look at this lil' fella go:


ps. I'm still not sure what I'm supposed to be braced for. If it's just you, slicing things up and quipping for your own gallery, I don't need to brace for that, yawning is a natural reflex.


like marbles on glass
Well, crikey. As you wish.

Where to start?

The title, I guess.

Town Quixote's

You've called it Town Quixote's. Quixote! Come On! As in, The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha?

In what sense is the ego massage that is that thread related to that classic text?

Part One (the farce)? Eyebrow Raised.
Part Two (the philosophical inspection of deceptive behaviour)? Eyebrows both launch into orbit.

Lofty, Idealised, and Impractical. Well, I guess.

This is a thread within which you go over your own 'highlights' (as chosen by you (who else could?)), utterly bereft of any context aside from the specific post you're attempting to step on, through, and over in your bid to grasp at accolade. To which you then add yet another layer of your usual quips.

That's it. It's not a look at what's happening in the round. It's not a trend analysis. It's just you, pointing at you, stepping on them. Beaming.

I mean, well done, I suppose. Never mind that it reads like an unenthusiastic teacher, halfway down a bottle of gin, just laying in to any sentence he sees fit because, well, the mark he intended to make on the world didn't even amount to a dent, and now he's fat, fifty, and the very definition of the phrase 'washed up'. Come to think of it, I really hope you're not a teacher.

It just is what it is. It's there. People can read it. You are literally saying, repeatedly, 'Look what I did'. Most people would look at the tools available on a webite like this and think that should anyone want to see their posts, they could do so within a few clicks. And they would be correct.

But you, well, you're special, aren't you? That post you made there, the one where you sliced up a paragraph and inserted a non sequitur, well that wasn't just funny or clever. It wasn't just noteworthy. It was thread worthy. And not just any thread. Your thread. Where people come to read what you write.


Nope. No ego here. Move along, people, you're just doing a public service.

Then, you get all upset and feign innocence when someone points out that what you're doing is a little off the mark. Well, since we're apparently butchering the cannon, methinks he doth protest too much.

On the upside, you sort of did prompt me to look at the little icons, and hey, look at this lil' fella go:


ps. I'm still not sure what I'm supposed to be braced for. If it's just you, slicing things up and quipping for your own gallery, I don't need to brace for that, yawning is a natural reflex.



ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You were a teacher.

i was - i loved it and miss it

but i didn't see an appealing career arc and didn't think it a viable option to be in the high school classroom into my seventies

so i'm revisiting an old pursuit (that may, in several years, lead back to teaching :) )

annabananahead said:
Now that's a nightmare of a thought...

the kids loved me 'cause they knew i dint take anything seriously :p

and i let them teach me (which is, of course, the secret of teaching effectively)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You were a teacher. Now that's a nightmare of a thought...
I've never known children to love a teacher who wasn't fundamentally in love with them, with the idea of being in their corner, who wasn't focused and determined to see them meet their potential, and who wasn't actively challenging them in the most rewarding sense to do that very thing. The best teacher I ever knew was my mother. She saw her role as a facilitator/collaborator, and as a constructive, relentless advocate for her student. She has former students who still keep active tabs on her decades later.

Speaking of students, a young man (call him Bob) whose sister-in-law holds a Ph.D. in working with the gifted, was relating her experience at my son's school over a family dinner recently. Bob told me about it at a birthday gathering for one of Jack's friends this past weekend. Anyway, the Ph.D. didn't know Bob's connection to my family, was simply relating some points of interest about her work. And during the course of speaking enthusiastically about a number of students she said, "And there's one child. He's special among the gifted." Bob said she was astonished by his vocabulary and reasoning at five. Then she said his name.


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Do one of you morons want to tell this poor kid it was justified?

Four thugs who viciously beat cop-supporting teen arrested; one is son of local councilwoman

The young Alabama teen who was savagely beaten by four young black men for the crime of supporting law enforcement may get some retribution — authorities have arrested those they believe are responsible for the incident.

After Brian Ogle, 17, posted a pro-police statement on social media in response to recent police-related shootings, he was beaten in a parking lot September 30 and left fighting for his life with his skull fractured in three places.



TOL Subscriber

Do one of you morons want to tell this poor kid it was justified?

Four thugs who viciously beat cop-supporting teen arrested; one is son of local councilwoman

The young Alabama teen who was savagely beaten by four young black men for the crime of supporting law enforcement may get some retribution — authorities have arrested those they believe are responsible for the incident.

After Brian Ogle, 17, posted a pro-police statement on social media in response to recent police-related shootings, he was beaten in a parking lot September 30 and left fighting for his life with his skull fractured in three places.


Didn't you know? Anything young black men do is okay, and they should never be questioned, detained, arrested, or charged with any crimes.

I've spent years volunteering in the local jails and the state and federal prisons. I know better. I've spent a huge part of my life ministering to the families of incarcerated men of all races and ages. I know what the statistics and attitudes are. They don't lie.

OBLM = Only Black Lives Matter

They want special rights, cowering acquiescence, and a huge reparations payday. The rest is smoke and mirrors.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Didn't you know? Anything young black men do is okay, and they should never be questioned, detained, arrested, or charged with any crimes.

I've spent years volunteering in the local jails and the state and federal prisons. I know better. I've spent a huge part of my life ministering to the families of incarcerated men of all races and ages. I know what the statistics and attitudes are. They don't lie.

OBLM = Only Black Lives Matter

They want special rights, cowering acquiescence, and a huge reparations payday. The rest is smoke and mirrors.

And with that one word I provided as much proof and real analysis as the whole of your bias projection.


"White Lives Don't Matter" would be a better name for them, because there is not one single time in their entire existence where they have ever actually shown that they care about the welfare of black lives.

97% of black people murdered are committed by other black people. They refused to go and address the issues in Chicago with blacks killing each other, and instead preferred to scream in every white man's face in the next town.

I find it amazing how people can be duped into not accepting what is clear in front of their face- all BLM is, is a front to promote violence against white people if white people do not succumb to their demands- which has more to do with giving them leeway of the law then being abused by it.
Sorry to say it, but there's nothing to be proud of in being a martyr for people who have internal, unfounded prejudice for your race and that's exactly what some of you are :rolleyes:


TOL Subscriber
"White Lives Don't Matter" would be a better name for them, because there is not one single time in their entire existence where they have ever actually shown that they care about the welfare of black lives.

97% of black people murdered are committed by other black people. They refused to go and address the issues in Chicago with blacks killing each other, and instead preferred to scream in every white man's face in the next town.

I find it amazing how people can be duped into not accepting what is clear in front of their face- all BLM is, is a front to promote violence against white people if white people do not succumb to their demands- which has more to do with giving them leeway of the law then being abused by it.
Sorry to say it, but there's nothing to be proud of in being a martyr for people who have internal, unfounded prejudice for your race and that's exactly what some of you are :rolleyes:

Hand clap. (Can't rep you again yet.)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Yes, and ditto. ;)
Anecdote, even life long experience, is a sliver of a picture and even that needs context. By way of, I spent a lot of my legal career working the poorest segment of the black belt. When I worked for the AG part of my job was to review and refer prisoner complaints, to begin the legal response to them. I've had a lot of experience among the poor, disproportionately black in my area. I've had a lot of conversations within the black community. I've been having conversations with people within the BLM movement here. That experience speaks contrary to yours, if not on the prison front. Prisoners are different and mostly dishonest creatures of habit.

That you decided to use that prison population and tie-in to comment on the movement speaks to a fundamental mistake you're making. Mostly this is about historic inequity and the response to that building in a community until it drowns out the rule, until it speaks more profoundly to those communities than do the larger problems of systemic violence within them, though there is a connection in the sense of their relation to power and that history.

On the whole they aren't saying "only" they're saying "too". They aren't demanding "cowering acquiescence" they're demanding the same treatment that the average white guy gets as a matter of course. Reparations? A separate issue and the smoke and mirrors is in the way they're being met by people who make this about everything but what it's actually about.
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TOL Subscriber
Anecdotes, even life long experience, is a sliver of a picture and even that needs context. By way of, I spent a lot of my legal career working the poorest segment of the black belt. When I worked for the AG part of my job was to review and refer prisoner complaints, to begin the legal response to them. So I've had a lot of experience among the poor, disproportionately black in my area. I've had a lot of conversations within the black community. I've been having conversations with people within the BLM movement here. That experience speaks contrary to yours. Not on the prison front. Prisoners are different and mostly dishonest creatures of habit.

That you decided to use that population and tie in to comment on the movement speaks to a fundamental mistake you're making. Mostly this is about historic inequity and the response to that building in a community until it drowns out the rule, until it speaks more profoundly to those communities than do the larger problems of systemic violence within the community. They aren't saying "only" they're saying "too". They aren't demanding "cowering acquiescence" they're demanding the same treatment that the average white guy gets as a matter of course. Reparations? A separate issue and the smoke and mirrors is in the way they're being met by people who make this about everything but what it's about.

Do you think there's truly a statistically supportable empirically viable case for the accusation that the status quo is bad cops intentionally shooting young black men as a passive or active prevailing racist agenda in completely disproportionate percentages of racial population?

Do you think innocent little black choir boys are getting mowed down by gunfire as the malicious priority of police officers?

Do you think white police officers are authentically, overtly, and fixatedly targeting young black males to the detriment of their overall duties in general?

Do you not see the utter hypocrisy of ignoring the epic and epidemic black on black crime that is 100:1 or more in ratio to even the worst projected intentions of white cop on young black men violence and/or shootings?

The major national shooting cases are few and far between, and the extreme majority are justified by police. Violence by police against young black men is statistically higher than other ethnicities, but that also points to their propensity to physically resist arrest.

And I was speaking to the valid situation of there being a significantly disproportionate and higher number of young black men arrested and incarcerated for valid criminal activity.

BTW... The key factor in all of this is the family unit, and particularly single-parent absent-father homes. And though that statistic has grown across the board of ethnicities, the black community is by far the most acute growth and ultimate percentage (~74%).

The real bottom line is rampant sexual promiscuity and an abandonment of the complete traditional family unit with multi-generational fatherless homes being by far the norm. And there isn't much of an internal thrust within that culture to change that.

Besides the prison side, I spend the greater bulk of time with the families. Guess what? I deal almost exclusively with women; and the younger sub-generations are too preoccupied with their own mis-prioritized foci in life.

The stereotypes don't exist because they're invalid and unprecedented in reality. But beyond that IS the sad reality of an entire set of intertwined sub-cultures that isn't doing much for itself in regard to the basic principles of life that have been the descent into the current abyss.

And their cries of oppression and institutionalized racism, regardless how valid to whatever degree, are an exponential exaggeration that is, at best, a parody of actual reality.

Individual morality is the problem and decline. And nowhere is that more acute and pervasive than in the modern American black culture.

I won't take the blame for the mass evacuation of fatherhood in their culture. It's only secondarily racial, but the culture is unique in its magnitude by comparison to all others.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Do you think there's truly a statistically supportable empirically viable case for the accusation that the status quo is bad cops intentionally shooting young black men as a passive or active prevailing racist agenda in completely disproportionate percentages of racial population?
Do I think that statistically we can see a black man is more likely to be prosecuted than a white counterpart, more likely to be convicted, given a harsher sentence than his white counterpart? Sure. And being an advocate of the justice system this isn't something that makes me happy to admit. Can we assert, statistically, that a black man is many times more likely to be killed by a policeman than a white man? We can. Almost three times more likely (it's late, but if you haven't seen the data I'll find it for you later and link it back here).

Do you think innocent little black choir boys are getting mowed down by gunfire as the malicious priority of police officers?
Of course not. Do you think you gain anything by trying to make the problem appear to be one of gratuitous extremes?

Do you think white police officers are authentically, overtly, and fixatedly targeting young black males to the detriment of their overall duties in general?
I think some demonstrably have, but I suspect the larger problem parallels the problem you run into with a judge who has been sitting the bench for a while. You almost always go for a jury because the experience of the judge will predispose him to approach your client with the idea that he's probably guilty. I'd need to take a harder look at the data, but what I recall and what I expect to find is that for the most part people killed by police officers tend to be shot, disproportionately, in poorer neighborhoods with higher crime rates. So the police are anticipating things that as a rule might work out, but can lead to tragedy in the exception.

Do you not see the utter hypocrisy of ignoring the epic and epidemic black on black crime that is 100:1 or more in ratio to even the worst projected intentions of white cop on young black men violence and/or shootings?
It isn't hypocritical to champion one cause because another cause is worth championing. I know, you're suggesting that if black lives matter, the first order of business should be to stop the number one killer, instead of focusing on the narrower, exceptional problem. I'd say both need looking after, bu that the easier fix is found in the current aim of the BLM. The other is far more complicated and will be harder to find agreement on as a coalition, I suspect.

The major national shooting cases are few and far between, and the extreme majority are justified by police.
I'm a fan of police. Most of them are outstanding men and women doing a dangerous job. One of my oldest and best friends was both a Marine MP and a civilian officer. He had to take an early retirement because of the wear and tear of his work. Great guy. A lot of them are.

Violence by police against young black men is statistically higher than other ethnicities, but that also points to their propensity to physically resist arrest.
You were okay until the last of that. The last of that was sheer voodoo.

And I was speaking to the valid situation of there being a significantly disproportionate and higher number of young black men arrested and incarcerated for valid criminal activity.
You need to look into studies on that. I referenced that at the beginning of my response.

BTW... The key factor in all of this is the family unit, and particularly single-parent absent-father homes. And though that statistic has grown across the board of ethnicities, the black community is by far the most acute growth and ultimate percentage (~74%).
I'd say coupled with poverty it's a recipe for the disaster so many are struggling against.

The stereotypes don't exist because they're invalid and unprecedented in reality.
No. They mostly exist because of the tendency of people to think simplistically, especially about the "other" and because of historic racial prejudices within the white community. There are a lot of problems in the black community, but it begins with poverty. Poverty and some well intentioned governmental folly, coupled with the death of industry in places where large enclaves of blacks still live, which is also tied to governmental folly, and a few other forces, have helped to produce a complicated national tragedy.

I won't take the blame for the mass evacuation of fatherhood in their culture.
Who asked you to? But the fact is a great deal of what's wrong in the black community can be directly traced to the empowered majority, over generations. . . that said, the point shouldn't be about that, but about what we do as a larger community to make meaningful change.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Do one of you morons want to tell this poor kid it was justified?

Four thugs who viciously beat cop-supporting teen arrested; one is son of local councilwoman

The young Alabama teen who was savagely beaten by four young black men for the crime of supporting law enforcement may get some retribution — authorities have arrested those they believe are responsible for the incident.

After Brian Ogle, 17, posted a pro-police statement on social media in response to recent police-related shootings, he was beaten in a parking lot September 30 and left fighting for his life with his skull fractured in three places.


Didn't you know? Anything young black men do is okay, and they should never be questioned, detained, arrested, or charged with any crimes.

I've spent years volunteering in the local jails and the state and federal prisons. I know better. I've spent a huge part of my life ministering to the families of incarcerated men of all races and ages. I know what the statistics and attitudes are. They don't lie.

OBLM = Only Black Lives Matter

They want special rights, cowering acquiescence, and a huge reparations payday. The rest is smoke and mirrors.

We are in total agreement. I hope those kids get tried as adults and get 30 years for attempted murder.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Well, crikey. As you wish.

Where to start?

The title, I guess.

Town Quixote's

You've called it Town Quixote's. Quixote! Come On! As in, The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha?

In what sense is the ego massage that is that thread related to that classic text?

Part One (the farce)? Eyebrow Raised.
Part Two (the philosophical inspection of deceptive behaviour)? Eyebrows both launch into orbit.

Lofty, Idealised, and Impractical. Well, I guess.

This is a thread within which you go over your own 'highlights' (as chosen by you (who else could?)), utterly bereft of any context aside from the specific post you're attempting to step on, through, and over in your bid to grasp at accolade. To which you then add yet another layer of your usual quips.

That's it. It's not a look at what's happening in the round. It's not a trend analysis. It's just you, pointing at you, stepping on them. Beaming.

I mean, well done, I suppose. Never mind that it reads like an unenthusiastic teacher, halfway down a bottle of gin, just laying in to any sentence he sees fit because, well, the mark he intended to make on the world didn't even amount to a dent, and now he's fat, fifty, and the very definition of the phrase 'washed up'. Come to think of it, I really hope you're not a teacher.

It just is what it is. It's there. People can read it. You are literally saying, repeatedly, 'Look what I did'. Most people would look at the tools available on a webite like this and think that should anyone want to see their posts, they could do so within a few clicks. And they would be correct.

But you, well, you're special, aren't you? That post you made there, the one where you sliced up a paragraph and inserted a non sequitur, well that wasn't just funny or clever. It wasn't just noteworthy. It was thread worthy. And not just any thread. Your thread. Where people come to read what you write.


Nope. No ego here. Move along, people, you're just doing a public service.

Then, you get all upset and feign innocence when someone points out that what you're doing is a little off the mark. Well, since we're apparently butchering the cannon, methinks he doth protest too much.

On the upside, you sort of did prompt me to look at the little icons, and hey, look at this lil' fella go:


ps. I'm still not sure what I'm supposed to be braced for. If it's just you, slicing things up and quipping for your own gallery, I don't need to brace for that, yawning is a natural reflex.


"Ego Massage Parlour", Funny Stuff...:rotfl:


like marbles on glass
Do I think that statistically we can see a black man is more likely to be prosecuted than a white counterpart, more likely to be convicted, given a harsher sentence than his white counterpart? Sure. And being an advocate of the justice system this isn't something that makes me happy to admit. Can we assert, statistically, that a black man is many times more likely to be killed by a policeman than a white man? We can. Almost three times more likely (it's late, but if you haven't seen the data I'll find it for you later and link it back here).

But the fact is a great deal of what's wrong in the black community can be directly traced to the empowered majority, over generations[/QUOTE]

There's a correlation there that bigoted people simply will not see. They intentionally choose not to see it.
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