Anybody know much about Islam?

Eric h

Well-known member
No, Mohammad, Allah, and the Quran has judged them to be like that.

This seems to be more your judgement, rather than that of Mohammad, Allah, and the Quran.

Can you truthfully make a judgement against 1.5 billion people? Whom you have never met.


New member
This seems to be more your judgement, rather than that of Mohammad, Allah, and the Quran.

Can you truthfully make a judgement against 1.5 billion people? Whom you have never met.

Nah, but I can read their sacred book and Mohammad, Allah, and the Quran says that your head can be separate from your torso, that Allah does not have a son, that infidels are to be slaughtered (be they Muslims or not), that even Mohammad did not know if his god was going to accept him, because Mohammad did not know if he himself did enough stealing, killing, destroying, that if Mohammad were alive and well right now, and you had a 2-year-old girl, and he wanted her, you would have to give her to him so he could marry her also, you know how it goes, 6-year-olds are not fun anymore, plus all the other things already said that their religion and Mohammad, and Allah, and the Quran approves of.

Now, you try to live in peace with that.

And I am not even talking about IS, ISIS, ISIL.


New member
Excellent comment.

I have said may times over and over gain, meshak, that the greatest victims of Islam are the Muslims themselves.

Have you ever read the Quran, meshak?
Have you ever talked to a child/woman under Sharia law?
Have you ever used a full jihab?

Can you see how beautiful the women in the article under the jihab is?
Can you differentiate if it is a man or woman under the jihab?
Can you see the smile?
Can you distinguish if that jihab contains a bomb?


That is Islam, meshak.
You should be more compassionate about the Muslims under such tyranny.

No Bible, NO freedom.
Little Bible, little freedom.
Much Bible, much freedom.

Eric h

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Eric h
This seems to be more your judgement, rather than that of Mohammad, Allah, and the Quran.

Can you truthfully make a judgement against 1.5 billion people? Whom you have never met.

Nah, but I can read their sacred book and Mohammad, Allah, and the Quran says that your head can be separate from your torso, that Allah does not have a son, that infidels are to be slaughtered (be they Muslims or not), that even Mohammad did not know if his god was going to accept him, because Mohammad did not know if he himself did enough stealing, killing, destroying, that if Mohammad were alive and well right now, and you had a 2-year-old girl, and he wanted her, you would have to give her to him so he could marry her also, you know how it goes, 6-year-olds are not fun anymore, plus all the other things already said that their religion and Mohammad, and Allah, and the Quran approves of.

Now, you try to live in peace with that.

And I am not even talking about IS, ISIS, ISIL.

So you are passing judgement on 1.5 billion people

Eric h

Well-known member
No Bible, NO freedom.
Little Bible, little freedom.
Much Bible, much freedom.

The Bible tells us we should put the greatest commandments above all else, because we can do nothing greater. We are even commanded to love and pray for our enemies.

We will be judged in the same way we judge other people, this is our Bible, this is what we are commanded to do.


New member
Because they have not decided if to follow the Mecca Quran or the Medina Quran; therefore, all the mess that Islam propagates over Muslims and infidels (Muslims or not).

There is one Quran , sorry to say that many of you has their informations about islam by iv injection but not through their mind analysis.

Quran was revealed part by part, step by step according to the event on the land , Mohammed's prophecy is 21 yrs the 1st part was 13yrs in Mekkah it ended by a trial to kill him by the idolaters he escaped to Medina and the hostility began against them


Do you need an interpreter?

The Bible takes years of study to fully grasp and deduce things within the pages.

I doubt you've read more than a few pages of the Quran- you can't just go around and say 'that verse says (something)' and conclude with whatever you want.

There's a reason why the majority of Muslims hold to many of the same principles as Christians- integrity, wisdom, charity, and so on. If they were fundamentally violent or wicked, they wouldn't have Jesus as a prophet. They would have done as the Jews did and call him a heretic.


New member
The Bible takes years of study to fully grasp and deduce things within the pages.

I doubt you've read more than a few pages of the Quran- you can't just go around and say 'that verse says (something)' and conclude with whatever you want.

There's a reason why the majority of Muslims hold to many of the same principles as Christians- integrity, wisdom, charity, and so on. If they were fundamentally violent or wicked, they wouldn't have Jesus as a prophet. They would have done as the Jews did and call him a heretic.

The Quran is not God's Word, nor should it be compared to God's Word. If you need an interpreter for the Quran, get one. Muslims deny the deity of Jesus Christ and much more. You act as if you're trying to sell Islam. I'm not buying.


New member
There is one Quran , sorry to say that many of you has their informations about islam by iv injection but not through their mind analysis.

Quran was revealed part by part, step by step according to the event on the land , Mohammed's prophecy is 21 yrs the 1st part was 13yrs in Mekkah it ended by a trial to kill him by the idolaters he escaped to Medina and the hostility began against them

No one named 'Muhammad' had anything to do with the Koran, according to the Koran, itself.

Stop propagating Islamic lies...


New member
The Quran is not God's Word, nor should it be compared to God's Word. If you need an interpreter for the Quran, get one.

I have personally studied Koranic Arabic for the past 20 years, and it is safe to say that the Koran never once claims to be divinely inspired....but it does claim that the material that it copied itself from, The Holy Bible, is inspired.

Muslims deny the deity of Jesus Christ and much more.

Muslims do....but the authors of the Koran do not...


New member
The Bible takes years of study to fully grasp and deduce things within the pages.

I doubt you've read more than a few pages of the Quran- you can't just go around and say 'that verse says (something)' and conclude with whatever you want.

There's a reason why the majority of Muslims hold to many of the same principles as Christians- integrity, wisdom, charity, and so on. If they were fundamentally violent or wicked, they wouldn't have Jesus as a prophet. They would have done as the Jews did and call him a heretic.

Are you serious? All you have to do is listen to what experts in the Quran say, and have said. Or look at how they conquered the Islamic world. Many people think that the Golden Rule is universal in pretty much every religion. CS Lewis made a list of them in the back of one of his books, either Mere Christianity or Abolition of Man. Nothing from the Quran is there. Other sources list a quote from a Hadith, but nothing in the Quran.

Every Muslim may not be violent or wicked, but the religion itself is.


Are you serious? All you have to do is listen to what experts in the Quran say, and have said. Or look at how they conquered the Islamic world. Many people think that the Golden Rule is universal in pretty much every religion. CS Lewis made a list of them in the back of one of his books, either Mere Christianity or Abolition of Man. Nothing from the Quran is there. Other sources list a quote from a Hadith, but nothing in the Quran.

Every Muslim may not be violent or wicked, but the religion itself is.

Why does the 'golden rule' have to exist in the Quran?

There are Muslims and there are Islamists- people have made a mighty fine job basically slandering one as being the other.

Just like the Catholic Church tried to bring on kingdoms, so to do Islamists with caliphates.

It's not rocket science. The problem is that Christians are making Muslims angry and expecting them to be all cool about it. With the way you all go about them, I don't really see anything abnormal, just a lash to your own to them.


New member
Why does the 'golden rule' have to exist in the Quran?

There are Muslims and there are Islamists- people have made a mighty fine job basically slandering one as being the other.

Just like the Catholic Church tried to bring on kingdoms, so to do Islamists with caliphates.

It's not rocket science. The problem is that Christians are making Muslims angry and expecting them to be all cool about it. With the way you all go about them, I don't really see anything abnormal, just a lash to your own to them.

In other words, you just ignore the past 1300 years of Islamic history (which also isn't rocket science). You actually believe that Muslims only recently "became angry" at something the US or Christians did? Wow, that is lalaland. And the Golden Rule (or Tao, as Lewis called it) is pointing out that not all religions are the same in regards to what you call " integrity, wisdom, charity, and so on".


In other words, you just ignore the past 1300 years of Islamic history (which also isn't rocket science). You actually believe that Muslims only recently "became angry" at something the US or Christians did? Wow, that is lalaland. And the Golden Rule (or Tao, as Lewis called it) is pointing out that not all religions are the same in regards to what you call " integrity, wisdom, charity, and so on".

Cool story. This is where we simply pretend all the Christian sins of the past 1300 years don't exist :rolleyes:

The only person living in 'lalaland' are those such as yourself whose opinion is shaped entirely by biased people and extremists of an entire religion getting close to the size of Christianity.

You also fail to realize, pampered in your First World living and all the things you take for granted, that such things do not exist for a lot of Muslims. Sitting in your ivory tower with your judgements is one of the great sins among Christians since the first pope who decided to do just that.

I think you all need to get over yourselves and onto something called 'reality'.




...while you all act like a bunch of morons :rolleyes: