Anybody know much about Islam?

The Horn

The basic premise of Islam is that there is only one God (Allah ) and that Muhammad is his prophet . Islam means submission to the will of God .
Muslims acknowledge various lesser prophets before Muhammad, including Jesus, who is actually revered by Muslims but not
considered to be as important as Muhammad .
Muslims consider the Christian concept of the Trinity to be blasphemy, because there is only one God, Allah . Allah means God in Arabic . If a person wishes to become a Muslim, he or she must take an oath of submission to Allah called the Shahada , in which one declares and acknowledges that there is only one God (Allah ) and Mohammad is his prophet .
The death penalty for converting to another religion from Islam is applied only in the most repressive Islamic states such as Iran and Saudi Arabia. In secular Turkey , this would be unthinkable .
Muhammad was born around AD 570 in Mecca , when the Arabs were primarily polytheistic pagans who worshipped numerous pagan Arab Gods . There were also numerous Christian Arabs as there still are, and Mohammad was in close contact with them, as well as Jews .
Supposedly, Allah appeared to him in visions commanding him to rid
the Arabs of their polytheism and the Koran is supposedly a book showing Allah's commands to Mohammad, who was said to have been illiterate .
However it was written many years after Mohammad's death , which took place around AD 630 and is basically hearsay .
During his life, Mohammad gained numerous followers and they continued to fight to establish the religion of Islam through numerous bloody wars against its opponents .
Gradually, Islam spread throughout the middle east to Persia, now Iran, whose religion was Zoroastrianism, which still has a small number of followers, now primarily in India . Islam spread through north Africa and all over Asia and the world, even Indonesia and China .
After his death , numerous legends about Mohammad arose, and it is very difficult to separate fact form fiction . Whether he was actually a pedophile is not certain .
Mohammad borrowed freely from Christianity and Judaism in forming Islam, and the three religions actually have much in common .


Well-known member
:nono: Any stat I've ever seen has 20% 'undecided' :noway:

Here is another 'every-day-run-o-the-mill' Muslim story: Raping kids is no big deal to these Muslim soldiers. An American who busted him down is being dishonorable discharged for doing it, though it stopped it from happening again.

So now we're going to dig up dirt as if that proves anything about the whole religion. Typically bigoted approach. Of course the bigots on the other side will dig up the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda which wants to establish a theocratic state based on the Ten Commandments. The LRA is accused of widespread human rights violations, including mutilation, torture, slavery, rape, the abduction of civilians, the use of child soldiers, and a number of massacres. By 2004, the LRA had abducted more than 20,000 children, while 1.5 million civilians had been displaced and an estimated 100,000 civilians killed.

You'd have to give a link for that. Ain't buying it.
Compare the Christians in Burkina Faso and Nigeria to the general population in the Muslim countries of Lebanon, Jordan, and the Palestinian Territories. Also, from a different survey, 1/3 of Buddhists in Malaysia have a favorable opinion of ISIS.

Sure you'd say that, you are a Muslim now.
You don't have to take my word for it. You can take the word of people who are experts in their field like Michael Scheuer the CIA guy responsible for understanding Osama bin Laden or journalist Eric Margolis who has covered all the mid east wars.

:nono: Americans aren't killing off the super rich in this country. We too, certainly have been victimized. There is no sense holding on to billions of dollars. There is no way it can ever be spent. Stock piling it is cause for 1) less resources, 2) kept out of the hands of the working class etc. I'm not a socialist, but employers used to care, and take better care of their employees and were altruistic to a greater extent.

If we ever violently react, it isn't justified.

Nobody's trying to justify their actions. Just trying to understand why people do what they do. If we don't know our enemy we will do the wrong things trying to oppose them. Your comparison to corporate America shows you are unaware of how much Arabs have suffered at the hands of the West. A wise and mature Christian will seek to eliminate any unnecessary causes for animosity. Arabs have borne up under much in the past - way more than Americans ever would. Our propensity for revenge is much stronger than theirs, as our invasion of Iraq clearly demonstrates.
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Well-known member
So now we're going to dig up dirt as if that proves anything about the whole religion. Typically bigoted approach. Of course the bigots on the other side will dig up the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda which wants to establish a theocratic state based on the Ten Commandments. The LRA is accused of widespread human rights violations, including mutilation, torture, slavery, rape, the abduction of civilians, the use of child soldiers, and a number of massacres. By 2004, the LRA had abducted more than 20,000 children, while 1.5 million civilians had been displaced and an estimated 100,000 civilians killed.
First, it is a cult, and all Christians not in that cult are against it. Again, compare that to support for ISIS 'among' actual Muslims. Secondly, they changed their name 'from' Christian because they don't consider themselves so, mainly because Christians are against them.

Compare the Christians in Burkina Faso and Nigeria to the general population in the Muslim countries of Lebanon, Jordan, and the Palestinian Territories. Also, from a different survey, 1/3 of Buddhists in Malaysia have a favorable opinion of ISIS.
:doh: 79% doesn't against doesn't mean "21%" for.

You don't have to take my word for it. You can take the word of people who are experts in their field like Michael Scheuer the CIA guy responsible for understanding Osama bin Laden or journalist Eric Margolis who has covered all the mid east wars.
:nono: Not when 80% of every-day Muslims support it. There were about 20% of them in a few American states, but 60% of those said they didn't know! :doh: It is a weird religion and you had to dig up a cult army just to find anything resembling it that doesn't even consider itself Christan anymore and mostly because Christians weren't going to let them get away with it. That they 'called' themselves Christians and then quickly abandoned it, should tell you they weren't in the first place. They aren't doing it in the name of Christ.

Nobody's trying to justify their actions. Just trying to understand why people do what they do. If we don't know our enemy we will do the wrong things trying to oppose them. Your comparison to corporate America shows you are unaware of how much Arabs have suffered at the hands of the West. A wise and mature Christian will seek to eliminate any unnecessary causes for animosity. Arabs have borne up under much in the past - way more than Americans ever would. Our propensity for revenge is much stronger than theirs, as our invasion of Iraq clearly demonstrates.
I think 80% in many areas and 60% undecided HUGELY problematic for the religion. Christianity will never reach those numbers. If you took a poll on the LRA, it would be near 100% of all Christians against it 'except' those cult members doing it.

Eric h

Well-known member
False - you need to use some common sense. Members of the Body of Christ should NOT seek unity with false religions and cults. This is silly, so you have the last word.

There lays the problem, Christians calling other Christians false religions and cults. There is only one Jesus Christ, so disunity makes no sense at all, we can do nothing greater than love God, and love all our neighbours as we love ourselves.


New member




Mideast war coming 2017.

Armageddon 2024.


New member
Christ is not divided, so we also should seek unity.

Jesus said, "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division" (Luke 12:51)

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. (Matthew 10:34)

Jesus declared “Whoever is not with me is against me” (Luke 11:23).

The God of the Christian is NOT the god of Islam.

That would be chrislam and it is an insult to God, the Father, Jesus Christ and what He did at the Cross of Calvary.

When a person rejects Jesus Christ and what He did at the Cross of Calvary the sword of His Judgment falls on that person and that person is judged ALREADY.

He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. (John 3)

Tread lightly before Him and what He did for all humankind, Muslims included.

The God of the Christian is NOT the god of Islam or any other man-made religion.


Well-known member
First, it is a cult, and all Christians not in that cult are against it. Again, compare that to support for ISIS 'among' actual Muslims. Secondly, they changed their name 'from' Christian because they don't consider themselves so, mainly because Christians are against them.

Sure, but the point is if you want to dig up dirt on a religion, including Christianity, it's not hard to do. Have you heard of the Inquisition? Have you seen the museums showing the torture implements they used? Makes ISIS look like child's play. So what's the point in digging up the dirt? Do you appreciate it when atheists want to discredit our faith by digging up all the dirt done in the name of Christ? Wouldn't you rather they look at some of the accomplishments of the Christian faith, what she has contributed to the world? If you do, why not love Muslims as you would want to be loved by atheists? If you can't do that all your pontificating is the noise of a fart fest after a southern chili feed.

:doh: 79% doesn't against doesn't mean "21%" for.

You asked for stats but you won't even look at them.

:nono: Not when 80% of every-day Muslims support it. There were about 20% of them in a few American states, but 60% of those said they didn't know! :doh: It is a weird religion and you had to dig up a cult army just to find anything resembling it that doesn't even consider itself Christan anymore and mostly because Christians weren't going to let them get away with it. That they 'called' themselves Christians and then quickly abandoned it, should tell you they weren't in the first place. They aren't doing it in the name of Christ.

The vast majority of Christians supported the Inquisition, for political reasons, just as a small minority of Muslims support ISIS. It's not about doctrinal purity, it's the human tendency to create an us vs. them. When the "them" give cause to be demonized it makes it all the easier. The scapegoating is sure to follow. The "them" in this case is us - our American foreign policy which is too easily read as "they are against us Muslims and are trying to destroy us." For our part, when we lose 3000 people and Bush Jr. stands at the smoldering base of the WTC and vows to retaliate, the church goes right along with it, even when the "mission" moves from hunting down the perpetrators (who were not in Iraq - the majority were Saudis) to to destabalizing the region by knocking off the president we installed in the beginning, to preventing an attack using WMD's, and when no evidence shows up for that the mission is to kill off "insurgents" like the ones American Sniper was after - women and children trying to defend their homeland from an uninvited illegally invading foreign occupying army which the locals in Fallujah pleaded with the UN to intervene to stop the siege because they knew the US Marines would reduce their city to rubble. The church supported this all along the way, just like the church in Germany supported the Nazi's. Oh, forgot to mention what happened before 9/11 that got a couple Muslims mad at us: we killed over one million Iraqis, half a million children, when we prevented chlorine from being imported into the country to prevent dysentery being spread in the public water system. Again, all supported by Christians, because they had a mean nasty dictator that killed 30,000 Kurds and economic sanctions that punish the people and do nothing to prevent the tyranny are just what we do.

I think 80% in many areas and 60% undecided HUGELY problematic for the religion. Christianity will never reach those numbers. If you took a poll on the LRA, it would be near 100% of all Christians against it 'except' those cult members doing it.

Well the poll that WAS taken show more Christians favoring ISIS in some countries than Muslims in other countries. Again, it's a political thing, and you acknowledging other influences than an ancient text would help you to get the 50,000 foot view of things. Or just be like Christ and walk a mile in their shoes and you will have a different attitude about it all.
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Well-known member




Mideast war coming 2017.

Armageddon 2024.

I'm sure your capital letters makes it all the more true. :sigh:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I've been doing a lot of study about Islam these last 2 years. I find the public narrative to be completely wrong and most Christians are content to just spread lies about it, never bothering to do any fact checking, just accepting anything that's negative and passing it along on their Facebook wall.

From time to time I come up with questions where I wished I had a knowledgeable person to field those questions.

Anybody here fit that bill?

I know

the history of islam


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Sure you do chrysostom, as your pope advocates chrislam which is an abomination and a spit on the face of Jesus Christ and His Sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary.

The God of the Christian is NOT the God of Islam or any other man-made religion.

your post is nonsense


Well-known member
nearly all of what you would call bad things were in response to what islam was doing

Not the Inquisition. And Muslims do things today in response to the bad things America does in the Mid East. But you really haven't answered my question. How do you like to be treated by Muslims? You're just fine with them blabbing about Catholic atrocities and ignoring the good things your church does? Or would you rather they at least got educated so they know your church ain't all bad?