anticatholics: please list the "false doctrines of Catholicism"


New member
There were many Christian congregations in the disciples day, even more than seven congregations. The original Christians were killed off by the Catholics, and their scriptures were burned. The Catholics replaced them with their own versions of scriptures.
You're daft. Go ahead now and post actual documentary proof from reliable historical sources for these completely unsubstantiated claims.


New member
Now go ahead and name a single doctrine that has ever changed in its essence in the Catholic Church. Your ignorance is showing once again.
There was no Catholic trinity doctrine until the Catholics declared that the Holy Spirit is a third person. There was no Christian Sunday Sabbath until Constantine changed the Christian seventh day Sabbath to Sunday. There was no Christian belief in Hell until the Catholics changed the words in the scriptures. The Romans hung people on a stake, not a cross. People of God who had a message were called messengers, not angels.


New member
You're daft. Go ahead now and post actual documentary proof from reliable historical sources for these completely unsubstantiated claims.
I have noticed that Catholics forget these things one second after they read it.

There was Christian persecution during the days of Constantine the Great and afterward. Then came the Catholic Inquisition.

Revelation 1:11
which said: “Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.”


New member
I have noticed that Catholics forget these things one second after they read it.
I have noticed that anti-Catholics rarely have any idea what they're talking about.

There was Christian persecution during the days of Constantine the Great and afterward.
Early persecution came from the Roman Empire (not the Roman Catholic Church) during the 2nd and 3rd centuries, and was effectively stopped by Constantine who passed a law called the Edict of Milan prohibiting the persecution of Christians. So you're way off on this issue, thus proving my point concerning your basic ignorance of ecclesiastical history.

Then came the Catholic Inquisition.

Another historical point of which you're fundamentally ignorant. The inquisitions were established in the Late Renaissance and Reformation Periods (roughly the 16th century). The execution of heretics was comparatively rare during this time, so the ridiculous assertions made in your earlier post simply fall flat. Your essential ignorance of this topic is once again noted.

Revelation 1:11 which said: “Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.”


Gaudium de veritate,



Anticatholics: please list the "false doctrines of Catholicism"​

I hear it all the time, that the RCC has false doctrines, but strangely, no anti-Catholic here ever, ever lists them, much less discusses them

so, please list them so we can discuss..

(I don't think a lot of them know the difference between a dogma, a doctrine, a tradition or Tradition [capital t]... )


Believers have no trouble branding those they think deserve the term as "heretics" or "blasphemers."

It's similar to yourself branding liberals as "less than" human or different from others.

"If you go looking for the bad in a man, expecting to find it, you surely will." --Abraham Lincoln
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New member
There was no Catholic trinity doctrine until the Catholics declared that the Holy Spirit is a third person.
Not so. The formal definition of the Trinity at various councils in the 4th and 5th centuries merely codified what the early Christians had believed and taught all along. So, no, this simply fails as a supposed example of a doctrine that has been "changed in its essence" by the Catholic Church. Try again.

There was no Christian Sunday Sabbath until Constantine changed the Christian seventh day Sabbath to Sunday.
Categorically refuted here. Try again.

There was no Christian belief in Hell until the Catholics changed the words in the scriptures.
Again, post your proof from reliable historical sources for these wholly unsubstantiated claims.

The Romans hung people on a stake, not a cross.
This is not a doctrinal issue, and so your example just doesn't fit. Regarding your claim here, however, it's glaringly obvious that you know next to nothing about the actual facts of ecclesiastical history and archeaology.

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
Not so. The formal definition of the Trinity at various councils in the 4th and 5th centuries merely codified what the early Christians had believed and taught all along. So, no, this simply fails as a supposed example of a doctrine that has been "changed in its essence" by the Catholic Church. Try again.

Categorically refuted here. Try again.

Again, post your proof from reliable historical sources for these wholly unsubstantiated claims.

This is not a doctrinal issue, and so your example just doesn't fit. Regarding your claim here, however, it's glaringly obvious that you know next to nothing about the actual facts of ecclesiastical history and archeaology.

Gaudium de veritate,


It is plain to see that we live on two different planets. Good bye.


Well-known member
Or rather, "which contradict Aimiel's preferred interpretations of Scripture." Big difference there.
Correct, since I 'prefer' to use common sense, rather than toss it out the window and obey the mere traditions of men.
You must be thinking of such unbiblical doctrines as, for example, sola scriptura, the Eucharist as a mere memorial, sola fide, anti-sacramentalism, etc.---Protestant inventions all.
Jesus believed what Scriptures say, so I do, too. And the remembrance which He instituted is obviously just that, not some hokum the church invented to spook people into believing the nonsense they use to scare people into submission. The RCC has become so profane and so inept that it is completely useless to The Lord as well as anyone searching for Truth.


New member
Has any in the RCC ever read when Jesus said, 'It is written'?

Has any in the RCC ever read that Jesus NEVER added or changed any of the words written in the Bible of the Church of His day and that Jesus preached the words of the Bible of Jesus' day Church?

Has any in the RCO/RCC ever read that Jesus was constantly against the Church and the priests of the Church of His day?

In conclusion, Jesus NEVER came to establish a Church on earth for there was a Church already on earth at that time and He was always AGAINST it. Jesus Himself said that He came to "save those who are lost." (Luke 19:10)

Jesus would be AGAINST the RCO/RCC and any other denomination.


New member

It is plain to see that we live on two different planets. Good bye.
So, then, you are simply unable to provide a single documentary proof from a reliable historical source to support your completely unsubstantiated claims. That's what I thought.


New member
Correct, since I 'prefer' to use common sense, rather than toss it out the window and obey the mere traditions of men.
"common sense" = "whatever seems to agree with Aimiel's preferred personal interpretations of Scripture"

My previous point stands.

Jesus believed what Scriptures say, so I do, too.
Rather, you believe your preferred personal interpretations of Scripture---that is, what your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect tells you the Scriptures "say." Big difference there.

And the remembrance which He instituted is obviously just that, not some hokum the church invented to spook people into believing the nonsense they use to scare people into submission. The RCC has become so profane and so inept that it is completely useless to The Lord as well as anyone searching for Truth.
If you're referring to the Eucharist (Communion), your sect's claim is decisively answered here and here.

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
Has any in the RCC ever read when Jesus said, 'It is written'?Has any in the RCC ever read that Jesus NEVER added or changed any of the words written in the Bible of the Church of His day and that Jesus preached the words of the Bible of Jesus' day Church?Has any in the RCO/RCC ever read that Jesus was constantly against the Church and the priests of the Church of His day?In conclusion, Jesus NEVER came to establish a Church on earth for there was a Church already on earth at that time and He was always AGAINST it.Jesus Himself said that He came to "save those who are lost." (Luke 19:10)Jesus would be AGAINST the RCO/RCC and any other denomination.
You've already been decisively answered in previous posts above. :yawn:


New member
Didn't one of the "apparitions" promise that the scapular protects from hell's fire?

I thought if "Our Lady" said it, it would be a doctrine or dogma.
Yes, the alleged apparitions make promises and prophecies even, none of which must be take seriously by a Christian. The canon of Scripture is closed.

Marian doctrine and dogma are established by the Magisterium, not by the Virgin Mary, and are ongoing.


New member
We have a priest Cruciform, here's your proof.

Hebrews 4:14 Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.

15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

We take all of our cares to Jesus not some man.



In Christian terms, the Roman Church has the Bible. They were and still are the keepers of it. They have the pedigree, the roots going back to Peter. And list goes on and on.

But Salvation is not part of their package. It is denied them.