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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Democratic Party today is not the Democratic Party of yesteryear. When I was growing up in the 50s as a kid and as a teenager in the 60s, my Parents were both Democrats. My Dad was a Marine during WW2 and was about as Patriotic as anybody could be. He'd be watching a 'Ballgame' and when they played the "National Anthem" on TV, he'd stand up in the living room out of respect for our country and its Flag. Today, the Democratic Party has gone over to the "Far-left, dark side." The Democratic Party used to stand for the 'working man' and the Republican Party was accused of standing for the rich. Well, things sure have changed. Now, the Republican Party is for smaller government and helping the working class men and women. Whereas, the Democratic Party is for BIGGER government involvement and against the working class. In fact, all the Democrats are concerned about is the; Illegal Aliens, taking our guns away, limiting our "free speech", and ousting a sitting President.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Fake news. Or are you on the same meds as Mr Gossnick?

I don't take lectures from baby-killers.
Any scum loser who supports gay marriage, murdering children by abortion, more taxes and letting illegal aliens pour in ly rats is unhinged. That's what Democrats are, lowlife unhinged scum.

Put that in your crackpipe and smoke it.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
You losing it? I ask as you sound so embittered. I have not seen 'furious hatred' while browsing this forum. Please would you point to some real examples of what you are accusing others of.

For your third post here you come on pretty strong. We'll have to have the mods take a look at your account. You sound like a disgruntled former poster who got banned
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