Abortion-a crying shame. (HOF thread)


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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Art Deco

For over 150 years, abortion was illegal. That was fixed long term. Moral relativist judges abandoned settled law and legislated from the bench. It's time to put the murderous evil genie back in the bottle.

Consider: Roe's under fire right now, perhaps more than it ever has been. Let's assume it's overturned, say, ten years from now. So it was only the law of the land for a generation. This is, for all intent and purpose, a "short term" span of time. There is no guarantee it won't take thirty or forty years to legalize abortion all over again--not unless the hearts of the people are changed. Laws don't change behavior. They punish it.


New member
Originally posted by Eowyn

That's not really even worth responding to. But since I just did I will take the time to say, if you can't see the difference between someone who tears babies apart for money and an innocent pre-born child then I don't know what to tell you.
If following through with the birth will kill the mother, do you still consider an abortion murder? If it is necessary to save the mothers life?


Proverbs 4:11-13
Originally posted by Rydo

If following through with the birth will kill the mother, do you still consider an abortion murder? If it is necessary to save the mothers life?

Yes. You are still murdering a child while trying to save someone else. I really don't see how you can pin murder on the baby since murder is the willfull taking of someones life. Somehow I just don't think that baby is really intent on killing his mother.

Abortion is either murder nor not. It doesn't change because of other circumstances.


Proverbs 4:11-13
Originally posted by Rydo

What makes the baby's life more valuable than the mothers?

Whether or not one is more valuable doesn't take away the fact that you are murdering an baby. Either you believe abortion is murder or not. Why would it somehow become not murder because of other factors?

So much of the time the "mother in danger" card is played without being true or accurate. I put little stock in that argument.


New member
What if the mother wasn't saved? If you "murder" the baby, won't it, in its "innocence," go to Heaven? Wouldn't we actually be doing it a favor by allowing it to bypass the cruelties of the world?


Proverbs 4:11-13
Originally posted by Rydo

What if the mother wasn't saved? If you "murder" the baby, won't it, in its "innocence," go to Heaven? Wouldn't we actually be doing it a favor by allowing it to bypass the cruelties of the world?

Would you have wanted to be aborted because you have to deal with life at times? It's not our right to end a life because of "possibilities". Do you believe that abortion is murder? It doesn't seem so.


New member
Originally posted by Eowyn

Would you have wanted to be aborted because you have to deal with life at times? It's not our right to end a life because of "possibilities". Do you believe that abortion is murder? It doesn't seem so.
I'm still trying to figure out what I believe; until then I enjoy asking you to defend your own beliefs. In a way I agree with your all-or-nothing approach, because I believe one must be either entirely for abortion or entirely against it -- any conditions weaken the argument.


Proverbs 4:11-13
Originally posted by Rydo

I'm still trying to figure out what I believe; until then I enjoy asking you to defend your own beliefs. In a way I agree with your all-or-nothing approach, because I believe one must be either entirely for abortion or entirely against it -- any conditions weaken the argument.

I'm glad you are at least looking into it. So many people hold beliefs and don't know why.

For me, I didn't randomly fall on one side or the other. I looked at the facts, the development of a baby in the womb. That a baby in the womb and sucking his thumb can be literally ripped apart makes it a pretty easy choice for me. Look at the actual abortion procedures, gruesome is a soft word to use. When you see the babies that were saved from abortion and the mothers that are so grateful they didn't go through with it, it gives you perspective. Or the mothers who live in agony and pain, dreaming about the babies they killed, you understand it's more than just a "important issue" like taxes or education. It's a matter of life and death. It's an issue worthy of reseaching and making a desicion about.


--Given that much of the pro-life stance is seen by many as hypocritical....

--Given that the reason for this view is an unvarying insistence that life begins at conception and ends at birth....

--Given that life does not seem to be held quite as sacred in our prison's death chambers or on the battlefield....

--Given all that....


What specific language can you use to bring your argument across in a way that reflects integrity and consistency?


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Rydo

I'm still trying to figure out what I believe; until then I enjoy asking you to defend your own beliefs. In a way I agree with your all-or-nothing approach, because I believe one must be either entirely for abortion or entirely against it -- any conditions weaken the argument.


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age of reason (discretion)

age of reason (discretion)

Originally posted by Balder

Aimiel, I don't personally support abortion, but it seems to me that if you don't have any qualms about your God killing billions of people at once in the possibly near future, and sending every single one of them to unspeakable endless torment, you shouldn't have a problem with a mere 40,000,000 fetuses who will get a ticket straight to heaven thanks to the doctors....

If we are to take the bible at face value one comes to the conclusion that sin is passed through the male "seed" and we are all born sinful. I am not sure what the Bible says about when we can be punished for these sins.

Aimiel would probably say that the babies are innocent and not accountable for their sin-nature until some arbitrary time. People past this age are automatically guilty and deserve hell unless they ask for forgiveness from the person who aranged for the sin-nature in the first place.

I quote from the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), which quotes extensively from the Bible: "Deep within his conscience man discovers a law which he has not laid upon himself but which he must obey. Its voice, ever calling him to love and to do what is good and to avoid evil, sounds in his heart at the right moment...For man has in his heart a law inscribed by God...His conscience is man's most secret core and his sanctuary. There he is alone with God whose voice echoes in his depths."

From 1 John 3:19-20: "We shall...reassure our hearts before Him whenever our hearts condemn us; for God is greater than our hearts, and He knows everything."

The CCC: "Man is obliged to follow the moral law, which urges him 'to do what is good and avoid what is evil'. This law makes itself heard in his conscience."

Again, from the CCC: "A morally good act requires the goodness of its object, of its end, and of its circumstances together...There are concrete acts that it is always wrong to choose, because their choice entails a disorder of the will, i.e., a moral evil. One may not do evil so that good may result from it."

What good comes out of abortion? Humans are alive from the instant (moment) of their conception. Humans are blessed with dignity, and murder at all stages of life -- abortion, partial-birth abortion, rape leading to murder (which also overlooks dignity), mass murder -- these are all wrong. I could be brain-dead and I wouldn't want my husband to kill me; I know that he wouldn't, too. Mercy killing a.k.a. euthanasia is off-topic, sorry...may God bless you all. I pray that we may be healed.


As high as 40 per cent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, whether the mother is aware of it or not. Many of us spend some time in utero along with our genetic "twins," which--more often than not--are destroyed and passed out of the uterus before full term.


If a baby is born early (if a fetus is birthed before its natural/normal time), that life should be sacred as well.
Millions of babies are born in America prematurely. Some statistics show the incidence to be one child out of ten.

If you care about saving babies and don't want to do the "Kum Bye Ya" thing on the courthouse steps, you might consider donating to the March of Dimes www.walkamerica.org.

Set a goal of standing up for the sacredness of life and then go for it! You can call 1-800-291-3463 and get the information. With an internet connection, it is relatively easy.

Start by emailing everyone you know--family, friends, businesses--and ask them to sponsor you. Follow up with reminders (here's where some actual work is involved). Then collect the donations as you sign up sponsors.

My place of employment was willing to match donations. Ask friends or family if their companies do the same.

Walk for someone you love--a premature baby, a healthy baby, your own baby! The money raised can be used for eductational materials, clinic supplies, etc. There used to be a kit available for older children who deal with having a baby brother or sister in neonatal intensive care.

Walk for one, so ALL babies can be born healthy and full-term.

Is it called a "miscarriage" when God aborts?
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Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by aikido7

As high as 40 per cent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, whether the mother is aware of it or not. Many of us spend some time in utero along with our genetic "twins," which--more often than not--are destroyed and passed out of the uterus before full term.


If a baby is born early (if a fetus is birthed before its natural/normal time), that life should be sacred as well.
Millions of babies are born in America prematurely. Some statistics show the incidence to be one child out of ten.

If you care about saving babies and don't want to do the "Kum Bye Ya" thing on the courthouse steps, you might consider donating to the March of Dimes www.walkamerica.org.

Set a goal of standing up for the sacredness of life and then go for it! You can call 1-800-291-3463 and get the information. With an internet connection, it is relatively easy.

Start by emailing everyone you know--family, friends, businesses--and ask them to sponsor you. Follow up with reminders (here's where some actual work is involved). Then collect the donations as you sign up sponsors.

My place of employment was willing to match donations. Ask friends or family if their companies do the same.

Walk for someone you love--a premature baby, a healthy baby, your own baby! The money raised can be used for eductational materials, clinic supplies, etc. There used to be a kit available for older children who deal with having a baby brother or sister in neonatal intensive care.

Walk for one, so ALL babies can be born healthy and full-term.

Is it called a "miscarriage" when God aborts?
That was not a half bad post untill I got to the small print. Promoting the health of the living is a good thing! Too bad you had to end the post by slandering God! You scoundrel!


New member
I've waited way too long to post on this thread so here goes............

We have the opportunity to give life or take it away. The choice seems simple. An unborn child is totally innocent. What could the benefits be for an expectant mother when she is considering abortion? Consequently, the grief, severe guilt, & depression could surely destroy the woman's mentality/psychology for a lifetime & others who may be involved in the decision-making process. God has created us in His image so why would we want to demolish that which is beautiful by committing murder. If the zygote, embryo, or fetus could choose, do you actually think they would choose to die?

I personally know a married couple who have suffered through two recent miscarriages. Either one of them would probably choose to have one of their arms or legs cut off just to have the guarantee of carrying a child to full term. But, of course, they are others out there who are driven by their own selfish ambitions & don't even consider the damaging effects of abortion on other members of society.

Adoption is the only viable alternative to abortion!

Does anyone actually think that God would kill an unborn child?

The birth of a child is truly a blessing. Life is a precious, wonderful gift, why would we just simply throw it away?
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Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by aikido7

The problem of suffering and a just God is an old argument, deardelmar.
How did Job resolve it? Don't you remember?
He didn't blame God as his freinds and family did,and as you seem to.