You WERE healed

Totton Linnet

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Himself bare our sins in His own body that we being dead unto sin might live unto righteousness, by whose stripes ye were healed.

Isn't it great when a scripture or a portion of scripture you have read many, many times comes ALIVE to you in a new way.

Most preachers enlarge on the play on words between Peter and Isaiah, how that Isaiah in speaking about the atonement makes it a present thing "we are healed" Peter subtly changes it to a past event "ye WERE healed" looking back as they suppose to the cross.

But when I read that yesterday it fell on me like a ton of bricks.

Peter wasn't making a play on words, he was simply stating the facts

When the gospel had been preached to those strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithenia it had been preached in the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost

Those good folks had been saved...and "by His stripes" they had been healed.

In the Gospels and fact throughout the whole bible healing and forgiveness is totally hand in hand. Healing IS part of the gospel, the good news.

The Jews would not have understood it in any other way. Always it "son thy sins be forgiven thee, ARISE take up thy bed and walk." The Jews recognised that sickness and disease were the result of man's fall into sin. If God was now pardoning the sin He SURELY will heal the sickness...that is ALL through the bible.

Paul spoke about Christ becoming the curse for us, for cursed be everyone who hangs upon the tree. Paul taught that we have been DELIVERED from the curse of the law. The curse for disobeying the law was sickness, poverty, every kind of adversity.

I think the Gospel is FULL salvation, FULL deliverance for body, mind and soul. To be saved means to be made every whit whole.

That is why the assemblies that Paul set up did have as functions of the body of Christ, healing, miracles, exorcism etc.

See they were the body of Christ....Christ no longer lived in a body at Galilee....He lived in a body at Corinth, at Ephesus, Galatia. The church the body of Christ.
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