Woman Details Horror of Her Abortion Procedure: Abortionist Tried to Shut Me Up

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Credo in Unum Deum
Woman Details Horror of Her Abortion Procedure: Abortionist Tried to Shut Me Up

"I was petrified and felt an evil so heavy over me. I began to say [repeatedly] 'Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior,’ and it angered the abortionist. He told the lady there, ‘Make her shut up,’” said Jeanie Holmes with Louisiana Abortion Recovery, at the "Protect Women, Protect Life" rally outside of the Supreme Court, of her abortion experience.

Yet another reason Trump should and will win



"It was intensely painful, we were covered in blood at the end and they told us to leave out of the back door."

You actually believe a word of this?

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
March 4th: a day to remember

We knew Wednesday, March 4, would be a day that pro-lifers would remember for years to come. The Supreme Court would hear oral arguments over a challenge to a protective Louisiana abortion law–a bi-partisan measure passed with huge majorities–and we’d collectively sort out what the results of “Super Tuesday” appeared to be telling us.

First, June Medical Services v. Russo, the case heard this morning by the justices.

Louisiana Right to Life Executive Director Ben Clapper lauded the work of the legal team defending the state’s 2014 “Unsafe Abortion Protection Act.”

“We congratulate Louisiana Solicitor Liz Murrill on her outstanding defense of Louisiana’s common-sense law designed to protect the health and safety of Louisiana women, “ Clapper said. “Liz effectively articulated the long history of deplorable conditions at Louisiana abortion facilities, which shows that these businesses cannot speak for Louisiana women. We look forward to the Supreme Court’s decision this summer. It is time the Supreme Court put the health and safety of women ahead of the profits of abortion businesses.”