ECT Who replaced and voided what in Gal 3:17?


Well-known member
A vaguery for a vaguery - which promise; the one prophesied, or the one hid in God until Paul?


The problem with so much theology today is that it is trying to find a behind the scenes subtext, so that when it reads a passage it is 'solving' unfinished subtext problems, not reading what is there. That's is what's vague.

What promise could Paul possibly being speaking of in Gal 3?

Cross Reference

New member
That Jesus Christ would be by the seed of Abraham. That was the promise that, once explained to Paul's crowd, should convince the Jews in his earshot.. What is the big deal here??


Well-known member
One deal is that Danoh is chronically incapable of saying what he means.

As for the significance of the verse, Paul is identifying a 'replacement theology' way before the villified version of today, but in Paul's case the characters are much different. It is Judaism which has taken the worldwide scope of the Promise and narrowed it to themselves.

If modern pop theology would grasp just this one tenant, much of it would fall apart, and most Christian TV about 'prophecy right before our eyes' would be abandoned.


Well-known member
That Jesus Christ would be by the seed of Abraham. That was the promise that, once explained to Paul's crowd, should convince the Jews in his earshot.. What is the big deal here??

It is a big deal to grasp that Christ was the Seed. There are tons of teachers, teachings and hours on Christian TV that have no idea what this means; I would say you could go a full year on Christian radio, TV and books, and NEVER hear a person quote Gal. 3:16, which as you can see, is immediately before the verse referenced in this thread.