Which religion should I choose?


Ok so this is the thing. I've decided I want a religion but having been brought up outside religion I can't decide which. Each and everyone says in their own scriptures that theirs is the one to follow and offers `true enlightenment' and why this is I appreciate. So I need some help, could you put these in order for me the first being (assuming I adhere and conform completely) absolutely, definetly going to heaven. The last being, straight to hell no further questions asked. I'm assuming some religions will have an element of respect for one another. Is it true that Christianity says that only through believing in Jesus can I ascend whilst others are a little less demanding. If I carry on as I have till now, ie. no religion (hence atheist?), do I, according to Christianity, stand a better chance of entering Heaven than a Muslim, who actively renouces Jesus as the son of God.

1. Islam (sunni)
2. Islam (shi'ite)
3. Judaism
4. Christianity (Catholic)
5. Christianity (Protestant)
6. Christian (Baptist)
7. Taoist
8. Budhist
9. Seikh
10. Hindu
11. Confuscian
12. Shinto
13. Druidism
14. Atheism


New member
why do you want a religion? you should follow that which you believe to be most true.

the bible declares that you are a sinner, cut off from God and under his divine wrath. it also states that you can not reconcile yourself to God through your own works and that your punishment is eternal seperation from him in a place called hell.

there is no hope in hell and there is no joy there either. it is a place apart from God filled with utter despair and deadness.

however, the good news is that 2000 years ago God became flesh through Jesus Christ and was hung on a cross by his own people; but on the cross he took the full punishment of the wrath of God for the sins of the world. 3 days later he rose from the dead as proof that God had accepted him as a complete sacrifice for sin.

the bible declares that through faith (trust, repentence) in the work of Jesus on the cross, anyone can be reconciled to God and given eternal life in heaven.

the bible is very clear that you cannot earn your own salvation and that it is only attained through faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross.

call it religion if you like, but i call it the gospel, the power of salvation to all who believe.

based on the bible, the only "religion" that will get you to heaven would be christianity (protestant and baptist on your list). but i really don't think it's important as to what "religion" one has.

if you put your trust in Christ, your faith in the finished work on the cross where he died for your sins, and believe that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

let go of trying to be "religious" or joining something for the sake of joining it. salvation is found in Christ as well as all knowledge and wisdom. true peace, joy, love and "enlightment" are only found there as well.

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. apart from him, you are lost.


Thankyou God_is_truth,

"The bible has declared me a sinner" but I don't think I am, I lead a good life, I'm fairly altruistic. I'm "cut off" yet through reasoning (I'm a historian) I find it impossible to side purely with the bible when I look at the source. I don't mean to offend you I don't mean God, I mean the men that scribed it, the men that translated it. I have an elementary understanding of Latin, yet I know that the bible was originally Greek, then Latin, then English (Catholic), then protestant English, then modern English from olde English. I'm more than aware of the politicall ramifications that occured during the reformation period but it leaves me doubting what version of the bible survives! I'd rather be my own fool than someone else's slave and surely an understanding God would understand that, if not fully supporting me. I have a hard time seeing Jesus or God condemning me whilst someone that has been brought up in the religion whom has never stopped to question their actions is not. Especially if my good deeds out number theirs, and in actions if not words have lived the life that Jesus intended but just not through Jesus' name.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Re: Which religion should I choose?

Originally posted by Janus

If I carry on as I have till now, ie. no religion (hence atheist?), do I, according to Christianity, stand a better chance of entering Heaven than a Muslim, who actively renouces Jesus as the son of God.

According to Christ himself:
  • [jesus]He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.[/jesus] John 3:18
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From the Quran:
The Jews, the Christians and the Pagans will burn forever in the Fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures. (98.6)

A different viewpoint.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Janus

but I don't think I am [a sinner], I lead a good life, I'm fairly altruistic.

"Fairly altruistic?" Does that make you only "fairly righteous?"

You "lead a good life?" According to what standard?

Are you saying that you have never done anything that even you would consider to be morally wrong?


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Jackielabby

From the Quran:
The Jews, the Christians and the Pagans will burn forever in the Fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures. (98.6)

A different viewpoint.
And a wrong viewpoint.

But regardless, the question was:
If I carry on as I have till now, ie. no religion (hence atheist?), do I, according to Christianity, stand a better chance of entering Heaven than a Muslim, who actively renouces Jesus as the son of God.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Jackielabby

Now a muslim would say the same about your viewpoint. Who is right? I certainly don't know.
Well, Jesus claimed to be God. So investigating the truth of that claim might be a good place to start.

After all, if Jesus is God then His statement is true, and Mohommed's must be false because it contradict's what God has said. Right?


Back at you, JOHN 3:19, if we can't agree on the source nor the translation, nor the translator. How can we quote chapter and verse. John might have been misquoted. The bible could have been rewritten. The Catholic church today might be a quite embracing place but does that excuse everything from the crusades to the inquisition. To paraphrase Jesus did he not say something along the lines of let he who is without sin cast the first stone. By fairly altruistic I meant that sure I mess up from time to time but I have a conscience and always try to put things right. If I can help someone even though it might not benefit myself I'll still help them if I can. Altruism - a regard for others. More so than Pope Innocent III or Pius IX.


Well-known member

This is just my own two cents, but why not construct your own 'religion'?

No one here (or anywhere else) can prove that God exists or what is God's nature or intent. Some religions proclaim this knowledge but they have no reasonable evidence to support their claims, while other religions accept "God" openly as a mystery. In the end, the nature and existence of God is speculation for all of us.

So if you're going to choose to believe in the existence and nature of a "God", why not define that God in the way that best suits you? What would you really want God to be like? What kind of God-concept would help you to become a better person (as you would define "better")? Instead of studying other men's God-concepts, why not study your own heart and soul and create your own God-concept?


New member
Turbo wrote:

Well, Jesus claimed to be God. So investigating the truth of that claim might be a good place to start.

Well hang on a minute there. Jesus is reported to have made that claim. There is a difference you know. Furthermore, only one of the gospels, John, attributes Jesus with making that direct claim. John was the last synoptic gospel written possibly 90 years after the death of Jesus, so likely well outside living memory.

Be voracious in your reading; don't let the conservative Christians railroad you, unless you want to be railroaded.


Is anybody going to put the religions in a list of prefernce?
Are the Christian's going to damn us all? Very Christian!
Stop throwing quotes at me. "Jesus claimed to be God" CLAIMED, I question the source, how do we know that some little jewish kid didn't make an ammendment when John walked out the room. How do you lead your life to something that might not be. From what I've seen here I think that through self deduction I have a greater understnading of whats good and right. The Christian element seems to be saying Jesus is about love and forgiveness and if you don't believe us we'll damn you forever to the fires of Hell burn bastards burn!


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Janus

Back at you, JOHN 3:18, if we can't agree on the source nor the translation, nor the translator. How can we quote chapter and verse.
Whether or not you and I agree about it has no bearing on whether or not the record is accurate and the statement is true. Jesus either said that or He didn't, and the statement is either true or it isn't.

In other words: The record is either accurate or it is not and the statement is either true or it is not, regardless of what either of us think about it.

Do you agree with that?

John might have been misquoted. The bible could have been rewritten.
Do you have any evidence to suggest that, or are you just speculating?

The Catholic church today might be a quite embracing place but does that excuse everything from the crusades to the inquisition.
Who said it did? This has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

To paraphrase Jesus did he not say something along the lines of let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Yes, and you claim to be without sin, and that you are good. But Jesus said, "No one is good but One, that is, God."

Again, according to what standard do you "lead a good life?"

By fairly altruistic I meant that sure I mess up from time to time...
And by "mess up" do mean "sin"? Do you mean that you violate your own moral code (whatever that might be)?

Altruism - a regard for others. More so than Pope Innocent III or Pius IX.
So what? God doesn't grade on a curve.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Janus

Is anybody going to put the religions in a list of prefernce?
Probably not.

Are the Christian's going to damn us all?
No. If you do not humble yourself before Christ, admitting that you are a sinner in need of salvation, you damn yourself.

Very Christian!
Yes, it is. Read John 3:18 again if you don't think so.

Stop throwing quotes at me. "Jesus claimed to be God" CLAIMED, I question the source,
Then why don't you look into it instead of making assumptions?
how do we know that some little jewish kid didn't make an ammendment when John walked out the room.
Upon what evidence do you make these claims? Or is your faith blind?

How do you lead your life to something that might not be.
You tell us. Sozo and I aren't the ones basing our faith on ignorant speculations.

From what I've seen here I think that through self deduction I have a greater understnading of whats good and right.
How do you know your deductions are right? What if I disagree with the source. ;) What makes your deductions superior to someone elses?

Have you ever done something that through self deduction you concluded was morally wrong?

The Christian element seems to be saying Jesus is about love and forgiveness...
Not if you reject him. Why should God forgive you if you won't even admit that you've done anything wrong?