
Given that "The Donald" appoints the leadership of the Department of Justice and the Director of the FBI, why haven't they charged "socialist Hillary" with these crimes - could it be that there is no evidence and that they still have enough integrity not to "sell their souls" to this President!``

Hillary and Obama are not socialists.

Like any complex political idea, socialism means different things to different people. But there are core concepts in socialist politics that are easy to identify, including
--worker control over the nature and conditions of their work
--collective ownership of the major capital assets of the society, the means of production
--And an egalitarian distribution of the wealth of a society.

s with any complex political idea, socialism means different things to different people. But there are core concepts in socialist politics that are easy to identify, including (1) worker control over the nature and conditions of their work; (2) collective ownership of the major capital assets of the society, the means of production; and (3) an egalitarian distribution of the wealth of a society.

Obama has never argued for such principles, and in fact consistently argues against them, as do virtually all politicians who are visible in mainstream U.S. politics. This is hardly surprising, given the degree to which our society is dominated by corporations, the primary institution through which capitalism operates.

Obama or Hillary are not only not a socialists, There are not even particularly progressive capitalist.

They have never argued for such principles, and in fact have consistently argued against them, as do virtually all politicians who are visible in mainstream U.S. politics.

This is hardly surprising, given the degree to which our society is dominated by corporations, the primary institution through which capitalism operates.

Capitalism is not only inhuman and anti-democratic....
it’s also unsustainable, and if we don’t come to terms with that one, not much else matters.

Capitalism is an economic system based on the concept of unlimited growth, yet we live on a finite planet.

Capitalism is, quite literally, crazy.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I hope the dog bites Trump .

the poor dog - it might get infected with orangemanbad syndrome:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Hi to all and rumor has been heard that the WHITE HOUSE will soon have a dog running there , and it is called a BORDER COLLIE , how APROPOS is that !!

dan p

QUOTE: "The Trump family, as far as is publicly known, does not own any animals. Unless something changes, that means that Donald Trump could become the first president in 150 years who does not have a pet.

Well, not if Lois Pope has anything to say about it. Pope, a prominent philanthropist in Palm Beach, Fla., who advocates for veterans’ and animal causes, said in an interview Tuesday that she is in possession of a 9-week-old golden retriever and poodle mix that will soon become the first dog. Pope said she notified Trump, whom she has known for more than two decades, about the Goldendoodle in writing and showed him a photo of the pooch at the Trumps’ recent Thanksgiving event at their Mar-a-Lago home.

“He said, ‘Go over there and show it to Barron,'” Pope said, referring to Trump’s 10-year-old son. “He said, ‘He’s going to fall in love with him.’ He said, ‘Barron will want him.’”
When she showed the photo to Barron, Pope said, “this big smile came over his face, and it just brought tears to his eyes
