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Hi to all and Paul had more aurthority than the 12 Apostles and we see in John 20:22 and 23 shows that they could REMIT SINS !!~

Jesus gave then the POWER to Remit Sins in versse 22 when Jesus gave them the Power of ther Holy Spirit !!

So we see that Jesus can GIVE the Holy Spirit !!

So , you ANTI-Pauline explain how they REMMTTED SINS ??

In 2 Cor 2:10 it reads , To whom ye FORGIVE anything , I Forgive also , for if FORGAVE any thing to whom I FORGAVE it , for your sakes FORGAVE I in the PERSON of Christ !!

2 Cor 2:10 is WRITTEN to thise in the DISPENSATION of the MYSTERY as written in Rom 16:25 and 26 !!

The last 2 verbs are FORGAVE /CHANIZOMAI and I FORGAVE / CHANIZOMAI are both in the PERFECT TENSE and PASSIVE VOICE and in the INDICATIVE MOOD , which means it is a FACT !!

The Perfect Tense means that there sins were always forgiven and Paul was EMPOWERED TO ACT in Jesus behalf and had mor AUTHORITY THAN THE 12 APOSTLES !!~

But this authority has passed on after their deaths of the 12 and Paul !!

dan p