toldailytopic: Do you think TOL bans members too frequently, or not frequently enough


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
The rules aren't follows that much... so why bother banning anyone?

There is a certain member that posts links to very long articles and never points out the relevant part.. his goal is to subject us to reading everything in the article instead of the applicable part.

I believe that is against the rules... yet he has gotten away with it for years now.

So if you aren't going to enforce your rules.. you shouldn't be banning anyone.
The staff cannot possibly see every post that breaks the rules, which is why we have a reporting system here. If you see a post that breaks the rules report it. If someone has broken the rules they will receive at least a warning, depending on the severity of the offense. If severe enough they will receive an infraction, which could cause an auto-ban if the offense is severe enough to warrant a high enough level of infraction. And if the offense is exceptionally severe, or if they are a repeat offender, they will be banned directly.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
What the right hand giveth,
I think things are dealt with a nice touch actually.
the left hand taketh away ...
However it seems that right wing, gun waving maddist nut jobs get given a lot of slack.

Those on the left, or who are atheists or secularists have to tread much more carefully.
That's because left-wing, commie wacko nutcase, drooling swine are more inclined to name-calling, profanity and blasphemy. I suspect you would be more pleased if your vulgar prejudices and biases were given free rein.


Why.... no body's free to attack the war until its over? want to see if it was really won?

Christians victory is not complete unless you serve Jesus faithfully until the end.

Jesus says "if you love me, keep my commandments". Dont forget responsibilities for what He has done for us. Salvation is not cheap. Jesus died for us and Jesus expects His followers to die for Him too. It costs our lives because Jesus dies for us.

Jesus is not cheap, friend.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Christians victory is not complete unless you serve Jesus faithfully until the end.

Jesus says "if you love me, keep my commandments".
Which he then doesn't say are required for salvation. But what commandments do you imagine the Trinitarian fails?

Dont forget responsibilities for what He has done for us. Salvation is not cheap. Jesus died for us and Jesus expects His followers to die for Him too. It costs our lives because Jesus dies for us.
No, Meshak, his sacrifice was enough. That's why he didn't say, "It is finished....mostly."

Jesus is not cheap, friend.
Then don't cheapen what he accomplished by pretending to be under the law and struggling toward reward.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I am talking about some members here, they are mostly in the chat box, and they are allowed to be vicious and bully.

Well, if you wouldn't whine in the chat box!



New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for April 30th, 2012 09:12 AM

toldailytopic: Do you think TOL bans members too frequently, or not frequently enough?


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Do you really mean banned or suspended? I ask because a few times I see that someone has been banned and then I see them posting again at a later date.

Does banned really mean suspended?


I get lots of warnings instead of bans now; :banned: whereas, before I used to bet banned. I'm always grateful to make it through the day. :thumb:

“Sorry gang, have to lock this down while I report the spammer.” ~ Town Heretic :baby:
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I get lots of warnings instead of bans now; :banned: whereas, before I used to bet banned. I'm always grateful to make it through the day. :thumb:

“Sorry gang, have to lock this down while I report the spammer.” ~ Town Heretic :baby:
I didn't want you banned or ask for it. In fact, if you read my request that went along with reporting your spamming the thread I specifically noted that I wasn't after that, only the ability to return the thread to functionality so that others could participate in the spirit of the thing.

I argue the points of argument highlighted frequently in Observations within the threads linked, not in Observations. Don't care for it? Don't follow it. :idunno:


I think the time in the sin bin can get longer like :banned: a five minute major in hockey. :sharri:

You aren't a Christian so you tell us (2 Pe 2:1). :rolleyes:

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).

Does Jesus say it is ok to slander anyone who is serving

This is Jesus' commandment:

"go therefore, make disciples of all nations... teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

Yet you main-streamers say you are saved without obeying Jesus.

You guys are so strange.