To join rulers’ wars Catholics made violent-bible to neutralize love-gospel.



To save my mind and soul I came to Christ at teen age. His message of absolute love started healing my sin-devastated soul. But when much later bible came in my hands it fueled my baser instincts of violence, greed and awe by its wars, loot and massacres. Though I constantly prayed and attended church services often, that couldn’t save my degeneration due to it. To save myself then I left the church and would have left faith also, if John’s summery of Christ’s teaching as “Love is God” had not spoken to me from the gospel. It resonated in my mind. I resolved to practice that God.

It was good that I left the church; otherwise they wouldn’t have allowed that. Actually churches fear that one practicing that God will leave their easy opiate of flattery worshipping Him. Their priority is to increase the number of their members and their support of church establishment. Practicing Christian precepts is irrelevant to it. They, especially catholic church, rather instigated emperors’ and inquisition wars to increase and hold its members. So they dampen, criticize and destroy individual’s attempt in Christ following.

Yes! There are many church organized charities. Those are like organizational machines supervised from top, not individual spontaneous actions. There is much qualitative difference between them. My following of 2nd commandment builds me up, not an organizational machine’s charity participation. So we see government charity machines don’t build up members, rather they become more apathetic to personal needs of people. Same thing happens to church people engaged in organizational charities as I had experienced. Of course there are some exceptions that a few people opt to participate in the charitable actions with whole heart. They certainly build themselves up. But human nature is that forced regimented participation usually generates resistance against it.

So when I started destitute serving alone unnoticed by them, I began to be saved. I realized that then Father and Christ are living with me as Christ promised (Jn14-24). But my hunger for human fellowship again brought me back to churches. That stopped that destitute serving ministry then as easy alter ministry enticed prestige-hungry me. That again started my downslide and I had to leave churches again to immerse myself in ministry among poorest Muslims.

Here I realized fully the pernicious influence bible’s hell-terrorizing spurious Revelation and Jews’ violent old testament among humanity. It is the root of Islam and terrible degeneration of christianity. Christ said that sword will destroy the soul of the sword wielder. Swords mean any means of destruction such as rods, guns, chemical or nuclear weapons, including written materials that support and incite violence. Bible falls in that latter category as 75% of it support violence and gospel of merely 25% support nonviolence.

How it came that church apostatized against Christ’s love-message to highlight violence message of old testament and spurious Revelation? We can understand it better if we look at the Russian orthodox church’s apostasy in submitting to the rulers of soviet Russia. Rulers ancient and modern, ‘christian’ or non-christian are all devil’s protégées as Christ said. The ancient catholic church was tired of the catacombs for resisting warmongering rulers. A way of compromise was sought by many weak souls there by participating in rulers’ wars. So they participated in Constantine’s war. The victorious king granted them patronage. It is like making Devil as patron. In fact he became the de facto head of the church as Stalin became for Russian church. (I don’t say that warmongering tsar Nicholas was better than Constantine and Stalin in principle, though they are making him saint now.)

Now to please kings and justify their apostasy to violence they compiled the bible with violent old testament and their manufactured extremely violent spurious Revelation. They equated it with Christ’s gospel. That deluded the naïve people but not the few real Christ followers. Persecuted they left the church and retired to wilderness becoming hermits. True christ-follower Marcion’s zeal for the love-message of Christ earned him satanic abuses from the apostate church turning to violence and so to old testament. But his true martyr churches held on in spite of attacks by rulers and church both. We saw that attack on true Christians by both the church and rulers too in communist Russia. But, it was almost wiped out by the 7th century. It is a shame that catholics’ biblical apostasy is carried on by Protestants still now except some lone voices here and there

Almost all fear that we can’t live without violence to save our bodies, properties and churches. Let them try and be frustrated to find that violence gives temporary benefit only, while destroying all in the end even here, let alone in eternity. So the violence sanctioning Christianity and churches are left out by Love-God. Spiritless they are committing spiritual suicide and in the coming ‘Christianity’ sponsored nuclear holocaust.
Now I am using the internet to find any like me trying to atone for the churches 2nd and 3rd century blasphemy of subverting Christ’s message of absolute love teaching on the cross by wrongly motivated compilation and canonization of bible. It was by accepting Jewish false violent god, worship method, false substitution theory, misleading paradoxes and terminologies.

Actually they kill his moral influence with their presumption that he atoned for the whole humanity. No one can atone (repair the pride-devastated love-integrity) in another. One has to repair it himself following living Christ’s teachings as in my case. But, instead of following, they exclaim “Lord! Lord!” He hated worshipping him while neglecting his teachings. Even if I don’t find any such realizing and following Christ like me, I won’t stop as I find Christ at my side.
