The Volume of the Book


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Theology Thursday: The Volume of the Book

This is the show from Thursday February 12th, 2015


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* All About Jesus: On today's Theology Thursday, Bob shows us that the entire Old Testament points to Jesus.

Today's Resource: 1 Kings Bible Study

As David's life is draining from him, the nation of Israel is set to enter its most terribly trying times. His son Solomon becomes king with a reign so horrific that he fills Judah with altars to pagan gods and his harem of 1,000 women scoffs at God's command that no monarch should multiply wives. Why are the chapters of sacred history filled with such wickedness? Many theologians have claimed that God actually decreed that His own servants would violate His own commands. This Bible study of First Kings, however, allows the Scriptures themselves to expound on the reason for their disobedience. Lessons for the Christian fill this book, from how to gain wisdom, to learning why wisdom alone is insufficient, to the building of the Temple, to the political and moral lessons from Ahab and his wife Jezebel, and ultimately, to the mighty ministry of the Hebrew prophet Elijah, from the fire on Mt. Carmel to hearing the still small voice of the Lord!

Available in Blu-ray, DVD, or Video Download

Come on out to the next BEL Seminar!

RSR's List of Evidence Against the Big Bang
seminar by Bob Enyart

Where: Lake of the Pines
1931 Lake of the Pines Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46234

When: Saturday, March 7th
Registration at 12:30
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

This is a Benefit Event to Raise Funds to keep BEL on the air
organized by our Indianapolis listeners!
Registration $100; children free.
If you can't afford the registration, instead of clicking,
please call 1-800-8Enyart and ask for our Workin' Man's discount! :)

Examples of the Evidence: From, Bob will use these astronomy observations:
- Mature galaxies exist where the BB predicts only infant galaxies
- An entire universe-worth of missing antimatter contradicts most fundamental BB prediction
- Observations show that spiral galaxies are missing millions of years of BB predicted collisions
- Clusters of galaxies exist at great distances where the BB predicts they should not exist
- A trillion stars are missing an unimaginably massive quantity of heavy elements, a total of nine billion years worth
- Galaxy superclusters exist yet the BB predicts that gravity couldn't form them even in the alleged age of the cosmos
- A missing generation of the alleged billions of first stars that the failed search has implied simply never existed
- Missing uniform distribution of earth's radioactivity
- Solar system formation theory wrong too
- It is "philosophy", not science, that makes the big-bang claim that the universe has no center
- Amassing evidence suggests the universe has a center
- Sun is missing nearly 100% of the spin that natural formation would impart
- The beloved supernova chemical evolution story for the formation of heavy elements is now widely rejected
- Missing uniform distribution of solar system isotopes
- Missing billions of years of additional clustering of nearby galaxies
- Surface brightness of the furthest galaxies, against a fundamental BB claim, is identical to that of the nearest galaxies
- Missing shadow of the big bang with the long-predicted "quieter" echo behind nearby galaxy clusters now disproved
- The mythical CMB prediction and other alleged confirmed big bang predictions that were never made
- Fine tuning and dozens of other MAJOR scientific observations and 1,000+ scientists doubting the big bang.