The One Man Antichrist, the Spirit of Antichrist, the False Prophets and Gotcher's Pa


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The One Man Antichrist, the Spirit of Antichrist, the False Prophets and Gotcher's Patriarchal Remnant

"Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time." I John 2: 18

Antichrist is from αντιχριστος, antichrist, Strong's Exhaustive Concordance number 500, "...from 473 and 5547, an opponent of the Messiah - antichrist." Antichrists is from αντιχριστοι, antichrists.

Strong's 473, is anti, "opposite, instead of..." Strong's 5547 is Χριστός, Christ.

"Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son." John 2: 22

"And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world." I John 4: 3

The Textus Receptus Greek for I John 4: 3 says και τουτο εστιν το του αντιχριστου, literally says "and this is that antichrist." The King James Version added "spirit of" making it the spirit of antichrist.

"For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist." II John 1: 7 The Textus Receptus says οτι πολλοι πλανοι εισηλθον εις τον κοσμον οι μη ομολογουντες ιησουν χριστον ερχομενον εν σαρκι ουτος εστιν ο πλανος και ο αντιχριστος. II John 1: 7 and the King James Version translation are clear in saying that those who teach that Jesus Christ did not come in the flesh are deceivers and are antichrists, not one antichrist.

Remember that I John 2: 18 says "antichrist shall come," and "even now there are many antichrists." This indicates that John is using the singular antichrist to refer to a position opposing Jesus Christ, to an office of antichrist, or,as the King James adds in I John 4: 3,the spirit of antichrist.

I John 1: 7 defines an antichrist as one who denies that Jesus Christ came in the flesh

Matthew 24: 5 defines the false prophet as one who comes in the name of Jesus Christ, and teaches that Christ came in the flesh, but the false prophet is deceptive in teaching doctrines that are not of Jesus Christ, but are of the spirit of error (I John 4: 6).

"For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." Matthew 24: 5

And so if a Pope teaches that his version of Christ came in the flesh, he is not an antichrist, but is a false prophet, because the doctrines he teaches are not those of Christ.

And the dispensationalist or Christian Zionist doctrine saying
that in the last time a one man antichrist figure will appear is not supported by the New Testament scriptures on antichrist. However, in the last time an anti-Christian culture is rising which denies that Christ came in the flesh, and so not only have the false prophets increased in number and in the amount of error they teach in the churches, but in the world a spirit of antichrist is increasing.

And Ol Dean Gotcher calls the remnant the patriarchal remnant in our time. By patriarchal remnant Gotcher means a remnant which is free of "Christian feminism," and Marxist-Leftist Political Correctness which is at war with the present day heterosexual Christian male like the ones of an older Western culture. The patriarchal remnant is found in Revelation 12: 15-17, "And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.
16. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.
17. And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."



Antichrist is from αντιχριστος, antichrist, Strong's Exhaustive Concordance number 500, "...from 473 and 5547, an opponent of the Messiah - antichrist." Antichrists is from αντιχριστοι, antichrists.

Strong's 473, is anti, "opposite, instead of..." Strong's 5547 is Χριστός, Christ.

5/7/2016 to 6/6/2016 = 30 Days Lunar Phase cycle. ONE LUNAR CYCLE FROM PRINCE'S DEATH TO DAY OF JUDGEMENT. That is the interpretation of the symbol. (Six Hundred Threescore Six = One Lunar Cycle of 30 Days ending on 6/6/2016 or 666). (Castration and Murder of the Antichrist, committed in 1993 in secret, but also a few years later in highschool in a much more public way, that is the real meaning of the symbol).

Matthew 24: 5 defines the false prophet as one who comes in the name of Jesus Christ, and teaches that Christ came in the flesh, but the false prophet is deceptive in teaching doctrines that are not of Jesus Christ, but are of the spirit of error (I John 4: 6).

1 John 4:6 and 2 Peter 3:8 ............... We are commanded to keep Watch to avoid the Spirit of Error, Luke 21:36-37. That means we don't need to do anything fancy with some of the figures God reveals in revelation, like the Number of the Beast, or a few other figures, because we can easily connect the argument in much simpler terms by keeping watch. For Example:

REVELATION 9:15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.

Third = 3
Hour is about 30 x 2 Minutes
Day is about 30 Hours
Months is about 30 Days
Year is about 30 x 12 Months

Year is divided into Four Solstices at 3 Month Quarters.
Month is one Lunar Cycle
Day is the Cycle of Darkness
Hour is a Measure of Light

Earth's Sun is Highest in the Month of June, therefore God will do the opposite and begin the "Three Days of Darkness", that is a Logical Statement.

And Ol Dean Gotcher calls the remnant the patriarchal remnant in our time. By patriarchal remnant Gotcher means a remnant which is free of "Christian feminism," and Marxist-Leftist Political Correctness which is at war with the present day heterosexual Christian male like the ones of an older Western culture.


Prince's Favorite Color was Purple, does that mean anything at all? It means that when the Color Purple is present, you cannot see the Color "Grey". Purple is either present when Grey is completely whited out, or completely blacked out. (Genetic Dan and Aaron, are blood enemies of Jesus and the Antichrist because they identify with the full potential the Gospel Affords of equal potential. So Suicide is their preference, Prince made a prediction about God ending his own life because of the Assault of the Gospel that he was parading. Genetic Dan and Aaron are inherent and innate enemies of God and the Prophets in the New Testament Era because of the 144,000 of Joseph's judgment program. So you are witnessing the death of a bloody murder, in distaste and rebuke, you are not witnessing the death of a saved individual or a prophet, but a bloody murderer. The Antichrist wants them all to die blind, so we'll see how this plays out soon, the Day of Judgment does not begin on 6/6/2016 because it does not fall on a parallel of 12210, 42, 3, 150 days, that is what the Gospel Supports ............. 6/6/2016 to 6/18/2016 is a Lunar Based intersection of the Parallels we discussed, that is viable at the moment for the Day of Judgment) Love and Blessings. (Right now, the level of force needs to be increased, in execution level of force against the Antichrist).
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30 Days from the Death of Prince, so, it was originally a prediction back in 2007. About 6 Minutes into the video you will see the Symbol of Prince. 2007 is Nine Years from 2016, the Prince Song that says something about the year "1999", it was a song. 1999 for 666 or 6/6/2016. Prince Dies 30 Days or One Lunar Cycle (Grey Moon), before 1999, and then the Events of Revelation begins. ........................... About 7:55 Minutes into the video, we see "Publius Vedius Pollio" 15 B.C. .......... that is 6/6/2016 to 6/18/2016 for 12 Days, and then 6/18/2016 to 6/21/2016 for 3 Days of Darkness = 15 Days Total. (Lunar Cycle + Solstice, in this case 5/7/2015 to 6/6/2016, then to June Solstice ........ its the Lunar Parallel of 5/21/2016 to 6/18/2016 = 6/6/2016 to 6/18/2016).

The Contradiction of Judas, he threw down 30 Shekels, then he was immediately killed, now it is recorded that he was thrown off a cliff, and that he was hanged. The Mayan Calendar has a Sun/Moon God in the Center between two Cliffs (Mayan Twins below the Center), also there is a "Hanging Snake", on the tong of the Moon/Sun God in the center for a Ring around the Earth's Moon or an explosion or some special event = Sign of Antipas/Antiparticle/Divorce.

God doesn't kill the Antichrist until the 3 Days of Darkness, however, the bible talks about a "Son of Perdition" that dies continually in a losing battle with God. If that is true, than, someone dies to identify with the "Son of Perdition" argument, to mark the DIVORCE, before God kills the Antichrist to mark the MARRIAGE.

(If that argument is true, than an ungodly man, full of evil and cursings, is put to death first, that man is "Prince". If that is true, than we have less than 12 full days to reach satisfaction in that conclusion) Love and Blessings. (beyond the Antichrist father, the only person to have visited pure cruelty and suffering and death for a prolonged period on the Antichrist is Pope John Paul II, so that is the image of the man in the video ............ we are still in the reign of Pope John Paul II's, reign of cruelty, so that is the theme).
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We are back to our discussion's conclusion. The death of Prince is a marker for sign or the events of Revelation, in an intelligent sequence. ....... (Video, Various Scenes from the Movie) The Video begins with the Death of Prince in a bathtub instead of a coffin, and various objects (Red Roses) connected to the Planet Mars. Nancy Lieder, appears to show Prince as a Zeta, and then a bright red planet mars.

This Monday evening (May 30) at 5:35 p.m. ET, Mars will be the closest it has been to Earth since Oct. 5, 2005: 0.50321377 astronomical units (AU), or 46,762,695 miles . (One AU is the average distance from Earth to the sun — about 93 million miles.)

The Original Mars Hoax, showing the Date/Age of Death of Prince

The Mars hoax was a hoax circulated by e-mail that began in 2002, that claimed that Mars would look as large as the full Moon to the naked eye on August 27, 2003. The hoax, which has since resurfaced every year from 2005 through 2015, began from a misinterpretation and exaggeration of a sentence in an e-mail message that reported the close encounter between Mars and the Earth in August 2003. At that time, the distance between the two planets was about 55,758,000 kilometers, which was the closest distance between them since September 24, 57,617 BC, when the distance has been calculated to have been about 55,718,000 kilometers.

Prince Deceased age 57
Prince Deceased 5/7/2016
Mars Hoax of 2002-2003 - One Lunar Cycle Disputed
Nancy Lieder 2003 - Original Nibiru Prediction

The Mars Hoax claimed back in 2002 that the Planet Mars would be as big as the Earth's Moon in 2003. If Prince is apart of the "Son of Perdition", then his death was a "Hoax", and that is one Lunar Cycle from the death of the Antichrist. Thus, the original Mars Hoax was ONE LUNAR CYCLE AWAY FROM THE REAL MCCOY. .............. 5/30/2016 which is around a 10 day multiple from 5/7/2016 parallels the figures of "57" with mars, it doesn't mean much at all, except for a possible gravity deviation or other alluding to the transitions we discussed, I've stated recently, "5/28" for "5128" of the Mayan Calendar, which references 5/21 to 6/18 as a possible parallel for a gravity deviation, alluding to the elimination of all life onboard the international space station, but I could be corrected at this stage. These kinds of events are usually proceeded by warning signs. Love and Blessings (The only way to guarantee that you die blind is to use force against the Antichrist, preferably what constitutes lethal force, now that is your choice, but as I've stated, right now, you are not using enough force against me, by my estimations, I have an erran to run today, so you need to use that opportunity to kill and remain vigilant in doing whats necessary, or we'll just see what happens in a few days, your choice).
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In looking for statements by Dean Gotcher on the antichrist in John's letters,here is all that I have found so far: See: is from 2015:. "I and my Father are one." John 10:30 "... he that hath seen me hath seen the Father," John 14:9 "He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son." 1 John 3:22 ...........

See:"The Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God, was sent by His Heavenly Father to 'redeem' us from His Father's wrath upon us for our sins, i.e. to 'reconcile ' us to Himself. The Antichrist has come and is coming to 'redeem' us from the Father, i.e. 'reconciling' us to the world only.."...............

See: ""Your opinion, how "you feel" and what "you think," will not count on the day of judgment."......."Your opinion, how "you" feel and what "you" think, i.e. your opinion on how the world "ought to be," is only of the world, is only of sight, is only of the flesh, and is not of God. Either your faith is in the Word of God or your trust is in the opinions of men, i.e. in the flesh of men, including yours."..........."Therefore your opinion, i.e. your understanding, i.e. your "thinking" through your "feelings" (and the "feelings" of others), i.e. your "human wisdom" (dialectic 'reasoning') can only lead you in the way of the world. Your opinion, i.e. your "thinking" through your "feelings" is the only way the spirit of the world, the "prince of the power of the air," has to seduce, deceive, and manipulate you into becoming at-one-with the world and the world at-one-in you, i.e. uniting you with the world and the world in you in consensus, i.e. united as "one" in the 'moment,' united upon a "feeling" of "oneness"—"proud in heart" that you, in concord or agreement with all men of 'reason,' i.e. thinking and acting according to "human nature," are "God," in "control" of the world—in sin, i.e. in abomination."................"The Antichrist controls the world through the opinions of men.".......Gotcher does not mean here that there is to be a one man Antichrist figure. The spirit of Antichrist, which is increasing in the world, controls people through the opinions of men.......

In looking for Dean Gotcher quotes on Antichrist I found this long collection of his teachings posted in 2015: Quick Overview........


In looking for statements by Dean Gotcher on the antichrist in John's letters,here is all that I have found so far: See: is from 2015:. "I and my Father are one." John 10:30 "... he that hath seen me hath seen the Father," John 14:9 "He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son." 1 John 3:22 ...........

See:"The Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God, was sent by His Heavenly Father to 'redeem' us from His Father's wrath upon us for our sins, i.e. to 'reconcile ' us to Himself. The Antichrist has come and is coming to 'redeem' us from the Father, i.e. 'reconciling' us to the world only.."...............

(Genetic Dan is a cold blooded killer, when it comes to the New Testament. Especially in relation to the Gospel's Program, involving the 144,000 of Joseph. Right now, the most cruel and inhumane action any person can perform is, pretend to be the Antichrist, and misrepresent the gospel. This can guarantee a considerable level of unfortunate suffering and pain, mankind will simply have to endure, because God is unwilling to act to reveal anything at this level, in such a case. God will simply kill these people opportunistically)

Prince = Deceased May 7, 2016 (Guilty of Castration and Murder of the Antichrist)
Michael Jackson = Deceased June 25, 2016 (Guilty of Beating to Death and Maiming the Antichrist)

Lunar Cycle about 30 Days = 5/7/2016 to 6/6/2016
Lunar Cycle about 30 Days = 5/21/2016 to 6/18/2016

(You need to keep watch, and wait to see if God decides to do anything or now at this level on, 6/6/2016 to 6/18/2016............back to topic)

Deny the Father = 144,000 Reuben completed before the Old Testament
Deny the Father = 144,000 of Benjamin completed before the New Testament
Deny the Jesus = 144,000 of Joseph, Jesus does not pay for the sins of everyone regardless of the work you perform towards those ends (not disregarding the work of repentance the gospel does identify with)

The Antichrist is nothing important, he is only a symbol as the "Express Image of Jesus", Jesus looks to, to give some measure of the gospel at the end of time. This is only an expression that God has brought the end, and guaranteed satisfaction in the New Universe. Don't give the Antichrist much value at all, because I'm sure he would say very quickly to work your faith out with God in seeking the blessing as your lives come to a close. I'm sure none of this is anything new, as we've discussed previously. Much simpler terms, "Lunar Cycle + Solstice" or "Solstice Precessional Alignment + Annual Rising of the Nile River". Love and Blessings. (Euthanasia is the only mechanism their kinds understand, pretending to be the Antichrist, is a death penalty, when God decides to react it is to illustrate something).