The Nature and Character of God


New member
Is this observation on the Nature and Character of God biblically sound?

It is not the Nature of God to directly reward good (or bad) works, but it is in the Character of God to have built serendipity and cosmic justice into His Creation.


New member
Is this observation on the Nature and Character of God biblically sound?

It is not the Nature of God to directly reward good (or bad) works, but it is in the Character of God to have built serendipity and cosmic justice into His Creation.

Potentially. We have several instances of the reverse being true. I am sure that serendipity plays a role as the free will of humanity can sometimes lead to our unintended consequences, but ultimately God has been quite clear on His role of rewarding the righteous and punishing the wicked. I will post a few verses.

Romans 2:6
Colossians 3:23-24
James 1:12
Matthew 6:2
Deuteronomy 5:33
Hebrews 11:6
Matthew 6:6
Amos 5:14
Jeremiah 17:9-10

If you need more, let me know.