The destructive doctrine-- Christ atoned for all believers’ sins.



Though I work mainly among Muslims two of my centers are among Christ. They are more degenerate than Hindu, Muslims and agnostics around with more loose character, suicide and addictions. I have come to the conclusion that this doctrine is the root of their degeneration. Hindus believe that their present condition is according to ‘karma’, what they did in previous life and now. So they take care that everything they do is good. Though Muslims don’t dogmatically believe in previous life, they believe the empirical evidence that they have to take the consequence of what they do. They have no one to atone for their bad actions. Though some Hindu sects say that intoning the name of their deities or immersing in Ganges clears all sins, no one take them seriously as it is not supported by experience. Muslims jihad is also prescribed for clearing all sins, never seriously taken. But Christians seriously believe that Christ take their sins and atone, though they see that their lives are turning to hell as it is not happening. So they are most irresponsible and among the most lowly unproductive class here in India. Actually no one other than self can rectify-atone the destructive actions of sins inside the soul. If done by other it doesn’t endure. Atonement of sins’ outside destructive effects is superfluous.
Catholics made bible taking whimsically from various writings editing those to be popular among the sensual people and warrior ruling class. This doctrine, even if told by apostles carried over from the false animal sacrifice-atonement notion of jews, must be rejected in the light of reason and empirical evidences. If Catholics could reject Peter’s and Thomas’ gospels by their reason we can use our reason too. Having more knowledge and living among more humane age our reason is better than apostles, as Catholics also thought of themselves.
Actually Christ teaches us how to atone for our original sin of burning Heaven and falling here (Rev12,7-12 and Indian Puran) and for this life’s sins. We are created autonomous so we have the liberty to do anything. Heavenly Father , the unity of Heavenly parents, will not interfere. But, if we seek help He gives that without infringing our autonomy. As I have shown in my previous posts that Christ , Heavenly Father and saints are also atoning–rectifying their creation. If we repent and atone we enter into their fellowship. Similar draws similar together. So atonement is done by all together. When we repent and atone only then we are in the fellowship of Christ and Heavenly Father, otherwise not. That proves our faith, nothing else.
But irresponsible preachers among Catholics and protestants, who say that Christ atones for believer’s sins, will be most popular with responsibility denying Heaven fallen humanity. Though there are differences among them basically they are same in popularity craze. Very few will heed to the call of repentance-atonement. But while the former will create hell destroying them, latter will make Heaven.