The Cost of Victory

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The Cost of Victory

Wednesday November 3rd, 2004. This is show #220.

This [Republican] victory comes at quite a price. Two weeks ago George W. Bush became the first sitting president to support homosexual civil unions, a legal equivalent of marriage without the name. And now he has institutionalized the practice of running as a pro-lifer with the promise to continue to appoint pro-abortion judges. And even in a time of war he's given us a new half-trillion dollar socialized medicine program to bribe the A.A.R.P. to deliver the senior citizen vote. The Republican party has effectively surrendered to a godless education system which teaches children that they've evolved from animals. And the legalization of sex outside of marriage has been completely surrendered to including pornography, adultery and homosexuality. And any one of these things will hurt the next generation of kids far more than Alkida.


Great monologue by Bob. Every once in a while someone makes me realize that I am not alone in this world, in regards to Politics and Christians! George Bush is a liberal socialist who is only Pro life in some of his rhetoric. Why "most" Christians can not see this, truly amazes me.
We can also truly thank God that we did not almost elect an ultra liberal, unrighteous, communist traitor, in his stead. I think that only someone as far left as Kerry could have possibly lost to someone as liberal as Bush, who by comparison makes him "look" conservative.
If the Democrats are asking themselves how they lost the election they need to realize that anyone who was not so far left on the moral issues of gay marriage and partial birth abortion, would have easily defeated Bush, it is as simple as that. It is scary that in spite of that, he almost pulled it off. America, thank God, is not quite that immoral yet. I guess that the Democratic primary voters, took their chances with Kerry and guessed wrong!

P.S. May God bless the Swift Boat vets, especially the Democrat ones for their integrity.
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