The Colorado Statesman

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The Colorado Statesman

This is the show from Wednesday May 2nd, 2007.


* Reporter Leslie Jorgensen: on April 27 published a surprisingly accurate account of the Colorado Right To Life 40 Years in the Wilderness event. Jo Scott of ProLife Colorado reports on the reporting of Jo Scott! Here are brief excerpts and an account of her reporting:
The Colorado Statesman [the newspaper of record for Colorado state government, politics and the Capitol]
The front page article headlines were:
Wanted: President to end abortion Holocaust
Keyes hails God, assails the GOP

Front page photo caption:
Dr. Alan Keyes delivers remarks April 25 to commemorate the millions lost to abortion since the country's first abortion law was passed in Colorado exactly 40 years ago.
Headline: Enyart says partial-birth abortion ban won't really help

Bob Enyart, pastor of Denver Bible Church, unveiled a list of lukewarm pro-life conservatives that included Steve Forbes, Bill Bennett, Pat Robertson, James Dobson of Focus on the Family, Hugh Hewitt, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Medved, Sean Hannity and Bill Kristol.
At the top of his list is President Bush... Enyart said that Bush failed to oppose a South Dakota law to ban abortion...
[Regarding Bush's exceptions, for rape and incest...] "That position led to millions of slaughtered infants," declared Enyart. "We could drown today in this room with the blood of kids killed just last month."
Enyart, in a recent summary of the ruling upholding the partial-birth abortion ban, lashed out against those who interpreted the Supreme Court's decision as an answer to prayer, such as talk show host Hugh Hewitt, who was in town at the same time.
The tragedy, stated Enyart, which Hewitt and others should have know, is that "not a single abortion, late-term or otherwise, has been or will be, canceled due to this ban."
Further, Enyart emphasized, "the ban itself never had even the possibility of preventing a single abortion."
Our Christian leaders have misled millions into thinking this ban would prevent at least some abortions," Enyart recently wrote. "In reality, pro-lifers volunteered, they made phone calls, and gave money, all to promote a ban that utterly lacked the authority to save even a single baby. Sadly, our leaders are not wiser than that," Enyart lamented.
"Rank-and-file pro-lifers were never told that this ban had no ability to actually save a child, and instead was a public relations event ‘to keep the issue in the news.'"
The ban, Enyart continued, "pushes the killing of late-term babies back into the darkness and out of public view... And we have helped the abortion industry present itself as more humane by robbing ourselves of the most powerful visual weapon we would ever have to convince people of the wickedness of abortion, namely, the blood of the children being killed out in the open for all to see." -End Enyart Excerpts-
The article also reprints the entire Colorado Right to Life pledge, titled 40 Years / 50 Million Dead / One Commitment, between photographs of Sen. Scott Renfroe R-Weld County, who "sponsored a bill to block [all] abortions this year" and of "Dan Caplis, local radio talk show host, [who] spoke at the event.
Another photo caption: Dr. Alan Keyes, who served as Ambassador to the United Nations Economic and Social Council in 1983, addresses members of Colorado Right to Life and several hundred others at the Capitol.
Finally, another photo depicted Judy Brown, "seated next to Dr. Alan Keyes, who spoke at the nation's first [permissive] abortion law, which was passed in Colorado."

Today's Resource: Help with the Open Letter to Dr. Dobson and get a downloadable Plot manuscript! Those who love Bob's 330-page manuscript, The Plot, are excited about the availability of a downloadable .PDF version! "A downloadable Plot is a premium," says Joe Rossano of Noblesville, Indiana, "because now I'm able to quickly search its 10,000 Scripture references to find the information I'm looking for!" If you would like to donate to the Open Letter to Dr. Dobson newspaper ad in the Colorado Springs Telegraph-Gazette, you can do so and get a downloadable Plot at the same time! We will apply the full purchase price of a downloadable Plot bought anytime during the next week to our Open Letter project! This will help us get our newspaper ad funded, and you will get a computer-searchable Plot manuscript on your computer! And if anyone donates to the Open Letter project more than the $44.99 price of the downloadable Plot, you can request and the BEL staff will give you a free download of the manuscript! Thank you to all who have helped already, and who will help with this crucial project!!
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