"Texas will require aborted fetuses to be buried or cremated"


Are you and the State of Texas implying that if a child dies and isn't baptized that he or she won't go to Heaven?
The innocent victims of each abortion should be baptized in the name of the Trinity before they are dispatched, and since I don't see any way for anyone to do that other than the doctor doing the dispatching, then they should have to do it themselves.


The innocent victims of each abortion should be baptized in the name of the Trinity before they are dispatched, and since I don't see any way for anyone to do that other than the doctor doing the dispatching, then they should have to do it themselves.

Putting a band aid on a cancer is futile, but if it makes those who do nothing about the mass murder of 58+ million innocent human beings feel better about themselves...

The Horn

This is absolutely insane ! What about the women who have abortions and are not Christians ? Or atheists or agnostics ? This is a blatant violation of religious freedom in America ! If a woman who has an abortion wants to do this, this is her right. But the Texas government has absolutely no right to FORCE women to do this !

The Horn

This abortion insanity is just one of many reasons why Texas is now being called "Stupidistan " by so many people in America .

The Horn

The retards are the ones who created and fostered this moronic and totally unconstitutional law !
And who approve of it !

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
well, as i said, a better law would be to try and execute those involved in the murder of children


Putting a band aid on a cancer is futile, but if it makes those who do nothing about the mass murder of 58+ million innocent human beings feel better about themselves...
I know He's not doing it ACW, because He loves you anyway and only He knows how hard you're trying to be His good and faithful servant, but I just pictured the Lord face-palming as you compared Christian baptism to "a band aid."


Tezas should require abortion providers and women who seek abortions to be buried or cremated
I hear you. I like the direction that Texas is trying to move in though, towards the acknowledgement that abortion is the premeditated ending of a human life---whether justified or not. Our heart beat, which began for us, so I'm told, as early as about two weeks after our parents conceived us, is the biggest objective evidence that this issue isn't about privacy, but about life.


This is absolutely insane ! What about the women who have abortions and are not Christians ? Or atheists or agnostics ? This is a blatant violation of religious freedom in America ! If a woman who has an abortion wants to do this, this is her right. But the Texas government has absolutely no right to FORCE women to do this !

Calm yourself, you liberal, Texas is known to produce bills they know will not pass simply to shape public opinion.
There's no way they could enact such a thing and everyone, including themselves, know it :chuckle:


This is absolutely insane ! What about the women who have abortions and are not Christians ? Or atheists or agnostics ? This is a blatant violation of religious freedom in America ! If a woman who has an abortion wants to do this, this is her right. But the Texas government has absolutely no right to FORCE women to do this !
Who cares whether the mothers are Christians or not? We're not talking about the mothers here but the children.


Well-known member
This is absolutely insane ! What about the women who have abortions and are not Christians ? Or atheists or agnostics ? This is a blatant violation of religious freedom in America ! If a woman who has an abortion wants to do this, this is her right. But the Texas government has absolutely no right to FORCE women to do this !

Did I miss something, here?

How is the requirement to bury or cremate the dead, a violation of religious freedom?

Are atheists allowed to just put their dead relatives out on the curb on garbage night?