Stepchild adoption


New member
Italian governement wants approve a law about stepchild adoption.
Of the low will be approved in a homosexual couple a person can adopt the son of has partner.i don't agree. Damiano


New member
Stepchild adoption

The stepchild adoption is a legale istitution which allows the child to be adopted by the parent partner.
In Italy there is already a low(1983)which permits spons son adoption but the consent of the biological parent is required.
Until 2007 the stepchild adoption was allowed only for married couples. At a later time was allowed also for heterosexual cohabitants.
With the now low in the making in Italy this adoption will also be allowed to the homosexual couples.
I wonder if it is right.


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More about stepchild adoption

More about stepchild adoption

To say that the low about stepchild adoption is right or not it's necessary to look to the interest of stepchild.
The question is:it's better for stepchild have like adoptive parent the partner of his parent or not.
I think it's better for him have the parent partner like adoptive parent.
There is only a problem:the recours to the "uterus for rent " to have a child from the homosexual couple,wich in Italy is forbidden.
All the best .


I don't really see a problem with homosexuals adopting :idunno:

Kids are much better off in a household living a relatively normal life than chilling in a group home. I think people need to put their focus more on the child rather than the parents sexual preference- homosexuality has no bearing on one's ability to raise a kid.

And as much as I am against homosexuality, it's just plain absurd to perpetuate an idea that the children will become gay, or that they will be deviant toward the child simply because they are gay spouses.


New member
Well.I agree with you.But the law proposal,wich the Italian Senate was examining,didn'tcontemplate adoption for homosexual couples in general but only the stepchild adoption. That means if in a homosexual couples one partner have a child the other one may adopte him.
The Italian governement took away from the proposal law the stepchild adoption to surmount the opposition of Catholic Senators. So ,for now, the adoption in Italy is not espected for homosexual couples.
The governement will propose a new law about adoption in general.