Sol Alinsky's RULE 5 For Radicals: Ridicule


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Sol Alinsky's RULE 5 For Radicals: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear."

In political quarreling, as in the present race between Hillary and Trump, Ridicule is a tactic used by both sides, though Sol Alinsky made it one of twelve Rules For Radicals to gain power. Being a tactic used by the Marxist Left, ridicule of the type used now by the Democratic Party should not be used by Christians, or by supporters of Trump.

Ridicule is nasty and dishonest when the implied accusation is not supported at the same time by facts backing up that implied accusation. Then ridicule is just a lie. Ridicule is often based upon some kind of misrepresentation of the person ridiculed. And as Alinsky says ridicule is a tactic which should be used by the Marxist Left to gain power.

Listen to what Marxist agitators say, for their use of Alinsky's RULE 5, Ridicule