Social credit scores: Another democrat tool to force conformity to leftist ideology


Well-known member
Satan rules the world in real ways according to the Bible. The devil will manage to achieve a world government in the last days and will murder everyone who refuses to submit to his satanic government and rules. Introducing "Social credit scores" is just another step toward satanic totalitarianism.

Modern leftists and democrats have partnered with black racist organizations to introduce this concept to the banking system so that anyone who does not meet the racist standards of democrat officials and black organizations like the SPLC will be discriminated against and persecuted by financial institutions for their 'rebellion.'

God help us.

Last week, PayPal announced a partnership with the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center to “investigate” the role of “white supremacists” and propagators of “anti-government” rhetoric, subjective labels that potentially could impact a large number of groups or people using their service. PayPal says the collected information will be shared with other financial firms and politicians. Facebook is taking similar measures, recently introducing messages that ask users to snitch on their potentially “extremist” friends, which considering the platform’s bias seems mainly to target the political right. At the same time, Facebook and Microsoft are working with several other web giants and the United Nations on a database to block potential extremist content.


Well-known member
Hey lefties. You cool with this?
Lefties are not 'trouble-makers' in Democrats' eyes like patriotic Americans are. That is why American despots are only jailing patriotic Americans who express disagreement with leftist policies.