Sin in the (Christian Music) Camp

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Sin in the (Christian Music) Camp

This is the show from Tuesday February 1st, 2011.


* Pianist & Singer Kelly Clinger: talks about her tragic tour through Disney television and the secular music industry only to turn to the Lord and find out that in the Christian music industry and in mega-church worship groups all the same sin abounds, fornication, alcohol, drugs, homosexuality, and abortion. Kelly finally abruptly walked away from the worship team at an Atlanta mega church when the pastor announced that because the youth leader had impregnated a young woman, he was passing the collection plate to raise money to pay for an abortion.

BEL's February Telethon to Keep Bob On the Air: Thank you to the 110 families whose pledges have met our goal of 100 people giving $20 a month! Now we're working on the vitally important goal of $20,000 for which you've all given so far $6,800 in one-time gifts. Thanks so very much! But the remainder is crucial to the financial stability of BEL. So if you can, please give now online, either a one-time donation, a monthly pledge, or subscribe to Bob's monthly Bible Studies, BEL Televised Classics, sermons, or topical videos or call us at 800-8Enyart!

* Gospel Message: The Gospel of Jesus Christ is presented at

Today’s Resource: Now you can order Focus on the Strategy 3 as well as Focus on the Strategy 1 & 2 DVD combo containing the blockbuster analysis of pro-life and political strategy. Focus on the Strategy, advertised by other ministries as the DVD of the Century, is the blockbuster analysis of Christian political strategy, filmed before a live audience of 300 Christian activists revealing a presentation given to Focus on the Family to Dr. James Dobson's V.P. Tom Minnery and their Public Policy group. And the sequel, film festival finalist Focus on the Strategy II, with its dozens of video and audio clips which has extraordinary endorsements from many Christian leaders as the must see video for everyone who wants to end 'legalized' abortion. And now, Focus 3 presents American RTL's three-pronged strategy of how to end abortion! Please watch these vitally important videos online or order the above DVDs, and consider getting a set for a friend, for a pro-life leader or activist you know, and for your local pro-life organization!
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