Sexually Corrupt Evangelist Mike Murdock - Part II

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Sexually Corrupt Evangelist Mike Murdock - Part II

This is the show from Wednesday January 2nd, 2011.


* BEL World Exclusive Part II with Author Trey Smith: Bob Enyart concludes his interview with Thieves author Trey Smith about the true crime story of the robbery of a safe from the secret bedroom closet of multimillionaire television evangelist, Mike Murdock. The tell-all book is a first-hand account of a dirty TV evangelist and the man who robbed him. Witnessing first-hand some of the most shockingly depraved acts and blatant corruption in the secretive world of "profit-preaching" Christianity. Bob and Trey talk through stunning revelations about Mike Murdock, who was mentored by Jimmy Swaggart who was caught with a prostitute, has preached with Tammy Faye Bakker (who's husband, PTL Club founder Jim Bakker had a long-standing homosexual relationship with the hair stylist at Heritage USA), and is an associate of Daystar TV and Benny Hinn. (Warning: the book is graphic and definitely not for young readers.)

* First, Hear Part 1: of Bob Enyart's interview with Trey Smith.

* BEL's February Telethon to Keep Bob On the Air: Bob Enyart and Trey Smith also talk about the various corrupt ministries" that have defrauded Christians out of hundreds of millions of dollars. And with a refreshing openness toward Trey, and toward the liberal media that hates BEL, and before the BEL audience itself, Bob Enyart promises listeners that if they donate to keep Bob Enyart Live on air for another year, on Denver's 50,000-watt AM 670 KLTT -- America's #1 most-powerful Christian radio station, that their hard-earned dollars will be spent in a way that honors God, and used to reach more people around America and the world with:
- the truth of God's existence
- the strongest evidence against evolution
- the moral clarity of God's Word
- the right strategy to re-criminalize child killing, and
- the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

So please help BEL stay on the air for another year by giving whatever you can afford toward our goal of raising $20,000 or by committing $20 a month! You can give online, either a one-time donation, a monthly pledge, or subscribe to Bob's monthly Bible Studies, BEL Televised Classics, sermons, or topical videos.

* Hear the Conclusion: in Part 2 of the Trey Smith interview by Bob Enyart about the sexually corrupt televangelist Mike Murdock.

Today’s Resource: Have you browsed through the Bible Study department in the KGOV Store? Check out especially our best-selling series on The Plot of the Bible and our verse-by-verse studies of dozens of books of the Bible!
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