Sad to hear Ben Carson's campaign not doing well..


New member
How about no $ and no chance to win. Probably good doc but lousy politician.
Welcome to Citizens United. Money is speech, corporations are people and bribery is a constitutional right. This is why I vote for democrats. They are less likely to nominate someone for the Supreme Court that supports bribery.


New member
Welcome to Citizens United. Money is speech, corporations are people and bribery is a constitutional right. This is why I vote for democrats. They are less likely to nominate someone for the Supreme Court that supports bribery.

u vote Dem b/c you are not too bright



New member
How about no $ and no chance to win. Probably good doc but lousy politician.


but i think it's b/c he lacks experience.. those who finance campaigns want experience b/c... that is part of what it takes to win... no one likes to throw $$ away on a losing cause..

But the presidency should go back to being more/less a figure-head instead of.. monarchy

Then we could have people with less experience (but more integrity) since there are always numerous advisors.. to help the inexperienced president

we would be a nation where all 3 branches "rule"

instead we have this... quasi-monarchy situation





I really like Ben Carson. I wonder why all those people working with him quit?

I think he would be a good president. He is inexperienced but that is what advisors are for

the president of the US does not.. should not have much power anyway.

Yeh, I know.. Tell that to the current monarch in chief..

I like him too, although we have some differences of opinion.

I am afraid Carson might be in over his head. Politics is a well-choreographed thing and certain things have to be done in certain ways. I am sad because I think he didn't anticipate the culture of official Washington.

A lot of these candidates will shake up their own staffs on occasion. Jeb Bush has recently replaced or hired a new campaign manager.
I don't think it necessarily means the candidate is in trouble. I just think they have to fine-tune their approach and make sure they are surrounded by politically smart people.

It's almost like a cabinet for a president. You need people smart as a whip who are not afraid to challenge you and sometimes vehemently disagree with you.


New member
I like him too, although we have some differences of opinion.

I am afraid Carson might be in over his head. Politics is a well-choreographed thing and certain things have to be done in certain ways. I am sad because I think he didn't anticipate the culture of official Washington.

A lot of these candidates will shake up their own staffs on occasion. Jeb Bush has recently replaced or hired a new campaign manager.
I don't think it necessarily means the candidate is in trouble. I just think they have to fine-tune their approach and make sure they are surrounded by politically smart people.

It's almost like a cabinet for a president. You need people smart as a whip who are not afraid to challenge you and sometimes vehemently disagree with you.
well, surprise surprise. I actually don't have any concern about any of this post of yours... hmmm...

someone who lived during the yrs of this nation's founding (wish i could recall whom) said there should be 3 presidents, not one..

I have always thought that, even b4 finding out about that person... I want to say it was Thomas Jefferson (?) but can't say 100%



New member
What do you like/dislike about Carson?

The only thing i find problematic is his inexperience, and yet that can also be a strength.. seeing as how most Americans are tired of politicians.. esp those who will NOT leave Congress..

we need term limits

remove the incentive to STAY (which translates into: "I'll do whatever i hve to in order to retain my position, even if it means going against my principles"

which principles he doesn't even have, needless to say, if he can give them up that easily...



Well-known member

I really like Ben Carson. I wonder why all those people working with him quit?

I think he would be a good president. He is inexperienced but that is what advisors are for

the president of the US does not.. should not have much power anyway.

Yeh, I know.. Tell that to the current monarch in chief..


Policies aside, I don't think Carson has the leadership ability to lead the nation. As hostile as the media is to conservative values today, Carson is just too reactionary. He may say what is right, but he doesn't have a command of the language and debating ability that will stand him in good stead when trying to rally support and ward off the attacks. He is a little too reactionary for the post (in my minimally informed opinion).

I think the nation needs another Reagan - which may be appropriate since Obama's presidency bears some resemblance to Carter's - and I only see one candidate that even approaches that level of principle and ability to communicate.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I would like to see
ben, carly, and donald
debate the issues
the winner would then debate
the winner of the governors debate
the winner of the senators debate

did I miss anyone?


New member
Policies aside, I don't think Carson has the leadership ability to lead the nation. As hostile as the media is to conservative values today, Carson is just too reactionary. He may say what is right, but he doesn't have a command of the language and debating ability that will stand him in good stead when trying to rally support and ward off the attacks. He is a little too reactionary for the post (in my minimally informed opinion).

I think the nation needs another Reagan - which may be appropriate since Obama's presidency bears some resemblance to Carter's - and I only see one candidate that even approaches that level of principle and ability to communicate.

i c 2 at least

Perry and Cruz

But Carson.. i have 2 admit, i need to learn more about him.. read hs books


well, surprise surprise. I actually don't have any concern about any of this post of yours... hmmm...

someone who lived during the yrs of this nation's founding (wish i could recall whom) said there should be 3 presidents, not one..

I have always thought that, even b4 finding out about that person... I want to say it was Thomas Jefferson (?) but can't say 100%

Interesting that you do not agree with my post that says all candidates have to fine tune their campaign to be effective in the Washington, D.C. political culture.

Amazing, really.

Even FOX "News" reports and explores this very notion.


New member
Interesting that you do not agree with my post that says all candidates have to fine tune their campaign to be effective in the Washington, D.C. political culture.

Amazing, really.

Even FOX "News" reports and explores this very notion.

no idea what u r talking about.. must be off your meds again



no idea what u r talking about.. must be off your meds again

You posted that my first comment was unimportant, but it clearly pointed out the pattern when candidates declare themselves for running for office.

And if they are like Carson (someone unfamiliar with rough and tumble politics and the "Ways of Washington Politics") they usually don't do too good.

I don't think you really understand politics in America....

By the way, immature and sarcastic comments about being "off my meds" is never helpful to drop into the middle of what needs to be a mature and adult conversation.