Richard Holland: God, Time, and the Incarnation Pt 7


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Richard Holland: God, Time, and the Incarnation Pt 7

This is the show from Friday August 1st, 2014


* Now the Conclusion of this BEL Broadcast Event: Today we air the conclusion of the most important series of author interviews ever produced in the 24-year history of Bob Enyart Live. Richard Holland is assistant professor of apologetics and theology with Liberty University Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Holland authored the new book, God, Time, and the Incarnation to explore the impact of God the Son becoming a man on the philosophical doctrines of divine timelessness and utter immutability.


* Enjoying a Coffee Shop Visit: Rather than conducting a typical author interview and squeezing an overview of a book into a single show segment, instead, Bob and Richard agreed that they will take their time and review the material as though the two men had half a day free to sit next to a fireplace in a coffee shop to consider one of the most far-reaching observations that any human being can make. Consider the insight into ultimate reality provided by the Incarnation of God the Son! We hope you enjoy this 7-interview series as much as we have enjoyed producing it.

* See All of Our Richard Holland Interviews: right here on BEL.

Today's Resource: To order Dr. Holland's book, and receive with it a CD of Bob Enyart's complete interview with Richard, please call 8-080-8Enyart, that's 800-836-9278. The book with the CD is $33. As always, BEL offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, and for repeat customers, if you don't love the book, we'll double that, for a double-your money guarantee! That's how much we love this book and think that you will be blessed if you read it also!