Rich won’t go to heaven and those too rich in knowledge.


Rich won’t go to heaven and those too rich in knowledge.

The root message of Christ is “love only saves”. When Christ told directly that moneyed won’t go to love-heaven he meant that money minded won’t. Though he didn’t directly say the same for learning, there are numerous hints in those as “Thou have manifested it to the ignorant and hid to the learned” sayings. So Christ chose almost ignorant fishermen for his disciples. The only learned one Judas failed to the test.

The solution he proposed in case of money is to give away to the poor. But, it is useless in case of knowledge. Even if we give away we shall not lose it. But knowing that it is useless to acquire blessedness, we can be humble. Then we can use money and knowledge to the service of love that only guides to heavenly blessings.

The whole gospel points to that. But this forum’s posters like to show off useless philosophy and theology jargons. That is useless to build up. I had also 5 years theology course in seminary. But knew that is a course of hypocrisy of doing little, saying much. Now I see around me the wretched faithless lives of theology college graduate workers and pastors. Their preaching from the pulpit not only fails to show up in their lives, but show the opposites. Many of them are constantly sick physically and mentally. They suffer depression and commit actual or virtual suicides. They become enemy to those, whose life shows up faith in action, as that exposes them. So they became enemy to me. Even in this forum they are irritated by the hint of my Christ-following in love-works. If Christ came again he would have indicted them worse than Pharisees. Certainly we have to tell of our good works as Christ and apostles exhorted, so that seeing them people may glorify Heavenly Father and follow.
Even here in this forum, whenever I post some regenerative thing that helped me, they counter by their manmade bible knowledge of useless absolutes of an imaginary God. For that Christ avoided bible-erudite Pharisees, who always obstructed him. But Christ imparted wisdom to ignorant apostles instead. Living He is continuing to do it to his active followers including me. To serve the poor I live on their level of 8 dollar p.m. vegetarian food with no beverages. This amount government monthly allots to poor old people whom government has chosen. I never wear new cloths, but second hand donated cloths which I gather for distributing to the poor. The only vehicle I posses is an old second hand cycle. Visiting missions, serving the sick and this small laptop is my only enjoyment. I use no medicine relying completely on Christ. So I am given the heart to serve the poor for almost 50 years. That heart is not given to those who don’t follow such way.

So I avoid answering them as that is sure to be futile waste of my very busy time. Anyway proud they are sure to reject. They shall not understand as neither had they gone through the sacrificing, nor they have the will to go through the process I am going through. Let them accuse me of pride, but I must narrate these so that sincere people may follow it to get a new heart to serve and be saved. There is no other way.
