Rep. Rashida Tlaib incites activists to 'shut down' ICE, stop waiting for Congress


Rep. Rashida Tlaib incites activists to 'shut down' ICE, stop waiting for Congress to pass a law

QUOTE: Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan told an audience not to wait for Congress to change the laws, but instead take their own steps to "shut down" the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. "I want you all to shut them down. We can shut them down," Tlaib said of ICE. "Don't wait for this Congress to act. Shut 'em down."

ME: The FBI, Secret Service, ATF, and ICE too, and more, are all federal law enforcement agencies. The Democrats are anti-law enforcement. That is just a fact. This is another reason Trump will be reelected, and rightfully so


Wow, that's nuts. I didn't realize there were that many Somali Muslims in Minnesota.

Dig how they do it though: Homes filled with 5 times as many people as they should be, all registered to vote, taking direction from the local mosque, which gets funding from God knows where. It is a true and calculated invasion.