Reformed Islam

Greg Jennings

New member
You've showed me nothing other than your opinion.

There are millions of jihadist and twice as many radicals in the world.

In 2006 a Mid-East expert named Daniel Pipes estimated that there were 300 million JIHADIST in the world and 400 million radicals. That's roughly half the Muslim population of the world at that time. A radical is different than a jihadist. Radicals will not strap bombs on themselves or fly planes into buildings, but they logistically support them. I believe Pipes' numbers are high on the jihadist side but low on the radicals side. In fact, Revelation 9 tells us about suicide bombers and how many jihadist there are in the world when the prophecy passes!

"And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire... (suicide vest)

The word for breastplates is the word 'thorax" and it means,

primarily, "the breast," denotes "a breastplate or corselet," consisting of two parts and protecting the body on both sides, from the neck to the middle. It is used metaphorically of righteousness, Eph 6:14; of faith and love, 1Th 5:8, with perhaps a suggestion of the two parts, front and back, which formed the coat of mail (an alternative term for the word in the NT sense); elsewhere in Rev 9:9, 17.

Breastplates were held by straps that went over the shoulders or around the neck.

"...and of jacinth," (dark red)...

From Vines....
signifies "hyacinthine," perhaps primarily having the color of the hyacinth. Some regard its color as that of the martagon lily, a dusky red. According to Swete, the word in Rev 9:17 is "doubtless meant to describe the blue smoke of a sulphurous flame."

"...and brimstone:...." (sparks and explosion) This is the only place the word 'brimstone' or Strong's #2306 is used in the NT. Strong's #2306 comes from 2303 and is said, "(in its original sense of "flashing.")

"...and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; (Babylonians) and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone."

John even tells us how many jihadist there are in the world when this happens.

"And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them."

That would be 200 million.

Holy cow. You really think that refers to Muslims jihadists? :rotfl:

Tell me what makes "army of horsemen" translate to "Muslim jihadists" in that twisted head of yours? I simply must know.

And give me a citation for your Middle East expert's numbers of jihadists and radicals. I'd like to take a look

Greg Jennings

New member
Goes to show me how little you know about the bible. Agnostics have never made good interpreters of the bible. They pervert it.
Well as I'll show right below, you don't have the foggiest idea of what the bible is talking about. Let's take a look, shall we?

For ages, many believed that the locust of Revelation 9 are Islamic. Horsemen are indicative of several end-time players. The four horsemen are Islamic.
That's absurd. The four horsemen are conquest, war, famine, and death. This is not really debatable.

As for the stinging, flying creatures, I've heard many explanations from helicopters to demon bugs. Who knows
I'm not wasting my time trying to prove anything to you an agnostic. I have my limits when it comes to dealing with people like you.
Probably because no backing for your claims exists, does it? And since you can't seem to handle a fairly take online conversation with someone who believes differently, I'd suggest never leaving your backwoods West Virginia town. The world out there is a scary place with people who believe all kinds of things that....GASP....aren't in the Bible!

Greg Jennings

New member
My backwood West Virginia town?
You're right. I shouldn't have narrowed it down that much. Could be Alabama or Kentucky.

Why doesn't it surprise me that you get your eschatology from WIKI.
I got my eschatology from a course titled "Understanding the Scriptures" or REL 1350. It's corroborated by wiki, and just about every other credible source. How about yours?

Is that all there is to it... conquest, war, famine, and death?
Those are the four horsemen, yes. There is a lot more to revelations, however. But we were talking about the horsemen, which you incorrectly claimed were Islamic.

You have no clue about anything biblical other than what you find on WIKI.
Again, I've taken courses on this stuff, but let's pretend I didn't and that wiki is my only source of info. Wiki has a 97% accuracy rate per a German study performed about two years ago. That's fairly reliable, no? Meanwhile you have no clue about anything biblical other than what you find in Answeringislam, which is a proudly anti-Islam site with an obvious agenda that they make no attempts to hide.

So even if my only info had come from wiki, which in reality only provided the citation so I could show you I wasn't just making stuff up, it would still be infinitely more reliable than your joke of a source