Pres. Donald Trump Named Operation Rescue’s 2017 Pro-Life Person of the Year

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Pres. Donald Trump Named Operation Rescue’s 2017 Pro-Life Person of the Year

Washington, DC — Operation Rescue is pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2017 Pro-Life Person of the Year Malachi Award is Pres. Donald J. Trump.

The Malachi Award is given by Operation Rescue every year to recognize individuals who sacrificially work to advance the cause of protecting the pre-born.

“Operation Rescue is grateful Pres. Trump for having the courage to keep promises made during the campaign that provide greater protections for the pre-born and deny Federal funds from those who commit abortions,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “He has proven to be the most pro-life president we have had in modern history and has backed up his pro-life rhetoric with action like no other before him.”

Since Trump took office, he has accomplished more for the pro-life agenda than any other president.

• Trump appointed conservative, pro-life Justice Neil Gorsuch to the U.S, Supreme Court.
• He has effectively denied public money to those who commit and promote abortions around the world.
• The Trump Administration Department of Justice has launched a formal investigation into Planned Parenthood’s illegal baby parts trafficking scheme.
• He has actively supported pro-life legislation, such as the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which is currently held up in the U.S. Senate.
• He supports legislation to defund Planned Parenthood in the U.S., and removed an Obama-era mandate that forced states to continue funding Planned Parenthood.
• He has worked to fill his administration with pro-life people and put them in places where they can do the most good.
• Trump’s administration has taken active steps within the Health and Human Services and other agencies to establish pro-life policies that protect the pre-born.
• He has provided protections for those of religious and moral convictions from paying for abortifacient drugs through Obamacare, and continues to work to repeal and replace it.

“We are proud of President Trump and his bold willingness to advance the cause of life. There are more battles ahead, but under the Trump administration, we can now finally see progress within our government toward restoring the sanctity of life and the protections of personhood to the pre-born,” said Newman. “This makes Pres. Trump a deserving recipient of the 2017 Pro-Life Person of the Year Malachi Award.”

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Gotta love the pro life movement.......

I do.

.......They give an award to a guy who in his first 14 months in office signed legislation 5 times to continue funding our nations biggest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.........
Thats fake news. Fake News is taking facts out of context in order to draw a false conclusion. Trump's intent was not to fund planned parenthood. That was an unfortunate consequence of signing a budget to prevent the military from getting screwed.

Fortunately, the folks at Operation Rescue are smarter than you are. They understand what he has done, and what he wants to do, and where his hands are tied, and where they are not.

You are great at judging others. If you put just half of that energy into actually DOING something besides running your yap you might actually be worth something.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Gotta love the pro life movement, they give an award to a guy who in his first 14 months in office signed legislation 5 times to continue funding our nations biggest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.

Thats fake news.

Denying the truth doesn't make it not true patrick.


Trump's intent was not to fund planned parenthood. That was an unfortunate consequence of signing a budget to prevent the military from getting screwed.

How "unfortunate" it is that another million unborn babies will be killed in the womb this year because Donald Trump and his Republicrat Establishment Party continues to fund Planned Parenthood.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
How "unfortunate" it is that another million unborn babies will be killed in the womb this year because Donald Trump and his Republicrat Establishment Party continues to fund Planned Parenthood.

Well then you run for president.

It's more productive to expose frauds like Donald Trump while promoting God-fearing men into the political realm.

There's not many God fearing men out there these days that want to wander into the swamp and take on Donald Trump and his Establishment. When one does threaten Trump and his Establishment, he is mercilessly smeared, as in the case of Judge Roy Moore.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
......There's not many God fearing men out there these days......

....and you certainly are not one either. You love to play God but you obviously don't fear him.

As I said: the folks at Operation Rescue are smarter than you are. They understand what he has done, and what he wants to do, and where his hands are tied, and where they are not.

You are great at judging others. If you put just half of that energy into actually DOING something besides running your yap you might actually be worth something.

I am going with Operation Rescue's opinion about Trump, not yours.

Have a nice day


..As I said: the folks at Operation Rescue are smarter than you are. They understand what he has done, and what he wants to do, and where his hands are tied, and where they are not.

Don't be angry at me for sharing the truth about pro abortionist Donald Trump and the fact that he signed legislation 5 times in his first 14 months in office which continues to fund the baby butchers at Planned Parenthood.

Regarding Trump's "hands being tied":

Nancy Pelosi must have untied them for the occasion.


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Maybe you should write a letter to Operation Rescue and complain to them for choosing Trump to be Operation Rescue’s 2017 Pro-Life Person of the Year. Maybe they will take time out of their busy schedule of saving lives to address a small little hate-monger like you.


Maybe you should write a letter to Operation Rescue and complain to them for choosing Trump to be Operation Rescue’s 2017 Pro-Life Person of the Year.

I was thinking of doing that, here's the rough draft:

To whom it may concern:

I see that Operation Rescue gave their Person of the Year award to a proud defender of Planned Parenthood, someone who throughout his Presidential campaign stated that "Planned Parenthood does great things..." and as President of the United States joined pro abortionists in signing legislation 5 times in his first 14 months in office that continues to fund our nations leading abortion provider.

I'd like to know why an organization that allegedly fights for the unborn gave that award to Donald Trump.

Maybe they will take time out of their busy schedule of saving lives to address a small little hate-monger like you.

I doubt that I'll get a response, phony's don't like to be called out on their hypocrisy. If I do receive one, I'll be sure to share it here.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Is so sad to see little small haters hate on the people who save children's lives and hate on Trump. Go back to your sandboxes little men. Mommy is calling


Well-known member
Is so sad to see little small haters hate on the people who save children's lives and hate on Trump. Go back to your sandboxes little men. Mommy is calling

Deny it all you want to

On August 11, 2015 on CNN’s New Day program Trump publicly denied the Personhood of the unborn by confessing he believes in exceptions for rape, incest and (what should be a moot issue) the life of the mother. "I am for the exceptions. You have the three exceptions. I'm for the exceptions.”4 Every human being including Trump has an obligation before God to pull people upward to reject both the regulation of murder and the so-called "exceptions" and to instead advocate now for the personhood and God-given right to life of every child. (National Right To Life, Focus on the Family, and United States Conference of Catholic Bishops treat men like Donald Trump cruelly by not warning every politician who advocates the killing of some innocent children that one day they will answer to God for that violation of His enduring command, Do not kill the innocent.) Remember also that God didn't care about all the fruit Eve did not eat; nor did He mention all the women David did not violate; nor list the children whom Herod did not kill. God expects us to look at the exceptions.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Thank You, Mr. President! Trump Administration Adds Rules to Protect the Conscience of Americans
Operation Rescue:


Washington, D.C. – Today, the Trump Administration announced new rules that will provide new conscience protections for Americans.

As a result of the rules, those who have moral or religious objections to contraceptive and abortifacient services will now be exempt from paying for them in Obamacare insurance policies. The exemptions will apply to individuals as well as organizations and small businesses.

In May, President Donald Trump signed the “Executive Order Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty” in which he advised the Departments of Health and Human Services, Treasury, and Labor, to consider amending rules under the Obama Administration that essentially forced Americans to violate their consciences with mandated payments in their Obamacare health insurance policies for contraceptive and abortifacients that they found morally objectionable. Today’s action is in response to that directive.

“Thank you, Mr. President, for your leadership in protecting the religious liberties we hold dear,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “We are sincerely grateful for this action that will now restore governmental respect for the deeply held beliefs of Americans who oppose abortion, abortifacient drugs, and certain life-destructive contraceptives.”

The unjust “Obamacare Mandate” had suffered repeated losses in the US. Supreme Court, which ruled the government is not allowed to punish organizations or businesses for their religious beliefs.