Pope Francis on marriage (definition & how it affects poverty)


New member
The pope says that the family [meaning a man and woman and their children] cannot be subjected to...redefinition.

"Do not fall into the tra of being swayed by [politics]. Family is an anthropological fact... we cannot qualify it based on ideological notions... important only at one time in history [referrin to the modern world's growing acceptance of gay "families" no doubt]. We can't think of conservative or progressive notions. family is family..."

Pope F is emphatic that marriage can only be between a man and a woman.

He sys that the current crisis of marriage [high divorce, etc.] has a profound socio-economical impact [that] disproportionately affects the poor and vulnerable... causing poverty."

In other words the decline of marriage is directly associated with increased poverty and a host of other ills.

For social environments... need protection [as well]

He blames Individualism for the decline of the family.



New member
hey, where are all the "gays" aka perverts who want to argue w/ the pope on the definition of marriage... and throw vile insults at "those statue worshiping Catholics"?