Please don’t kill souls by faith-save doctrine.



Near my Muslim dominated Islampur town there is a poor farming village of Lalnagore. There a new mission named Albasir, especially for conversion of muslims, began to work. It was mainly supported by German money. Donors thought that their money will work in their stead as proxy. But Christ told to become poor by giving away all money and give self instead to preach him. Money can never regenerate but when we put the yoke on our shoulders holy spirit hold the plough and sows for good harvest.
I collaborated with them as I was new to Muslim evangelization then. I thought that since they are preaching to Muslims to believe in Christ, it must be supported. So I started a charitable works among them for further witnessing.
Some Muslims converted due to their easy faith-only-save doctrine and lure of employment. Albasir wanted to employ the first converts for further inroads among muslims. The new converts had easy life supported by foreign money. Seeing their easy life more flocked to them.
But the highly paid self-centered directors of Albasir neither inspired by their own life, nor exhorted them vocally, as Christ exhorted and exhorts still now to do works of love. So their love didn’t increase to integrate-regenerate them. Still disintegrated, they continued in sin. They stole money, quarreled violently, debauched etc. Foreign money bought lewd Television and their enough leisure to watch spoiled them and family further. Their children also becoming so sexy, eloped with muslims. They had to be married off to them after reconversion to Islam. Then muslims exerted pressure to reconvert the parents. Those stealing much money had to be dismissed. Shortly almost all of them reconverted. Only a nominal few remained for the lure of money from that society.
Neither faith saves, nor love-works. But love being strengthened by love-works integrates the soul parts together. Then no tribulation even death can break it apart. That is salvation by love-God, whom Christ preached.

Of course very few love-heaven rejecter fallen humanity will obey the laborious love-work precept of Christ. Faith-save doctrine is most alluring to them. In my fifty years love-works life, I doubt that if any is ever inspired to it seeing my example and exhortations. But I remain saved by it and continuing. Actually Christ also didn’t succeed so in his earthly life but only after resurrection. I hope I might succeed then also. So I am not falling to the lure of futile conversion-business activity of myriad religious-business organizations like Albasir. Rather I fear them now as antichrist in disguise.

Of course, the spiritually dead Albasir people are killing the spiritually dead and burying them (Lk9-60). It is like killing unspiritual animals. But they are discrediting Christ’s name and hindering mine and sincere others work.
