Personhood Beats ACLU in Court; Election is On!


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Personhood Beats ACLU in Court; Election is On!

This is the show from Thursday September 8th, 2011.


* Eight More BEL DVDs that can Change a Person's Life! Help yourself and help keep BEL online for another year! Check out:
- Forgiveness: The Neglected Teachings of Jesus
- The Bible, Divorce and Remarriage: using passages rarely considered
- Christianity 101 Disc 1: The Bible Itself; God
- Christianity 101 Disc 2: Created Beings; Old Testament Survey
- Christianity 101 Disc 3: New Testament Survey; The Overall Plot (Dispensations)
- Christianity 101 Disc 4: End Times & Hell; Eternal Life & Heaven
- Terry's Call: On Converting a Homosexual
- Amy's Call: Witnessing to a Young Woman Forcefully

* The Big Debate: No, it's not the Republicans says Doug McBurney. Tonight, join Bob Enyart and Will Duffy at a local Church of Christ for a debate titled: Is Water Baptism Required for Salvation? At the Holly Street Church of Christ in Denver at 7 p.m. tomorrow night, Thursday, September 8th, Will Duffy and Bob Enyart will debate two Church of Christ Bible teachers, Chris Peltz and Aaron Erhardt. The BEL team will present from Scripture the doctrine that salvation is by grace through faith alone and not of works!

* Personhood Mississippi Beats ACLU & Planned Parenthood: David beats Goliath, again! In court, Christians have battled the child killing behemoths, the ACLU and Planned Parenthood, and won. Today, the Mississippi Supreme Court ruled that the Personhood Amendment 26 did not violate the state constitutional rules governing citizen initiatives. Therefore, the citizens of Mississippi will vote on Amendment 26 this November! The Court rejected the abortion chains' challenge to remove the Personhood Amendment from the ballot, claiming that it was an improper attempt to modify the Bill of Rights! See more...

* 2011 September Telethon to Keep BEL On the Internet: We're at 9% of our vitally important goal to raise of $20,000. To those who have already given: Thank You! But much remains to be done! We also have a need for 50 folks to pledge (or increasing their giving by) $20 a month! Meeting these goals is crucial to the continuation of BEL. So if you can, please call 1-800-8Enyart or you can also give right now online with a one-time donation, or through a monthly pledge, or with a BEL Monthly Subscription to our Bible Study Albums, Topical DVDs, Sermons, or Classic BEL TV Shows! Or you can browse our KGOV store departments for books, downloadable studies and seminars, and resources on the Bible, government, science, and so much more, all of which will help BEL stay on internet!

* Join Alan Keyes, Tancredo, Swanson, Hanks, & Enyart at CRTL Banquet: Register now to join Alan Keyes, Tom Tancredo, Kevin Swanson, Leslie Hanks, Doug McBurney, and Bob Enyart at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday night, September 17th (but you're invited to come as early at 6:00 p.m.) at Denver's Renaissance Hotel at 38th & Quebec for a dynamite evening encouraging Colorado's pro-life leaders and preparing us to launch Round 3 of Colorado's fight to recognize the personhood and God-given right to life of the unborn child!

Today's Resource: You can join Bob's Hermeneutics seminar by way of MP3 download or CD. It's like you're there! Just click to get and enjoy our Bible seminar including the same notes handed out to the attendees and also see the slides that Bob displayed during this great event at Denver's historic Brown Palace. And you'll also be supporting BEL during our September telethon, just by enjoying Bob Enyart's Hermeneutics: Tools for Studying the Bible by clicking or by calling the BEL studio at 1-800-8Enyart (836-9278)!