Onward Christian Soldiers, Marching...

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Onward Christian Soldiers, Marching...

This is the show from Friday January 21st, 2011.

When a Christian says to me, "Look, the Bible says don't judge" I say, "Well, that doesn't apply to me." And they get all worked up. They say, "What do you mean it doesn't apply to you?" Well, Jesus said to first stop committing this sin, then you can go to your brother and tell him about the speck in his eye. But if you have a plank in your eye, first take it out, then you can go to him. So because I'm not killing my own children I have a green light from God to tell other people, "Don't kill your children."


* March for Life 2011: Thanks to everyone who showed up to help us all encourage one another at Colorado RTL's march today. And Bob tells a horrific story of a mega church that... that... well, it's just too terrible to actually write down. Also, Bob talked to Dave from Denver and Joe from Indiana about dealing with difficult people.

* Finally, a Comprehensive Listing: You're Invited to check out ARTL's March for Life Finder!

Today's Resource: Have you browsed through the Department of Government in the KGOV Store? Check out especially our best-selling DVD on God and the Death Penalty titled The New Testament Support for Capital Punishment, and God's Criminal Justice System MP3 CD, instant download, or the GCJS printed syllabus!
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