Nuclear Weapon Myths and Warfare Myths


New member

Myth 1:
Nuclear Bomb negates warfare experience and creates its own rules.

Japan surrendered for instance because over 60 Japanese cities were destroyed. Not simply because of Hiroshima.
Japan was already largely defeated. Their fleet was grounded,
there was a submarine blockade, food was running out.
Japan's general gives 'pause' at atomic bomb, but no meeting is called
until 3 days later when the Russians invade Japan.

Having the Bomb had no impact on warfare strategies in Korea, Vietnam,
Chinese revolution, Russia-Afghanistan, Israel's wars, etc.

Myth 2: Destroying Cities ends Wars.

Many historical cases of wars going on and on after major cities are destroyed.

Myth 3: Killing Civilians wins Wars.

Wars are hardly ever won by killing civilians.
Casualties can be as high as 60% but fighting continues until armies are defeated, as in South American conflicts.

Myth 4: Warhead Size matters because bigger is better.

Actually warheads are getting smaller and smaller, and this increases their utility.

In fact, the smallest nuclear bombs are the most tactically effective weapons.

Thats why bank vaults aren't protected with dynamite, but with handguns.

The "outsized tool" problem. you can't use a sledgehammer to roof a house.

Chemical weapons and biological weapons are horrible and dangerous,
but they are not very useful, they can't be aimed or controlled, and they
produce unacceptable collateral damage and friendly casualties.
IN contrast, the USA has had amazing success with guided precision weapons.

Bombing civilians is terrorism, so it follows that nuclear weapons are most useful
to terrorists, not conventional forces.

Nuclear Bomb Warfare Myths

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

Myth 1:
Nuclear Bomb negates warfare experience and creates its own rules.

Japan surrendered for instance because over 60 Japanese cities were destroyed. Not simply because of Hiroshima.
Japan was already largely defeated. Their fleet was grounded,
there was a submarine blockade, food was running out.
Japan's general gives 'pause' at atomic bomb, but no meeting is called
until 3 days later when the Russians invade Japan.

Having the Bomb had no impact on warfare strategies in Korea, Vietnam,
Chinese revolution, Russia-Afghanistan, Israel's wars, etc.

Myth 2: Destroying Cities ends Wars.

Many historical cases of wars going on and on after major cities are destroyed.

Myth 3: Killing Civilians wins Wars.

Wars are hardly ever won by killing civilians.
Casualties can be as high as 60% but fighting continues until armies are defeated, as in South American conflicts.

Myth 4: Warhead Size matters because bigger is better.

Actually warheads are getting smaller and smaller, and this increases their utility.

In fact, the smallest nuclear bombs are the most tactically effective weapons.

Thats why bank vaults aren't protected with dynamite, but with handguns.

The "outsized tool" problem. you can't use a sledgehammer to roof a house.

Nuclear Bomb Warfare Myths

Had we 'invaded' Japan, many more lives would have been taken. The
"Bomb" stopped that.