NRA/Russian timeline so far...

The Barbarian

Obama's Justice Department and his FBI were not too concerned when Bill Clinton met with Putin himself about the time when the Uranium One deal was made and actually received a big fee from Russia. And the same people were not concerned when millions of dollars were given to the Clinton Foundation after the deal was made.

Since Hillary Clinton never signed off on the deal, doesn't seem like much of an issue.

I see no evidence that you really care! Politics above all for you and so what if we sold 20% of the USA's precious uranium deposits to the Russians!

That's the point. We didn't. The vast majority of uranium in U.S. ores is not held by that company. The deal was for 20% of existing production capacity. Uranium isn't as "precious" as you were led to believe:

Supply of Uranium

(Updated December 2016)

Uranium is a relatively common metal, found in rocks and seawater. Economic concentrations of it are not uncommon.
Its availability to supply world energy needs is great both geologically and because of the technology for its use.
Quantities of mineral resources are greater than commonly perceived.
The world's known uranium resources increased by at least one-quarter in the last decade due to increased mineral exploration.

Did the guys peddling that story not know this? Of course they knew it. They just correctly assumed that you didn't know it.

Diversion over. Let's move on...

A member of the National Rifle Association (NRA) with Russian ties reportedly invited Donald Trump to the Kremlin by request of President Vladimir Putin last year in a bid to set up a meeting between the candidate and Russian leader before the election.

The email containing the proposal — sent from the NRA operative to the campaign — was described to The New York Times after being handed over to Congressional investigators as part of their investigation into the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia during the 2016 election.

In a May 2016 email with the subject “Kremlin Connection,” NRA member Paul Erickson asked campaign advisor Rick Dearborn to seek then-Senator Jeff Sessions’ guidance on how to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin. He said Russia would try to make the first move at the pro-gun group’s annual convention where Trump was set to accept its endorsement, reports The New York Times.

“Putin is deadly serious about building a good relationship with Mr. Trump,” Erickson wrote. “He wants to extend an invitation to Mr. Trump to visit him in the Kremlin before the election. Let’s talk through what has transpired and Senator Sessions’s advice on how to proceed.”

Sessions was a foreign policy advisor for the Trump campaign at the time.

“The Kremlin believes that the only possibility of a true reset in this relationship would be with a new Republican White House,” he continued. “Ever since Hillary compared Putin to Hitler, all senior Russian leaders consider her beyond redemption.”

The Barbarian

To win, he needed to be pro-gun-rights. And it appears to me that, upon closer examination, when he was determining how to become president, that when it came to the RKBA, he concluded that his prior view on the issue wasn't as strong a conviction as he may have previously thought it was.

Trump has never let ethics keep him from doing the expedient thing. I have no doubt that if the NRA doesn't hand over the money next time, he'll go right back to his endorsement of strict gun control. No one has ever trusted him and failed to regret it.

Where the NRA suddenly came up with all that money (several times the money they spent helping Romney) is going to be interesting to see.


Trump has never let ethics keep him from doing the expedient thing. I have no doubt that if the NRA doesn't hand over the money next time, he'll go right back to his endorsement of strict gun control. No one has ever trusted him and failed to regret it.
He's already irrevocably nominated a right judge to the Supreme Court. He can't take back that one.
Where the NRA suddenly came up with all that money (several times the money they spent helping Romney) is going to be interesting to see.

The Barbarian
