Nori's POTD 5-16-07

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Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Post #16 in this thread:

Hello Chileice,
As a believer in God and servant of Christ … I can’t remain silent after reading your post.

The thing that has polarized our nation is not men like Mr. Falwell, but rather is good against evil ... The amoral liberal thinkers of our nation would just love for Christians to stop being the salt in this world. They squeal at the salt when it hits their sores, They just don't like US. They are anti-freedom ... for they want to silence those who do not think like them ... They are an enemy to our nation and to God ... for they want God to bow out as the LORD over them.

In the OT the prophet/priest/and leader of Israel named Samuel was ultimately rejected by the nation for they wanted a secular leader - a king. God told Samuel not to take things so hard ... for the people had not really rejected him as their leader ... but actually had chosen to reject HIM/GOD as their leader. This is where the PEOPLE in our nation stand. We are a divided nation because of the divided hearts of our citizens. Don't dare blame a single man like Falwell or a group of pastors for the evil that exists in the hearts of our citizens as a whole!

Please go - save the homosexual if you wish ... I think that is a good cause ... I'd even pay some extra taxes to see that happen... but don't lay the revelation of their sin in God’s eyes as some sort of fault of Mr. Falwell and other honorable men.

The Republican Party has its share of liberals as well as the Dems ... but so far their party platform is in more accord with Christian beliefs. As a Christian I must go where God’s truth is the most accepted ... and I must work to see that the party I choose remains submissive to the will of God ...

Our nation is on the precipice of totally rejecting the truth and the TRUE God.
Even some so-called Christians … really just want a god of their own creation … who fits their mold of thinking!

Great post, Ps82! :first:
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