Newsmax: Trump losing support of FOX viewers

Gary K

New member
It doesn't actually mean that, and you're deliberately missing the point. It's akin to saying "see officer, I couldn't have robbed that bank, here's my bank statement." Even if he lost money overall, that doesn't mean he isn't enriching himself off of his office. According to Forbes, the biggest drop was due to his real estate holdings losing value, and at $600 million, it's likely to overwhelm any unearned gains from graft. Also, Forbes wouldn't even have had access to things like his bank accounts, which could tell a very different story.

Obama's wealth largely comes from his work as a writer. He's done well, and yes he gets paid for it. And both he and Clinton pull huge speaking fees, because people want to know what they have to say. You could loosely say that's connected to their political activities, but it's not directly the result of their performance of official duties, and there's nothing scandalous about it apart from your resentment.

And your image of Trump as some above-all-that-noise saint, uninterested in money is ludicrous. This is a man who ran a fake university to bilk poor people.

"I'd". It's missing the word "I'd". And no, I'm clearly not saying they don't have websites. But that's not what they're known for.

Of course. You consider him exempt from scrutiny, even the basic level of it that all others have subjected themselves to in recent decades.

Could you miss the point any more deliberately? None of that is the relevant question. We want to know where he got his money. His tax returns would give a huge indication of that.

No. But his corruption does.

I won't be supporting Oprah regardless, unless she wins the primary, but I have no problem supporting a rich candidate, as long as they come by their wealth honestly.

That's because that's all you're looking for. Your deliberate blindness not my problem.

Let's look at what you say. You say it is the lack of being able to access Trump's bank accounts that throws suspicion on the estimates of Trump's wealth. Are you serious? Who has access to the Obama bank accounts, or the Clinton bank accounts? Who has direct access to anyone else's bank account? And to you that breeds suspicion....

You also keep on claiming corruption being a source of Trump's wealth. Where is the evidence? If it was true the IRS would have busted him years ago. Or is it your determination that it's corruption on the part of a business owner to conduct his business in accordance with the laws that politicians create? In that case then every left wing businessman in existence is corrupt too. Your definitions are completely arbitrary in how you define them and who you apply them to.

Obama's and the Clinton's money making is only "loosely" related to their political activities? Are you serious? Who would have ever heard of them if not for their years in politics and their political power? Bill Clinton gets $500,000 for a 20 minute speech to a bank involved in Uranium One and there's nothing suspicious to you at all. Trump runs his business according to US law and that is suspicious and corrupt. LOL.

And what does the fact that Forbes and WAPO aren't, at least in your eyes, known for their internet presence have to do with anything? That's a major non sequitor. It's completely irrelevant to the topic. That's why I asked you to explain your typo. I wanted to see just exactly what you meant. And what you meant actually means nothing at all.

As to party politics, well, that's mainly what Republicans play too. They are just as bad as the Democrats. I'm sick of party politics. They are killing our nation and our form of government. We were told this at the beginning of this nation. And hardly anyone has listened yet even though the evidence is right out in the open and is accumulating every day. And because I point out the behavior of your side of the political sickness I'm willfully blind. LOL. No, it's you that's willfully blind. I'm seeing it on all sides. I'm the one who has my eyes open to what is going on.

Trump isn't playing the party politics game and that is why the established politicians in both parties oppose him. That's why the mockingbird media opposes him and slanders him at every turn. He's the first rogue presidential officeholder we've had in way more than a century. And I like him because of it. He isn't being controlled by his minders. I say, Yippee, to that. You see that as terrible. You see anything outside the status quo as something terrible. You ought to be rejoicing that we have someone in office who is rogue and cannot be subverted by the corruption in D.C and the mockingbird media.

BTW, did you know that David Cameron says Obama is a complete narcissist? It's true. Do a search for it.

Gary K

New member
Barbarian observes:
It's just a fact. Trump is making millions in profit by being president. So when he boasts about giving up his salary, he puts the issue on the table for discussion.

Well, let's take a look...

There are two governmental organizations that have conducted nonpartisan analyses of the anticipated effects of Republican legislation aimed at overhauling the tax system. There’s the Joint Committee on Taxation, established in 1926 with congressional oversight to prepare revenue estimates on proposals related to taxation. There’s also the Congressional Budget Office, which produces independent analysis of the budgetary effects of legislation.

Recently released analyses from both groups come to the same conclusion. Over both the short- and long-term, the benefits of the Republican proposal is weighted to wealthier Americans.

That includes a massive judgement he had to pay all the people he defrauded in his fake "Trump University" scam. And bad business decisions apart from his fraud problems. Nevertheless, he stands to make many millions from the huge tax cut he just gave himself. You'll be contributing to it;your taxes will go up shortly to pay for it.

You're the gift that keeps on giving, laughter that is. It's the wealthy people and businesses that create jobs for the rest of us. Tell me, just how many poverty stricken people have ever employed you? How many poverty stricken people run successful businesses? So, who do I want to see with more money to invest in new businesses and existing businesses? The people with money for they will create more jobs. That's what successful people do: make their money work for them by investing it. And it's investment that creates jobs and businesses. I like it. The more jobs available the higher the wages will be as the employers will have to compete harder to find employees. It's an economic law. Oh, I know the socialists in government say it isn't true, but then they are economic morons. They long ago drank the Keynesian kool aid, or should I call it, kook aid.

That you believe everything the CBO says is pretty funny. They said Obamacare and Obama's economic policies would result in great economic growth. Well, I guess it's true if you consider sub 3% economic growth an economic boom. It's not enough to keep up with inflation and the population growth of the US, but, hey, who cares? They said it so it has to be true. WAPO even quotes them so it must be true. The mockingbird media would never lie to us.

And all of the debt piled up by Obama in his eight years has aboslutely nothing to do with taxes and tax rates. Right? His doubling of the published debt is meaningless. Right? It's all Trump's fault even though he's only been in office for a year. Right? Obama's 8 years of spending like a drunken sailor and his inflationary fiscal policies are completely irrelevant. Right? As soon as his term was over all those things stopped affecting the nation immediately. Right?

Like I said, you're the gift that just keeps on giving laughter.


New member
Let's look at what you say. You say it is the lack of being able to access Trump's bank accounts that throws suspicion on the estimates of Trump's wealth.

No, that's not what I'm saying AT ALL. I'm saying that it limits Forbes's and other sources' abilities to accurately determine his net worth. There's nothing suspicious about that, in itself, but if you're going to reach conclusions based on his net worth, you need to keep that in mind.

Are you serious?

Here's a thought: Maybe don't take the most ludicrous interpretation of what I say, and you won't be outraged by it so often.

You also keep on claiming corruption being a source of Trump's wealth. Where is the evidence?

If it was true the IRS would have busted him years ago.

Not necessarily. And even if they did, it's likely it wouldn't have come out publicly.

Or is it your determination that it's corruption on the part of a business owner to conduct his business in accordance with the laws that politicians create? In that case then every left wing businessman in existence is corrupt too. Your definitions are completely arbitrary in how you define them and who you apply them to.

Trump's connections to organized crime a well-documented.

Obama's and the Clinton's money making is only "loosely" related to their political activities? Are you serious? Who would have ever heard of them if not for their years in politics and their political power?

Probably not. Nothing corrupt about that in itself though.

Bill Clinton gets $500,000 for a 20 minute speech to a bank involved in Uranium One and there's nothing suspicious to you at all. Trump runs his business according to US law and that is suspicious and corrupt. LOL.

There's not actually anything suspicious about it, because the only way you get to a corrupt narrative is by bending the facts quite a bit.

And what does the fact that Forbes and WAPO aren't, at least in your eyes, known for their internet presence have to do with anything? That's a major non sequitor. It's completely irrelevant to the topic. That's why I asked you to explain your typo. I wanted to see just exactly what you meant. And what you meant actually means nothing at all.

Look, it's simple. If you cite vague "online sources", I assume you're not talking about a reputable news outlet. That's all. You clarified what you were talking about, and I recognized the clarification. It happens when you make vague references, people don't know what you're talking about.

As to party politics, well, that's mainly what Republicans play too. They are just as bad as the Democrats. I'm sick of party politics. They are killing our nation and our form of government.

Our "form of government" has included party politics for two centuries. That's not new.

We were told this at the beginning of this nation.

By Washington. And, while he had a point, he was largely mistaken, and his cabinet fed the founding of the first two-party system after his time in office. The form of government that the Constitution lays out actually mandates not only political parties, but a two-party system. It just wasn't all that clear at the time.

And hardly anyone has listened yet even though the evidence is right out in the open and is accumulating every day. And because I point out the behavior of your side of the political sickness I'm willfully blind. LOL. No, it's you that's willfully blind. I'm seeing it on all sides. I'm the one who has my eyes open to what is going on.

You think I don't see party politics among the Democrats? Why do you think that?

Trump isn't playing the party politics game and that is why the established politicians in both parties oppose him. That's why the mockingbird media opposes him and slanders him at every turn. He's the first rogue presidential officeholder we've had in way more than a century. And I like him because of it.

I can understand that. But his rogue attributes are more reputation and mouth than they are reality. Look who he brought on to do it. Roger Stone, involved deeply in the dirtiest of Republican campaigns since Nixon, Paul Manafort, similar to Stone but with international corruption on his resume, Steve Bannon, now former beneficiary of Mercer largess, Mike Pence, a long-serving Republican politician, half of Goldman Sachs, the sister of the Blackwater founder. To say nothing of his toadies in Congress in the GOP. Drain the swamp? Trump is the swamp in concentrated form. If you took the worst, most racist, most hawkish parts of the George W. Bush administration, and stirred in a contingency of the industries that almost crashed the world economy in 2007-2008, it would look a lot like the Trump administration.

You want to learn something about "the Swamp", look up Black, Manafort, and Stone. And watch the video of Roger Stone chanting "lock her up" and "drain the swamp" with no apparent sense of irony.

He isn't being controlled by his minders.

Or anything.

I say, Yippee, to that. You see that as terrible. You see anything outside the status quo as something terrible. You ought to be rejoicing that we have someone in office who is rogue and cannot be subverted by the corruption in D.C and the mockingbird media.

Yeah, wonderful. He's bucking the trend to bring back the KKK and screw the poor. What a maverick!

BTW, did you know that David Cameron says Obama is a complete narcissist? It's true. Do a search for it.

I profoundly do not care. Why do you? I thought you were anti-establishment.

The Barbarian

You're the gift that keeps on giving, laughter that is. It's the wealthy people and businesses that create jobs for the rest of us.

Actually, it's people buying good and services that do it. The less disposable income working class people have, the less they buy, and the worse the economy goes.

So, who do I want to see with more money to invest in new businesses and existing businesses? The people with money for they will create more jobs. That's what successful people do: make their money work for them by investing it.

The republicans tried that in Kansas. Want to hear how that turned out?

'You Better Learn Our Lesson'

Kansas Republicans say they are worried that Congress and the Trump administration will repeat the mistake they made in enacting budget-busting tax cuts...

At the behest of conservative Governor Sam Brownback, Republican majorities in Kansas in 2012 set the state’s income tax on a “march to zero” and eliminated taxes on companies whose owners filed their taxes as individuals—a loophole exploited by thousands of businesses that resulted in plummeting revenue to the state’s coffers. Brownback, a former U.S. senator and presidential candidate, hailed the policy as “a real-live experiment” in conservative governance. But in the eyes of all but Brownback and his staunchest supporters, the test failed. Economic growth never materialized, and the state legislature could not summon the political will or overcome legal roadblocks to cut spending to match the lower revenue. With annual deficits in the hundreds of millions, Kansas has been mired in a perpetual budget crisis ever since.

That you believe everything the CBO says is pretty funny. They said Obamacare and Obama's economic policies would result in great economic growth.

They didn't say "great", but they did predict economic growth. Let's see how that worked out...


Looks as though they were right. I believe it just became the longest economic expansion in U.S. history.

Well, I guess it's true if you consider sub 3% economic growth an economic boom. It's not enough to keep up with inflation and the population growth of the US, but, hey, who cares?

They lied to you about that, too. Notice the graph is GDP per capita. Notice the steady growth since Obama's economic program passed into law.

CBO is the republicans' own authority. Granted, the are non-partisan, but they are correct, as you just learned.

Try to accommodate your beliefs to reality.

The Barbarian

Trump's ties with organized crime have been known for a long time. His friends in organized crime have long had connections in corruption in Haiti. So it's not that surprising.

patrick jane

[h=3]FBI investigating Clinton Foundation - CBS News[/h]
The FBI is conducting an investigation into the Clinton Foundation and whether any donations made to the foundation are tied to actions carried out by the U.S. government, CBS News' Andres Triay has confirmed.

The investigation is not new and has been underway for at least a few months, and it is separate from the investigation the FBI led on the private email server Hillary Clinton used as secretary of state.
"We don't confirm or deny ongoing investigations," the DOJ told CBS News in a request for comment.


New member
[h=3]FBI investigating Clinton Foundation - CBS News[/h]
The FBI is conducting an investigation into the Clinton Foundation and whether any donations made to the foundation are tied to actions carried out by the U.S. government, CBS News' Andres Triay has confirmed.

The investigation is not new and has been underway for at least a few months, and it is separate from the investigation the FBI led on the private email server Hillary Clinton used as secretary of state.
"We don't confirm or deny ongoing investigations," the DOJ told CBS News in a request for comment.

Trump has been demanding that investigation. That's not how it's supposed to work.