Needed: Debate on China Policy

The Barbarian

Trump’s China Policy Has a Flaw:
It Makes China the Winner

President Trump’s announcement last week that the United States would impose a battery of tariffs against as much as $60 billion worth of Chinese goods while restricting Chinese investments in American technology companies has set policy onto a different, more belligerent path. China is now, in the president’s words, an “economic enemy.”

Interestingly, not all scholars have opposed the change of tone. Many foreign policy experts agree that China is not playing by the rules. American businesses, which typically endorsed forbearance to protect their market access to China, have grown frustrated at its appropriation of their intellectual property.

John Mearsheimer, a foreign policy expert at the University of Chicago, doesn’t buy the idea of liberal peace. In “The Tragedy of Great Power Politics,” published in 2001, he wrote, “A wealthy China would not be a status quo power but an aggressive state determined to achieve regional hegemony.”

And yet Mr. Trump’s hard-line approach to China seems destined to fail. Taking a stand against China’s abusive behaviors is not necessarily wrong. The problem with the president’s game plan is that it is inconsistent with all the other diplomatic initiatives he has taken so far. The tangle of stabs and swipes at allies and rivals alike, in the service of ill-conceived goals like closing a trade deficit, serves China more than it does the United States.

Worth reading the article. This could cost you a lot of money in a short time. Maybe your job, if it involves certain materials.