Nebraska Farmer Publishes Open Letter in Hometown Newspaper

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Nebraska Farmer Publishes Open Letter in Hometown Newspaper

This is the show from Friday June 8th, 2007.

2 years ago...I asked Tom Minnery [of Focus on the Family], "How many abortions will be cancelled as a result of this ban? What authority does this ban have to protect how many children per year?" And he admitted that it had no such authority. He admitted that it could not save 1 baby. He admitted it.

And you know what? We've had long training from Brian Rohrbaugh so we recorded the meeting. And...I asked Tom Minnery, I said, "Tom, what percentage of the Christians in the prolife movement know that this ban has no authority to save a single child? What percent?" And we were settling in on about zero. About none.

And I asked Tom, "Do you think that Focus on the Family would have the responsibility to tell your audience in all the countries you're in, thousands of radio stations, do you have the responsibility to tell your audience that this major prolife effort has no authority to save 1 baby? Do you think you'd have that responsibility?"

And it never happened.


*Nebraska farmer paid to have our Open Letter to James Dobson published in his hometown newspaper, the McCook Gazette. He also added his name as a signer to the letter.

Today's Resource: Please help BEL publish the Open Letter to Dr. Dobson and get a downloadable Plot manuscript! Those who love Bob's 330-page manuscript, The Plot , are excited about the availability of a downloadable .PDF version! "A downloadable Plot is a premium," says Joe Rossano of Noblesville, Indiana, "because now I'm able to quickly search its 10,000 Scripture references to find the information I'm looking for!" If you would like to donate to the Open Letter to Dr. Dobson newspaper ad in the Colorado Springs Telegraph-Gazette, you can do so and get a downloadable Plot at the same time! We will apply the full purchase price of a downloadable Plot bought anytime through June 18th to our Open Letter project! This will help us get our newspaper ad funded, and you will get a computer-searchable Plot manuscript on your computer! Thank you to all who have helped already, and who will help with this crucial project!
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