More reasons not to trust voting machines bought by democrats


Well-known member
Arizona auditors have reason to suspect foul play in the 2020 election with regards to the voting machines. The elections supervisor (a democrat) is right to require the state to acquire new machines for the next election.

Arizona’s secretary of state on Thursday warned the state’s largest county not to try to use election machines that are being audited or she would decertify the equipment.
“I have grave concerns regarding the security and integrity of these machines, given that the chain of custody, a critical security tenet, has been compromised and election officials do not know what was done to the machines while under Cyber Ninjas’ control,” Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, wrote in a letter to Maricopa County officials. ...
A county judge last month declined to grant an Arizona Democratic Party request to block the audit. The request, backed by Hobbs, was made because Democrats alleged there were security issues with the audit. But the judge said Democrats did not provide “substantive evidence” backing up their claims.
In the new letter, Hobbs said there are no comprehensive methods to fully rehabilitate compromised equipment, meaning the county “should acquire new machines to ensure secure and accurate elections” moving forward.


Hall of Fame
Already legislated. IF this were about *rigging* then ALL state including the ones who supposedly voted for Former Guy must be considered fraudulent.

It’s certainly odd that the GOP gained seats in the house. FRAUD.


Well-known member
Already legislated. IF this were about *rigging* then ALL state including the ones who supposedly voted for Former Guy must be considered fraudulent.

It’s certainly odd that the GOP gained seats in the house. FRAUD.
Of course not all seats were affected by the massive fraud designed to illegally install Biden as president. That would have been stupid on the crooked democrats' part.


Well-known member
Are voting machines reliable, accurate, and secure? Not from what we have been discovering in recent elections.

A number of ballots couldn’t be scanned during local elections this week in a southwestern county in Pennsylvania, triggering fresh concerns about election integrity.
The ballots, mostly from Republican voters in Fayette County, were missing bar codes that typically help facilitate electronic scanning.
“What we know at this point in time is that a bar code that’s required to allow the paper ballots to be scanned at the polling places was missing,” state Rep. Matthew Dowling, a Republican, told The Epoch Times.
George Rattay, chairman of the Fayette County Democratic Party, was present when the issues began around 7 p.m. on May 18. He said nobody initially knew what the problem was. He and others went to the county Bureau of Elections and found out it was a bar code issue.
“The majority of them were Republican ballots,” he told The Epoch Times.


Well-known member
Already legislated. IF this were about *rigging* then ALL state including the ones who supposedly voted for Former Guy must be considered fraudulent.

It’s certainly odd that the GOP gained seats in the house. FRAUD.
I guess the question should be, How was the equipment certified in the first place? Why would that be hard to do again?

If the biggest concern from the SOS is that an in-depth audit might require recertification (which I would think is a given), does that mean those machines have NEVER been audited to a degree that the SOS can verify there's no malicious hardware or software on them--except by the company that sold them?

That would confirm what the legislature has been saying--that we can't trust the equipment.
So that's great that both the legislature and the SOS are on the same page here!

I agree that if the machines can't be trusted, then it's possible that the GOP gained seats either by fraud or incompetence. I don't think most are afraid of a real and open audit--just one that is conducted in secret. If anyone was elected wrongly by incompetence of those that are charged with securing an election, those that are charged with securing the election should be fired. If anyone was elected wrongly through fraud, the beneficiary of the fraud should be removed from office, and those charged with securing the election should be fired.

By the way, this is far-reaching, as "those charged with securing the election" includes all three branches of government at the state and national level. All three branches failed, in my opinion.

Is it odd that the GOP gained seats in the house? Yes, it is! especially in a presidential election year where the Dem presidential candidate surpassed both expectations and historical records. I'm glad you're starting to see what many of us have been seeing since November, Rusha. Welcome aboard!