More liberal censorship


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OH “censorship zone” bill threatens pro-life speech with $5,000 fines

Our friends at Created Equal are sounding the alarm on H.B. 408, a bill proposed in Ohio they warn would essentially create “censorship zones” around abortion facilities, threatening legal penalties against any pro-lifer who dares to exercise his or her First Amendment right to protest abortion.

The legislation provides that “Any employee of a health care facility who is subjected to harassment or intimidation may commence a civil action for” not only reasonable grievances such as physical injury or property damage (which are already illegal), but also “harassment,” which the bill defines as:

"[A] knowing and willful course of conduct that is directed at one or more employees of a health care facility, that would cause a reasonable person to be seriously alarmed, annoyed, or harassed, that in fact seriously alarms, annoys, or harasses the employee or employees, and that serves no legitimate purpose."

Any pro-lifer who runs afoul of the statute within fifteen feet of the property would be “liable to the plaintiff for damages in the amount of five thousand dollars.”

To read the rest of the article click HERE.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Depends on the definition of harassment really, however I can see how this bill would be used as gagging.

Free speech is balanced with the right to not be harassed, and limitation on how and where you can exercise the right to free speech does not deny it.

However to my mind peaceful demonstrations near abortions centers are do serve a purpose and would not be covered by this law.