McBurney Addresses the European Migrant Crisis


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McBurney Addresses the European Migrant Crisis

This is the show from Tuesday September 15th, 2015


* Refugees: Bob’s guest-host Doug McBurney sits in while Bob attempts one last ditch effort to save England from herself, and gives his opinion on what the West should do regarding the European refugee crisis. (And it’s not what Glenn Beck is doing).

* Fornication Amogst the Professorate: Doug corrects the facts surrounding the double murder suicide involving Mississippi college professors and the woman they were shacking up with.

* Good Pope: Your host gives credit to Pope Francis for calling out the Europeans on their self-indulgence and falling birth rate.

* Elton Proposes to Vladimir: a meeting that is: to discuss Vladimir Putin’s attitude toward the open, public promotion of sexual perversion that Elton John is leading.
