Matt 5:42 Give everything away?


New member
This text:

Matt. 5:42 Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.

is often leveled at those who wish to obey the Law, because they are saved, in order to prove that they don’t keep the Law and thus are hypocrites...

Every time these demands for money are made it is only after it is learned there is one who wishes to do the Will of the Father, namely keep the commandments.

But what is this text going on about anyway? which is NOT btw included in the Law itself but part of the teachings in the sermon of the mount...

There is much in the Bible regarding wealth money loving others and good stewardship but I dont see this Law of giving to just any and all at any time until everything is gone actually applied or demonstrated.

From what I have seen so far most scholars, not intent on a juvenile “AHH HA gotcha!” quest like a pharisee of old, are more inclined to veiw this as a reference to the OT instructions on loans and debts...

This then is an opportunity to discuss greater truth than whether or not one is a hypocrite for not following what another interprets a teaching on Law is to be...


New member
There are many in the Bible who were wealthy, Job, Abraham, David, Soloman ... they did not give EVERYTHING away ... yet still did the will of God. It's the "mindset" of money ... the love of it that is the main problem. When money becomes more important than God in one life. The law ... states we are to love one another .... that does not take money to do. Money is not an expression of love it is a means to conduct commerce.


There are many in the Bible who were wealthy, Job, Abraham, David, Soloman ... they did not give EVERYTHING away ... yet still did the will of God. It's the "mindset" of money ... the love of it that is the main problem. When money becomes more important than God in one life. The law ... states we are to love one another .... that does not take money to do. Money is not an expression of love it is a means to conduct commerce.

You mentioned all those God's people from OT.

That's why Jesus was sent to teach us how to serve God.

You need to read the Bible contextually, rightly divided..


New member
These instructions by Jesus are directed at Israel (ie: Jews) and will be especially applicable during the Tribulation. They have zero application to the Body of Christ in this dispensation of Grace.

Yes yes...the only things applicable to the gentiles crowding into the synagogues on every Sabbath was that they 1)NOT be sexual perverts 2)NOT eat food offered to idols 3)NOT eat steak rare 4)NOT eat any meat killed by strangulation/suffocation JUST AS it was ALREADY required of the non native in the OT to live with Israel...

James knew this and that the Gentiles would hear and learn of the TORAH every Sabbath Moses was read to them in synagogues in every city...

So then with only these four applications required...poor Christians through out the centuries were taught the protections of TORAH which prohibited usury to a brother and forgiving their debt every 7 years...and restoration of land every 50 was NOT FOR THEM...despite what Yahushua taught and Paul confirmed claiming that IN HIM we are citizens of Israel grafted into spaces prepared for us by the Jews rejection...that IN HIM there is no Greek (Ger goyim gentile) or Jew...but a new creation adopted as His people and continuing members of that church poor Stephen called “the church in the wilderness” for centuries now it is taught that the TORAH does NOT apply to us and therefore Jews can extort us and indebt us to death...

DESPITE what Yahushua taught and exemplified for us...and what Peter, Paul et al both taught and did...their traditions and their faith passed down to love and live JUST AS they did...Copy me as I copy Christ...

Wolves in sheeps clothing, false teachings, and one seeking to change both times and laws...all played a part...

“My people perish for a lack of knowledge...”

Christians sold their birth right...allowed one to snatch their reward...gave it away

Some prosperity gospel that is...
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These instructions by Jesus are directed at Israel (ie: Jews) and will be especially applicable during the Tribulation. They have zero application to the Body of Christ in this dispensation of Grace.

Jesus was sent to teach us how to serve God and Jesus.

"For God so loved the world..."

Jesus was sent to the world, not just for the Jews.


New member
Jesus was sent to teach us how to serve God and Jesus.

"For God so loved the world..."

Jesus was sent to the world, not just for the Jews.

And just like the Sabbath keeping which remains for His people a blessing of rest one full day at the end of six of too would being protected by the TORAH with interest free loans and debt forgiveness greatly improve our lives to live for Him IN HIM more abundantly...being full citizens of Israel and its TORAH

TORAH not just for the next life...but to improve this one