Madalyn O'Hare's strange death..?


New member
Madalyn O'Hare strange death..?

Yeh, Madalyn O'Hare was the one who pushed and pushed against that HORRIBLE, awful, unconstitutional, un-American... children-harming practice of...

Are you sitting down?

prayer in schools


If you look @ that story, which was featured on "Forensic Files" (HLN)...

(she & family members were murdered by vindictive thugs) you at least begin to see the wisdom of 2 Cor 6:14.. not being associated with ("yoked" with) people who are unbelievers... (assuming you are a believer) .

but wait... Scratch that... O'Hare WAS associating with people like herself... namely thugs/bullies...


so I guess even nonbelievers should not associate w/ non-believers... (though true belivers won't let them...)


In any case... the words Poetic justice... cannot help but spring to mind...

I push them back but they are just there... persistently.. just there.



like marbles on glass
Madalyn O'Hare strange death..?

Yeh, Madalyn O'Hare was the one who pushed and pushed against that HORRIBLE, awful, unconstitutional, un-American... children-harming practice of...

Are you sitting down?

prayer in schools


Yeah. Kids who aren't Christian shouldn't be forced into compulsory Christian prayer or religious studies (it wasn't just prayer in those days) against their will. In addition, kids who are Christian but not Protestant (Catholic kids, for example) shouldn't be forced to study non-Catholic doctrine in a public school. Did you know that Catholics sued public schools to get their kids out of compulsory Protestant religious studies? That's something to wrap your head around.

If you look @ that story, which was featured on "Forensic Files" (HLN)...

(she & family members were murdered by vindictive thugs) you at least begin to see the wisdom of 2 Cor 6:14.. not being associated with ("yoked" with) people who are unbelievers... (assuming you are a believer) .

but wait... Scratch that... O'Hare WAS associating with people like herself... namely thugs/bullies...


so I guess even nonbelievers should not associate w/ non-believers... (though true belivers won't let them...)


In any case... the words Poetic justice... cannot help but spring to mind...

I push them back but they are just there... persistently.. just there.

How uncharitable of you to dismiss the cold-blooded murder of three people specifically because they were unbelievers. ... I can't say you're being unChristian, though, can I?


New member
Yt Catholics sued public schools to get their kids out of compulsory Protestant religious studies?
The Constitution says that the state cannot promote a particular religion. It says NOTHING about allowing people to practice their religion in public. In fact we have the right to free speech, etc
How uncharitable of you to dismiss the cold-blooded murder of three people specifically because they were unbelievers. ... I can't say you're being unChristian, though, can I?


not taking anything i said back

too bad for the bleeding heart liberal fake Christian Annabanana



like marbles on glass
The Constitution says that the state cannot promote a particular religion.

And yet that's exactly what was happening. Why do you think parochial schools came into being?

Think about it. First from a Catholic standpoint, then try to see it through the eyes of an atheist child, or Jewish child, or Hindu child, or any other religion or nonreligion that a kid might be in a public school. There shouldn't have ever been compulsory prayer or Bible study in a public school. Why is it that so many Christian parents insist that their child's sex education should be done at home by the parents, yet have no problem at all if their child's religious activities are conducted by a teacher in a public school?

It says NOTHING about allowing people to practice their religion in public. In fact we have the right to free speech, etc
Not even the same thing.


not taking anything i said back

too bad for the bleeding heart liberal fake Christian Annabanana

Oh, I don't expect you to. I expect that you'll just keep on digging holes all over TOL.


New member
And yet that's exactly what was happening. Why do you think parochial schools came into being. Think about it.
Not even the same thing.

Oh, I don't expect you to. I expect that you'll just keep on digging holes all over TOL.

i take back stuff once i realize i am wrong.

you of all posters cannot convince me i am wrong.. especially when i have that old fashioned thing called REALITY to back me up,

AND The Church

which is NOT more Left than Right, as u claim u r... i might add... The Church is totally Right...

not rino, but right



New member
Hall of Fame
Madalyn O'Hare strange death..?

Yeh, Madalyn O'Hare was the one who pushed and pushed against that HORRIBLE, awful, unconstitutional, un-American... children-harming practice of...

Are you sitting down?

prayer in schools


If you look @ that story, which was featured on "Forensic Files" (HLN)...

(she & family members were murdered by vindictive thugs) you at least begin to see the wisdom of 2 Cor 6:14.. not being associated with ("yoked" with) people who are unbelievers... (assuming you are a believer) .

but wait... Scratch that... O'Hare WAS associating with people like herself... namely thugs/bullies...


so I guess even nonbelievers should not associate w/ non-believers... (though true belivers won't let them...)


In any case... the words Poetic justice... cannot help but spring to mind...

I push them back but they are just there... persistently.. just there.


The very most ironic thing about it all, was that the very son she claimed she wanted the law to change to protect from christianity, became saved and is a pastor now.

So it didn't work out for her at ALL.

The theif comes to steal, kill and destroy.


like marbles on glass
hmmm.. i don't recall any teachers forcing kids to pray... musta missed that...


Thanks for inspiring me to get the timeline in order:

McCollum v. Board of Education, 1948:
A woman named Vashti McCollum filed suit on behalf of her son Jim who was teased and penalized for not taking part in religious instruction at his public school. The Supreme Court ruled in her favor 8-1.
"Separation means separation, not something less. Jefferson's metaphor in describing the relation between Church and State speaks of a 'wall of separation,' not a fine line easily overstepped. The public school is at once the symbol of our democracy and the most pervasive means for promoting our common destiny. In no activity of the State is it more vital to keep out divisive forces than in its schools, to avoid confusing, not to say fusing, what the Constitution sought to keep strictly apart. 'The great American principle of eternal separation' — Elihu Root's phrase bears repetition — is one of the vital reliances of our Constitutional system for assuring unities among our people stronger than our diversities. It is the Court's duty to enforce this principle in its full integrity."
—-Justice Frankfurter, concurrence, McCollum v. Board of Education

Engel v. Vitale, 1962:
Declared prayer in public school unconstitutional.
Murray v. Curlett combined with Abington School District v. Schempp, 1963:
Declared public school-sponsored Bible reading unconstitutional.​


New member
The very most ironic thing about it all, was that the very son she claimed she wanted the law to change to protect from christianity, became saved and is a pastor now.

So it didn't work out for her at ALL.

The theif comes to steal, kill and destroy.

the ironies of life... the ironies of life..
